Proof that Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter

God's Truth

New member
Another passage misinterpreted by you.

Just goes to show the very basis of your supposed "understanding" - you read your ideas into the passages and then conclude the Spirit lead you to that idea.

I will always be on the side of truth and the apple of God's eye because I love His Word, and obey and preach obedience to Christ.

Right Divider

Body part
Shuddering is not doing something. Just goes to show the very basis of your supposed "understanding" - you read your ideas into the passages and then conclude the Spirit lead you to that idea.

Shuddering is no more of the will than sweating is.

Clueless is what you are.
James 2:19 is one of THE most abused Bible verse MISQUOTED by unbelievers like GT.

Like many others, they think that believe ALWAYS means the same thing instead of READING THE CONTEXT to see what it REALLY means IN CONTEXT.
Jas 2:19 KJV Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
We would ALL agree that simply believing THAT THERE IS ONE GOD is NOT how anyone receives eternal life.

Go ahead and put GT on your ignore list -- She does not listen nor believe that the grace of God is sufficient to save anyone.

Lazy afternoon

James 2:19 is one of THE most abused Bible verse MISQUOTED by unbelievers like GT.

Like many others, they think that believe ALWAYS means the same thing instead of READING THE CONTEXT to see what it REALLY means IN CONTEXT.
Jas 2:19 KJV Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
We would ALL agree that simply believing THAT THERE IS ONE GOD is NOT how anyone receives eternal life.

Go ahead and put GT on your ignore list -- She does not listen nor believe that the grace of God is sufficient to save anyone.

Then you are not saved as you have no grace.

That can only be because you have not received of His grace to show toward others.



So you must believe in universalism since that verse says that Jesus will draw ALL PEOPLE to Himself. Do you think that everyone will be saved?

What happens later is up to God, not men nor you. God does the saving, not you nor men. I believe all things are final cause God is smarter and better than you. You saving yourself via your own auto supremacy free will tells God that your smarter and better than Him. Its called boasting. You can't be an semi pelagian or an Arminian without boasting. They go together.


All are drawn but many resist.

Acts 7:51 "You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!

Elects and reject are like water and oil. They don't mix. You're emotionally too busyminded and constantly shaking the jar of water and oil. You don't see the true nature of how water and oil settles cause you never calmed down long enough to feel the stillness of God. The oil rises to heaven while the water sinks to hell and your always wet and sweating knowing you are lying to God. You sweat cause you know deep down you kjow you're screwed cause legalism isn't working out for you. It is natural for the elects to rise to heaven with God's already made promises. Your "works before faith" legalism naturally sends one to hell. It comes with being born a sinner. You're still in the same state as of your last post. Maybe God will soften your heart in 5 minutes. We'll see from your next post. We're almost sure we'll get a denial repsonse from you. Your constant natural rejection means you never been elected, yet or never.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Elects and reject are like water and oil. They don't mix. You're emotionally too busyminded and constantly shaking the jar of water and oil. You don't see the true nature of how water and oil settles cause you never calmed down long enough to feel the stillness of God. The oil rises to heaven while the water sinks to hell and your always wet and sweating knowing you are lying to God. You sweat cause you know deep down you kjow you're screwed cause legalism isn't working out for you. It is natural for the elects to rise to heaven with God's already made promises. Your "works before faith" legalism naturally sends one to hell. It comes with being born a sinner. You're still in the same state as of your last post. Maybe God will soften your heart in 5 minutes. We'll see from your next post. We're almost sure we'll get a denial repsonse from you. Your constant natural rejection means you never been elected, yet or never.

What are the signs that you can point to, that "prove"you are of
the "so called" elect?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What happens later is up to God, not men nor you. God does the saving, not you nor men. I believe all things are final cause God is smarter and better than you. You saving yourself via your own auto supremacy free will tells God that your smarter and better than Him. Its called boasting. You can't be an semi pelagian or an Arminian without boasting. They go together.

In my humble opinion, you come off as being a typically arrogant
Calvinist and kind of a jerk! And, you call yourself, "The Elect?"


Well-known member
So what? Does the fact that the sacred name of the LORD God, for eg., only goes back no further, to when it was revealed to Moses, His servant, mean that it was not His sacred name, prior to that? So, you, like others, assert that when you discover truth, determines if it is, in fact objective truth? So, the Lord Jesus Christ was not Lord, God, until you discovered it? Save it-rhetorical questions.

Listen up, rummy:When you determine objective truth, when you "discover" it, in no way determines if it is, in fact, objective truth. The truth goes on eternally, regardless of when you "found out about it," or, for that matter, when you believed it. Discover of/belief in the truth, in no way determines it's veracity.

Now, please have a seat, while I teach. Understood? Great!

Let me guess your "response::" The earth was flat at one time, you see, well, uh, urr, you see....Let me check my commentaries...

In looking back I noticed that you made the same argument against Tet's view - that it was not historical and that there is was no evidence of its existence before a certain date. When I made the same argument against YOUR view suddenly it was 'it doesn't matter because truth is truth.' That is circular reasoning since whether your view is truth or not is what you are trying to prove. You cannot expect anyone to accept your premise when you have no made a convincing case. The mockery, personal attacks and diversions do nothing to advance your case.

To me an argument from history and language hold a lot of weight with me because they are not as subjective as simply being able to fit a certain number of scriptures into a doctrinal scheme. Those schemes have to be tested and you cannot be offended when they are


Well-known member
You are worshiping Christ and ignoring Jesus. You appear to be involved in a "belief-based" faith, a religion that only requires you to accept ancient first-century theological phrases like "Jesus was born of a virgin," "Son of God," "Messiah," or "died for our sins."

As such, you do not feel called upon to suffer the slightest urge to change your own behavior toward what Jesus preached.

You feel out of it within an "action-based" faith that demands we establish a personal relationship with Jesus.

History does inform faith. The religious, economic, social, political and cultural history of ancient times is the bedrock of evidence, facts and honest data on which we build our beliefs, faith notions, opinions and interpretations.

Your disdain for this important difference is obviously confusing for you. You are mixing up both the facts and the faith that can be found within the pages of the Holy Bible.

The more difficult (and the more historical) sayings of Jesus fail to even register for you. Whenever I bring them up there is always someone who leaps upon me and accuses me of being a heretic.

Hey, guy, that ol' global culture still keeps on a-comin' at ya. You are truly outnumbered. I think this fact is what makes you defensive and fearful of historical methodology. And fearful of Jesus and his unique "voice print."

This is the new "upgraded" Jesus, renovated, redefined to be compatible with the prevailing global cultural view. Who is to say this "global culture" is correct? Every generation has had its global cultural view. To be consistent with an ever-evolving modernity Jesus would have to be ever evolving too like the shifting of a weathervane. Each generation would have a different "Jesus."

Jesus tested the status quo of His day against the unchanging benchmark of God's nature. The real historical Jesus tests our views today also and the world does not like Him any better. They prefer the Jesus of their own making - a "meek and lowly Jesus who would not harm a fly."They certainly do not like His uncompromising moral truth. Many, like you apparently, would rather see Him as a liberal social reformer than a savior of the soul. As long as your think that way you won't find Him as your savior.

Remember, He was crucified not for being like Ghandi but for commiting blasphemy, for saying He was equal to God, not in the modern sense that "people are children of God" but of being equal in the ancient Jewish sense. A Jesus who is not Christ is a false teacher and deceiver. Jesus Christ is someone we can come to know and to whom we must submit.

Finally you speak about "belief-based faith" as if that were something bad, apparently not realizing that belief and faith are synonyms if not synonymous. Jesus will not conform to your paradigm any more than He did to the expectations of people in the First Century
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Well-known member
Paul's gospel was much different than the gospel of Jesus' original followers. Remember when Paul wrote that he "opposed Peter to his face"?

He opposed Peter not because he was preaching something contrary to what Peter was preaching but for the fisherman compromising his own opinions by eating with Gentiles, something he had done before a company of Jews came for a visit. It was about hypocrisy not separate doctrines. It put at risk the unity of the Church and so Paul had to expose him publicly.

God's Truth

New member
Elects and reject are like water and oil. They don't mix. You're emotionally too busyminded and constantly shaking the jar of water and oil. You don't see the true nature of how water and oil settles cause you never calmed down long enough to feel the stillness of God. The oil rises to heaven while the water sinks to hell and your always wet and sweating knowing you are lying to God. You sweat cause you know deep down you kjow you're screwed cause legalism isn't working out for you. It is natural for the elects to rise to heaven with God's already made promises. Your "works before faith" legalism naturally sends one to hell. It comes with being born a sinner. You're still in the same state as of your last post. Maybe God will soften your heart in 5 minutes. We'll see from your next post. We're almost sure we'll get a denial repsonse from you. Your constant natural rejection means you never been elected, yet or never.

Your beliefs about God are just as fictional as the oil and water story you shared.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
In looking back I noticed that you made the same argument against Tet's view - that it was not historical and that there is was no evidence of its existence before a certain date. When I made the same argument against YOUR view suddenly it was 'it doesn't matter because truth is truth.' That is circular reasoning since whether your view is truth or not is what you are trying to prove.

You made that up, re. "When I made the same argument against YOUR view suddenly it was 'it doesn't matter because truth is truth.' That is circular reasoning since whether your view is truth or not is what you are trying to prove"- I never argued "it doesn't matter............," so knock it off.

You cannot expect anyone to accept your premise when you have no made a convincing case. The mockery, personal attacks and diversions do nothing to advance your case.

How long did it take for you to MSN/Google/Bing that cliché/filler, that says nothing?

Would you prefer an "impersonal" attack?

To me an argument from history and language hold a lot of weight with me because they are not as subjective as simply being able to fit a certain number of scriptures into a doctrinal scheme. Those schemes have to be tested and you cannot be offended when they are

You are on record-the earth is flat.

Sit, Boo Boo.

God's Truth

New member
James 2:19 is one of THE most abused Bible verse MISQUOTED by unbelievers like GT.

Like many others, they think that believe ALWAYS means the same thing instead of READING THE CONTEXT to see what it REALLY means IN CONTEXT.
Jas 2:19 KJV Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
We would ALL agree that simply believing THAT THERE IS ONE GOD is NOT how anyone receives eternal life.

Go ahead and put GT on your ignore list -- She does not listen nor believe that the grace of God is sufficient to save anyone.

James says faith alone is dead and cannot save anyone.

James says that even the demons believe God is One, and then they do something---they tremble!

Right Divider

Body part
What happens later is up to God, not men nor you. God does the saving, not you nor men. I believe all things are final cause God is smarter and better than you. You saving yourself via your own auto supremacy free will tells God that your smarter and better than Him. Its called boasting. You can't be an semi pelagian or an Arminian without boasting. They go together.
You are quite inconsistent with your application of scripture, that was my point.