She long ago sold her soul to corporate America.
I don't totally disagree.
THAT is what is reflected in her lack lustre....she cain't promise what she knows corporate America will not allow her to deliver. She has trim down everything she says to the point of shouting generalities
As far as being lack-lustre, I think that's true, but it's partially a result of experience. She fought for universal health care in the 1990s, and lost. She supported Obamacare. President Obama wanted a public option, but gave it up in order to pass something in the face of Democratic opposition. Sometimes you just have to recognize that the perfect shouldn't be the enemy of the good. After that fight, it's easy to see why reopening that fight would be unappealing. And it's going to be a real fight if Bernie does get the chance to have it. But I still think it's worth it. And I think Clinton is a little too prone to preemptive compromise.
We are for the middle class
we are for students
we are for "conversations" about gun control
we are for "conversations" about immigration
about Wall St
We are for women
It is all vague and unspecific....Sanders says what he intends to DO, as of course so does Trump.
Of course, campaigns have to generalize and gloss over the details for the sake of messaging. Sanders actually does this more than Clinton, and it's one of the reasons he comes across as more authentic. He consistently delivers simple ideas without getting lost in the details, which speaks to his skill as a politician. Clinton seems to get bogged down by the difficulties a lot. I can't fault her for appreciating how hard what she's discussing is, though.