question for MADIsts.


New member
I hope Andyc is adding up all my posts? So, he can display them later. He's rather fond of that.

Yeah........I figured that when people saw the entire content of your contribution so far, it tell the story. But I forget, most people here know you better than I do. Now I'm going to do that 'more constructive' thing you were talking about. Laters!


New member
Salvation is by faith. Eternal life begins when we accept Jesus as lord.

John 5:24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.

Yes, andyc, but of course there is more to it. There has to be, since THE DEMONS BELIEVE, and yet they shudder. (James 2:18-20) It takes a lot more than just belief.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah........I figured that when people saw the entire content of your contribution so far, it tell the story. But I forget, most people here know you better than I do. Now I'm going to do that 'more constructive' thing you were talking about. Laters!

Yeah, go build a bird nest.


New member
That is what he appears to be implying. He plucked part of an old post of mine from goodness knows where and when, where I am saying that believers cannot justify what they know is sin. Our conscience will not allow it. Nick seems to be irked by the fact there are sins God hasn't justified.

You are actually correct. God will not justify the WILLFUL, DELIBERATE PRACTICE of sins. If someone knows that his sins are going against God and His standards, and yet he still does them, there is no sacrifice for those sins. Jesus died for the sin we inherited from Adam.


New member
He crucified sin you blithering idiot. Justice was served for all sin.

Not quite. The Apostle John said that there is a sin that warrents death, and also a sin that does not warrent death. (IJohn 5:16,17) The sin that Jesus' sacrifice covers is the sin that does not warrent death....the sin we inherited, for which we are really not responsible. The sin that warrents death is the WILLFUL, DELIBERATE PRACTICE of evil.


New member
It is true the Bible never places Peter in Rome. Show from the Bible that Peter left Israel and made it to Antioch or Babylon proper in order to carry out the so-called 'great commission' given the 12 by Christ.

This is what human tradition says and it may well be true. Probably is. But it's beside the point that the 12 never carried out the so-called "great commission" given to them by Christ. John did not go to Patmos to preach.

Peter and John are not "traced" in Scripture, either. John never says he's on an island; Peter never says which "Babylon" he's in. All else is speculation and assumption. That does not mean the speculations are wrong, necessarily -- just admit that that's what they are.

But this was not done by the 12.

So you agree there's no Biblical evidence the 12 ever took 'the great commission' outside of Israel. Thank you.

The Bible says that Peter was in Antioch at the same time that Paul was there. See Galatians 2:11. He sends the greetings of "she who is in Babylon," when visiting the Christian congregation there. He was obviously in Babylon. See I Peter 5:13.

John may not have been preaching on Patmos, but who knows....he could have, and probably did, preach to the guards and other prisoners where he was incarcerated. That would have been of primary importance to all of the Apostles. Anyway, there is no statement in the Bible about where he wrote his Gospel account and letters. It is "generally believed" that he wrote his Gospel after his return from Patmos (Revelation 1:9). His being in Patmos really shows that he was outside Israel, and why wouldn't he have preached wherever he went?

Eusebius, though not a Bible writer, places John in Ephesus. He quoted Irenaeus as saying, "John, the disciple of the Lord, who had even rested on his breast, himself also gave for the gospel, while he was living at Ephesus in Asia." The Ecclesiastical History, Vol.V,viii,4. John's acquaintance with Ephesus, as well as other congregations in Asia Minor, is indicated by Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

John did say he was on the island of Patmos, as I said (Revelation 1:9).

How many Babylons would there be that Peter visited? Of course the Babylon that kept the Israelites within its walls after Nebuchadnezzar conquered Israel. Many Jews never left Babylon. Is there another Babylon.... in Israel?

The Great Commission was accomplished by the twelve. They started it off, went throughout the land. Peter and John are shown, from the Bible, to have left Israel. Why do you want to argue over that?


Not quite. The Apostle John said that there is a sin that warrents death, and also a sin that does not warrent death. (IJohn 5:16,17) The sin that Jesus' sacrifice covers is the sin that does not warrent death....the sin we inherited, for which we are really not responsible. The sin that warrents death is the WILLFUL, DELIBERATE PRACTICE of evil.
The Church's supreme pastorship also teaches on the subject.

The first footnote from the first link is to "Cf. 1 Jn 16-17," which is obviously a typographical error and should read "1 Jn 5:16-17." Note particularly, IMO, from the second link, " our own free choice..." and from the third link, " soon as possible...."