question for MADIsts.


New member
I think you forgot why you are going against me.

You are going against me and call me unsaved because I preach obedience to Jesus before to get saved, and after to stay saved.

Remember now?

That's it in a nut (case) shell.

The woman is either saved but severely confused (Galatianism), or was never saved to begin with, and still isn't (Romanism).

Note - "obedience to Jesus before to get saved" - Romanism's basic heresy.

"...and after to stay saved" - Galatianism's basic fallacy.

Still, I believe she just doesn't get it.

I do not believe she is up to no good.

Not that one's not being up to no good matters.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

God's Truth

New member
That's it in a nut (case) shell.

The woman is either saved but severely confused (Galatianism), or was never saved to begin with, and still isn't (Romanism).

Note - "obedience to Jesus before to get saved" - Romanism's basic heresy.

"...and after to stay saved" - Galatianism's basic fallacy.

Still, I believe she just doesn't get it.

I do not believe she is up to no good.

Not that one's not being up to no good matters.

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

You are badly mistaken not knowing the scriptures.

How do you get the Romans in the Book of Romans were never saved to begin with?

As for the Galatians, they were saved but then had to be taught all over again because they let the Judaizers confuse them.


New member
You are badly mistaken not knowing the scriptures.

How do you get the Romans in the Book of Romans were never saved to begin with?

As for the Galatians, they were saved but then had to be taught all over again because they let the Judaizers confuse them.

Dear woman, I was referring to that works based salvation heresy of Roman Catholicism (aka Romanism) that all who deny the sufficiency of the Cross basically subscribe to, whether or not they are Roman Catholic.

Sheesh - think a little, will ya...

God's Truth

New member
Dear woman, I was referring to that works based salvation heresy of Roman Catholicism (aka Romanism) that all who deny the sufficiency of the Cross basically subscribe to, whether or not they are Roman Catholic.

Sheesh - think a little, will ya...

You compared them to the Galatians. lol


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I do not believe she is up to no good.
I do.

Her many contradictions have been shown to her so clearly and concisely that even a retarded child could get it.

She's been backed into a corner so many times that all she has left is to wrap a bunch of shredded up scripture into a strawman to attack.
Ask irrelevant questions (another form of the strawman tactic), hoping to distract you from her many blunders.
Or, use one her many cliches and insults, hoping she can distract you of her ignorance by turning the focus to how "mean" you are (again, just another strawman tactic).
All the while maintaining her supposed superiority over all others.

For instance:

You prove you do not know what you are talking about.

How do you ever get that you corrected me?

Never mind, I know how you think such untruths.

You are the one who has not disproved anything.

You really do not have any understanding.

Does it bother you that you can only say things like that because you cannot defend your beliefs?

It is not as you say just because you say so.

You are an embarrassment.

lol what a joke.

Jesus' words were not temporary and only to a select few.

Jesus' words are forever to everyone.

You say whatever comes comes next into your mind.

There is no wisdom in that method.

You say that because you do not have understanding.

You are so confused because you are trying to listen to God, but you also listen to the teachings of mere men who are speaking falseness.

You are as an ensnared person who cannot see what is said, and cannot hear what is said.

You sound just like your spiritual father.

I am not going to joke around with you. You merely want to make fun of what Jesus Christ himself says.

You do not believe Jesus or Paul.

Just believe what is written.

Go reread and study harder what I wrote.

Anyone can look it up and see that you are exactly what you falsely accuse me of being.

You have shown what you are here.

What a bad misunderstanding about me you have.

Leave it to you to change the truth.

Be more careful how you judge next time, because you could be exposing what you are.

I believe you that you have a learning disability, and that you listen to demons.

Your mind is not open enough, because you do not see what I am saying...what the Bible says.

I see the truth is hard for you to take.

I speak what the scriptures say. If that makes you fill condemnation, then that is on you.

That is just more of you bearing false witness.

Some people pick and chose what scriptures they want to believe. They make for themselves a different Jesus, and a fictional god.

you prove you cannot defend your doctrines. You do not have truth so your resort to lies about me and insults.

Why are you so stubborn hearted? Answer the question with a yes or a no.

You are merely acting as a mocker.

You keep insulting and cannot defend what you believe.

You have many misunderstandings about God and Jesus.

False accuser of the saved.

I want to laugh at you so hard, but you are in a sad situation which is harmful to you and those who believe what you say.

Those scriptures do not nullify the scriptures I gave.

Just because you say so does not make it true.

You keep insulting and cannot defend what you believe.

All you have are personal opinions, which are worthless.

Let us debate the scriptures and not hear your worthless opinions.

Who care about your opinions?

Why do you feel condemned when I speak God's Truth to you?

Your denial of what you are doing is no defense.

You are badly mistaken not knowing the power of God or the scriptures.

Every thing I say is scripture.

It is so sad that you still have no idea.

I imagine that you would cower before me if you were in front of me and not online. lol

Just merely saying someone is wrong is ignorant. It is no defense.

And one of my personal favorites:

Say what you want to say. Hurry up and say it so I can correct you.

And that's just a very small portion of her "brilliance".
What is REALLY funny is that I can reply to a post of hers with one of the exact quotes from above (ie. use her EXACT words), and she says that I am being mean, disruptive, mocker, etc. for saying such as thing to her!!!!!!!!

She's a troll.
And we have fun with her trolling because she makes it so easy!



New member
The apostle says those in Christ have already been transferred into the Kingdom of the Son (Col 1:13-14) and have already been forgiven all trespasses (Col 2:13). That's either 100% true for you or it's 100% untrue for you. There is no "so far." There is no "true, for now." No middle ground, no gray area. It's one or the other. Either you are forever justified by God in Christ, or you are still in sin and condemned where you stand.

Yes, Christians are forgiven for sins that they had done in the past. How can anyone be forgiven for sins they haven't committed yet?:doh: Jesus said that we must ENDURE TO THE END to be saved. (Matt.24:13) But you ignore that because it doesn't jibe with your philosophy.


New member
There are three. The three are the same but revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What don't you get about our dying physically but not spiritually?

Explain to me what Jesus meant when he said that he was returning to "my God." You didn't answer my question.

Someone staying alive spiritually is alot different than a conscious part of that person staying alive after the person has died. They are two different situations, and, in fact, the latter situation is spurious. It is exactly what Satan wants you to believe. "You surely will NOT die." (Genesis 3:4)


New member
Wow. Taking a chance like that and calling the words from God corrupt.

That scripture isn't from God. Someone inserted it long after the Apostle John had left the scene. That is what I learned from world-recognized Bible scholars. I'm kind of surprised that you don't know that.

A scholar by the name of F.H.A. Scrivener wrote: "We need not hesitate to declare our conviction that the disputed words were not written by St. John: they were originally brought into Latin copies in Africa from the margin, where they had been placed as a pious and orthodox gloss on verse 8. From the Latin they crept into two or three LATE Greek codices, and thence into the printed Greek text, a place to which they had no rightful claim." (A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament; Cambridge, 1883, 3rd edition; p.654)

A footnote in The Jerusalem Bible, a Catholic translation, says that these words are "not in any of the early Greek manuscripts, or any of the early translations, or in the best manuscripts of the Vulgate itself."

A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament by Bruce Metzger (1975, pp.716-718) traces in detail the history of the spurious passage. He states that the passage is first found in a treatise entitled Liber Apologeticus, of the FOURTH century, and that it appears in Old Latin and Vulgate manuscripts of the Scriptures beginning in the sixth century. Modern translations as a whole, both Catholic and Protestant, do not include them in the main body of the text, because of recognizing their spurious nature."

The Revised Standard, the Good News Bible, the Jerusalem Bible, the New American Bible, and the New International Version are just a few examples of versions that leave out the erroneous verse under discussion.

Erasmus was a 16th-century scholar, and when he translated his Greek New Testament he "appealed to the authority of the Vatican Codex to omit the spurious words from I John chapter 5, verses 7 and 8." He was right but in 1897 Pope Leo XIII wanted to keep the corrupted Latin text of the Vulgate. Only with the publication of modern Roman Catholic translations has this textual error been acknowledged.

Can you ever humbly admit to being wrong?
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