Prove me wrong

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New member
For all of you who are just fed up with what I say, here is thread for you to prove me wrong.

I predict that you will accept nobody's proof that you are wrong, therefore the premise of this thread is wrong.

What do I win?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Mystery
I have never claimed "all points", so once again you are nothing more that a turdslinging donkey's butt.

I can say with complete confidence that this was, in fact, the first and only occasion where you so referenced me.

And now we know that you don't. Of course, you are the Town Heretic.

I happen to know there is only one of you. Sozo doesn't or can't count.

Mystery: "Jesus is Lord!"

Town Heretic: You are delusional.

Since I never made the claim that saying Jesus is Lord is a sign of your particular delusion, providing you're capable of distinguishing the truth from Shinola, that would be an intentional misrepresentation...or a lie, depending on how nicely you want it.

The rest of your post is filled with nothing more than the rhetoric of a slobbering dolt, so you saved me some time in responding.

Given that I'm demonstrably not a dolt (dolts don't make it into grad and pop divinity schools maybe...) and while I periodically drool (that is, when I read the newspaper) I never slobber.

You are not a Christian.

Sorry again. I've accepted Christ, been baptized and am firmly and resolutely of the body.

Anything that I have said to affirm what God has said, is to reject what Christ has said.

That was either self contradictory or hopelessly fouled English. Either way you were wrong.

So what do I win? :rolleyes: Let me guess: a one way ticket to hell? And which part of the trinity were you again?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I say it everyday. This is just the first time I typed it.

Don't kid yourself, many people here know your an idiot.

You're a bore. :yawn:

:rotfl: And you, my fine stuffed shirt, are without a sense of either humor or least of the intentional kind. See: "your an idiot."

Priceless really. And are you sure you didn't mean to write "Your a boar?" That would have at least been funny in a kicked the hooked on phonics habit sort of way.

You know, you aren't really that much of a Mystery after all. :plain:

Once again I catch you in error and demand your immediate surrender, English pig dog.


Well-known member
Wait ... Prove that you like to start threads that are all about you? ...It seems fairly obvious. Between this one, and the "Should Mystery be banned" thread by Mystery. Does there really need to be more proof presented? ...I believe you have some sort of ego issue, but I don't know, wouldn't care to try to prove it either way. At least you don't speak in the third person. That I know of at least (I could be wrong).

Oh, prove that you're wrong. Sorry, I must have misread the OP. (Prove me wrong).


New member
Between this one, and the "Should Mystery be banned" thread by Mystery. Does there really need to be more proof presented?
You'll have to provide proof for that. If you don't, you are out of the contest (which was already won by Lucky)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wait ... Prove that you like to start threads that are all about you? ...It seems fairly obvious. Between this one, and the "Should Mystery be banned" thread by Mystery. Does there really need to be more proof presented? ...I believe you have some sort of ego issue, but I don't know, wouldn't care to try to prove it either way. At least you don't speak in the third person. That I know of at least (I could be wrong).

Oh, prove that you're wrong. Sorry, I must have misread the OP. (Prove me wrong).

Mystery does the intemittant royal we, then claims to speak for a group...probably of the me, myself and I variety. On the plus side, he's settled the argument about proving a negative. The absence of evidence is the evidence of Mystery.

TH :cheers:


New member
Wait ... Prove that you like to start threads that are all about you? ...It seems fairly obvious. Between this one, and the "Should Mystery be banned" thread by Mystery. Does there really need to be more proof presented? ...I believe you have some sort of ego issue, but I don't know, wouldn't care to try to prove it either way. At least you don't speak in the third person. That I know of at least (I could be wrong).

Oh, prove that you're wrong. Sorry, I must have misread the OP. (Prove me wrong).

Should Sozo be banned?


New member
See Mystery, when you start a thread like this some people are actually going to spend hours tracking down real examples of when you were wrong. :chuckle:
We have to keep them entertained somehow, otherwise they might embarass themselves in public.


TOL Subscriber
Nope, more like 13K+ least according to this fellow.:rolleyes:

Creation of Adam
Biblical 0 Modern 11013 B.C.

Birth of Seth: Adam was 130 when Seth was born (Genesis 5:6)
Biblical 130 Modern 10883 B.C.

Birth of Enos. Seth was 105 when Enos was born (Genesis 5:6)
Biblical 235 Modern 10778 B.C.

End of Enos’ period, 905 years after his birth (Genesis 5:11), which is the year Cainan was born and his period began.
Biblical 1140 Modern 9873 B.C.

End of Cainan’s period, 910 years after his birth (Genesis 5:14). This is the year Mahalaleel was born and his period began.
Biblical 2050 Modern 8963 B.C.

End of Mahalaleel’s period, 895 years after his birth (Genesis 5:17). This is the year Jared was born and his period began.
Biblical 2945 Modern 8068 B.C.

End of Jared’s period, 962 years after his birth (Genesis 5:20). This is the year Enoch was born and his period began.
Biblical 3907 Modern 7106 B.C.

End of Enoch’s period, 365 years after his birth (Genesis 5:23). This is the year Methuselah was born and his period began.
Biblical 4272 Modern 6741 B.C.

End of Methuselah’s period, 969 years after his birth (Genesis 5:27). This is the year Lamech was born and his period began.
Biblical 5241 Modern 5772 B.C.

Birth of Noah. Lamech was 182 when Noah was born (Genesis 5:28-29).
Biblical 5423 Modern 5590 B.C.

The Flood. Noah was 600 when the Flood came (Genesis 7:6).
Biblical 6023 Modern 4990 B.C.

Death of Shem, 502 years after the Flood (Genesis 11:10-11). This is the year Arphaxad was born and his period began.
Biblical 6525 Modern 4488 B.C.

End of Arphaxad’s period, 438 years after his birth (Genesis 11:12-13). This is the year Salah was born and his period began.
Biblical 6963 Modern 4050 B.C.

End of Salah’s period, 433 years after his birth (Genesis 11:14-15). This is the year Eber was born and his period began.
Biblical 7396 Modern 3617 B.C.

End of Eber’s period, 464 years after his birth (Genesis 11:16- 17). This is the year Peleg was born and his period began.
Biblical 7860 Modern 3153 B.C.

The building of the tower of Babel must have occurred between the dates 3153 B.C. and 2914 B.C. (Genesis 10:25; 11:1-9).

End of Peleg’s period, 239 yrs. after his birth (Genesis 11:18- 19). This is the year Reu was born and his period began.
Biblical 8099 Modern 2914 B.C.

End of Reu’s period, 239 years after his birth (Genesis 11:20- 21). This is the year Serug was born and his period began.
Biblical 8338 Modern 2675 B.C.

End of Serug’s period, 230 years after his birth (Gen. 11:22-23). This is the year Nahor was born born and his period began.
Biblical 8568 Modern 2445 B.C.

End of Nahor’s period, 148 years after his birth (Genesis 11:24-25). This is the year Terah was born and his period began.
Biblical 8716 Modern 2297 B.C.

Birth of Abram to Terah. Terah was 130 years old at the birth of Abram (Genesis 11:26, 32; Genesis 12:4).
Biblical 8846 Modern 2167 B.C.

Circumcision of Abraham. He was ninety-nine years of age (Genesis 17:24).
Biblical 8945 Modern 2068 B.C.

Birth of Isaac. Abraham was 100 years old at the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:5).
Biblical 8946 Modern 2067 B.C.

Birth of Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old at the birth of Jacob (Genesis 25:26).
Biblical 9006 Modern 2007 B.C.

Jacob enters Egypt at the age of 130. This is the year that begins the 430 years Israel was in Egypt (Genesis 47:9).
Biblical 9136 Modern 1877 B.C.

Exodus of Israel from Egypt, 430 years after entrance (Exodus 12:40-41).
Biblical 9566 Modern 1447 B.C.

The beginning of the building of the temple in the fourth year of Solomon (I Kings 6:1).
Biblical 10,046 Modern 967 B.C.

2007 A.D. + 967 B.C. + 10,046 elapsed years = 13,020 years of existence


It surprised me that you have read that book! ;)

I read it too, with the usual trepidations, but was quite impressed with this calendar.

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