Prostitution is a victimless crime IF the people involved choose to be involved. It is legal here in NZ and I've yet to see the churches closing and their roofs failing in.
What really happened in New Zealand after prostitution was
decriminalized in 2003?
1. Violence in prostitution continued after prostitution was
decriminalized in New Zealand, according to the New Zealand Law
Review Committee. The Report is available at
2. Stigma and prejudice against prostitution, and the shame associated
with prostitution, continued since decriminalization of prostitution in
3. Street prostitution in New Zealand’s cities increased dramatically
after prostitution was decriminalized in 2003.
4. There is inadequate protection for children against prostitution in
New Zealand since decriminalization.
5. The US State Department has noted trafficking of women and children
since prostitution was decriminalized in New Zealand. on NZ 10-29-2008.pdf
So much for prostitution being a victimless crime.