question for MADIsts.


New member
Here's Marowbe's contribution to this thread so far....

Poor Meshak. She has pride in her ignorance. I would say this to you dear; Have a nice day, blessings, and good day to you Sir. Thank you dear for reading my post, even though you have me on ignore. May your ignorance get you somewhere, someday? Continue to stay ignorant, we're counting on you, Sir. Good luck finding your long lost hat.

Since you are a very "simple-minded" kinda person, I'll offer you a simple answer.

Say what??

She no logic.

Meshak must be jealous?

How Rs U??


Use noww on eggnore Sir.

Remember Sonny, Meshak said: "You can hide but you can't run."

Thank you Sir. Have good day, blessings. You now on iggnore.

She's "simple-minded" so she needs a simple answer. She won't get it otherwise. She'll just think: "Huh??"

What me worry?

Good evening Sir.

Sorry but, I didn't quite get what you were trying to convey? Could you elaborate? I certainly hope so, I'm looking forward to reading your brilliant reply. Some around here have told me that you lack common sense and an ability to properly articulate your thoughts? So, I just want to prove them wrong.

Meshak, why are you interested in things pertaining to "MAD?" You've already proclaimed Paul as an anti-Christ?

Sagan now resides in Hades, awaiting the judgment.

One cannot separate the Apostle Paul from mid acts dispensationalism.

Please speak English? Otherwise, your posts seem like gibberish. No offence intended. You just don't seem to have a well-rounded education? Again, no offence intended, I'm just trying to help you sound literate.

Andyc, I hate to feel it necessary to talk down to you all the time. It seems like you have some form of "reading/writing and comprehension disability?"

Andyc, I don't know your level of education however, it appears somewhat lacking?

Anyway, let us TRY to have a civil conversation and stick to the theme of this thread?

Well andyc, do you really think it matters to me what you think? :rotfl:

I'll tell you what, I'll just humor you from now on. I find it impossible to take you seriously. Of course, no offence intended.

I find it rather odd that you don't find me as being your "Cup of Tea" yet, you desire to interact with me at every opportunity? You must find me interesting on some level?

Do you have anything you wish to add to this discussion? Relating to the theme of this thread? Or, do you only want to indulge yourself with more "verbal fisticuffs?"

If that's all you wish to do, I'll bid you a good day.

Just like your hat?

I want to thank you for taking the time to read and count ALL of my posts. It shows that you're a very conscientious poster. Keep up the good work pal.

Meshak isn't really interested in her thread. Why? Because she thinks Paul is not a reliable source. (She calls him an "anti-Christ")

You also don't seem to remember that, your posts are irrelevant .

You and Andyc give a whole new meaning to "Know not much."

You're wrong. I believe you're very inarticulate.

Around 34 posts where there is absolutely nothing contributed to the discussion at all. And it's the same for every thread he drifts in and out of. He's clocked up 16000 posts, and I bet not one of them contributes anything to any of the discussions.

It's because idiots like this are encouraged to post nonsense all day, that TOL is losing it's popularity. Most of the decent posters have either long gone, or just don't bother posting anymore.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Here's Marowbe's contribution to this thread so far....

Around 34 posts where there is absolutely nothing contributed to the discussion at all. And it's the same for every thread he drifts in and out of. He's clocked up 16000 posts, and I bet not one of them contributes anything to any of the discussions.

It's because idiots like this are encouraged to post nonsense all day, that TOL is losing it's popularity. Most of the decent posters have either long gone, or just don't bother posting anymore.

Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to put all of this together. It shows a deep rooted passion for perfection and focus. I hope it helps to make your life a little more tolerable. You might consider writing a book entitled: "The ingenious Posts of Grosnick Marowbe." I appreciate your obsession. :rotfl:


Well-known member
Peter made it to Antioch, Syria; also to Babylon, where he wrote his two letters. (The Bible never places Peter in Rome.)

It is true the Bible never places Peter in Rome. Show from the Bible that Peter left Israel and made it to Antioch or Babylon proper in order to carry out the so-called 'great commission' given the 12 by Christ.

John was on the isle of Patmos, about a third of the way between Ephesus (Asia Minor) and Athens (Greece), and probably wrote his Gospel in Ephesus.

This is what human tradition says and it may well be true. Probably is. But it's beside the point that the 12 never carried out the so-called "great commission" given to them by Christ. John did not go to Patmos to preach.

Scholars note that the other Apostles are not traced in the scriptures, and we usually go by reports of non-Biblical sources, which place many of them in lands other than Israel.

Peter and John are not "traced" in Scripture, either. John never says he's on an island; Peter never says which "Babylon" he's in. All else is speculation and assumption. That does not mean the speculations are wrong, necessarily -- just admit that that's what they are.

It is indisputable that Jesus' message was spread far and wide by the people that came to Jerusalem around Pentecost and heard the Apostles and other disciples speaking in their own languages, and then took the message back to their own lands, all over the Roman Empire. (Acts 2:9-11).

But this was not done by the 12.

The Ethiopian that Philip witnessed to on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza took the word into Africa. And anyone can follow Paul's ministry all over the Mediterranean, which spread Jesus' Gospel far and wide, though he wasn't of the 12.

So you agree there's no Biblical evidence the 12 ever took 'the great commission' outside of Israel. Thank you.


Well-known member
Now feel free to address how a practical atheist (two, if we count Jefferson) can see the clear distinction in the Bible that you can't [that many of the doctrines found in the Gospels and in Paul's writings can't be mixed or reconciled].
An atheist is someone who believes there is enough evidence to prove there definitely is no God, which is why Sagan said it was stupid. Paul explained how that people should seek the Lord, and grope for him because he is not far from everyone. The agnostic leaves it up to God to look for us, but in reality they do not want to be found, and they do not want to find him.

Note how lil' Andy conveniently avoided the issue there in blue.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Note how lil' Andy conveniently avoided the issue there in blue.

It's very difficult to take a thread Meshak created and treat it with respect and seriousness. She has said that "I don't know if I'm saved." (Talking about herself) She has declared the Apostle Paul to be an anti-Christ. She despises posters that believe in the Trinity doctrine and hates church goers. Yet, Andyc seems to be defending her to his last breath? She also preaches a false gospel and rejects MOST of the Bible except for Matthew through John. She's hoping to earn her way to eternal life but isn't sure she'll be able to do it? She has no interest in having an earnest discussion, refuses to answer any questions and wants nothing to do with the "True Gospel" given to the Apostle Paul by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

I realize Andyc has a lot of hatred for me personally and that's why he continues to attack me. This thread is a farce and cannot be taken seriously.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's very difficult to take a thread Meshak created and treat it with respect and seriousness. She has said that "I don't know if I'm saved." (Talking about herself) She has declared the Apostle Paul to be an anti-Christ. She despises posters that believe in the Trinity doctrine and hates church goers. Yet, Andyc seems to be defending her to his last breath? She also preaches a false gospel and rejects MOST of the Bible except for Matthew through John. She's hoping to earn her way to eternal life but isn't sure she'll be able to do it? She has no interest in having an earnest discussion, refuses to answer any questions and wants nothing to do with the "True Gospel" given to the Apostle Paul by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ.

I realize Andyc has a lot of hatred for me personally and that's why he continues to attack me. This thread is a farce and cannot be taken seriously.

Hopefully, Andyc and Meshak will come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ someday?


New member
He crucified sin you blithering idiot. Justice was served for all sin.

Yeah you're beautiful, too.

What this Paul worshiper thinks, is that Jesus took the penalty for all sin, so that people should no longer have a guilty conscience when they do sin.
That is nothing but gnostic trash. And you and your theology are a disgrace.


New member
Note how lil' Andy conveniently avoided the issue there in blue.

An atheist is someone who is certain there is no God. Sagan did not believe in the Judeo-Christian God because the evidence for his existence was not good enough for him, but he did not flat out deny that he existed.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah you're beautiful, too.

What this Paul worshiper thinks, is that Jesus took the penalty for all sin, so that people should no longer have a guilty conscience when they do sin.
That is nothing but gnostic trash. And you and your theology are a disgrace.

Your opinions are of no consequence.