Proof that a OSAS person lost their salvation

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Just trying to be sociable but that Old Testament queen by the name of Jezebel. Does that ring a bell? She said it was high treason to oppose her. And she was a queen. Are you a queen?


But really. Old Jezabel is my example of why the OSAS gospel of Paul crowd are not able to stand against a real Calvinist.


Just to hot in this kitchen PJ? Why don't you and grosnic go read a novel like Rag Time? Then when you are finished you can take up checkers. But bible lessons are not for the faint of heart. You do have a heart don't you OJ?


New member
What a horrible thing to have no assurance of salvation! :sigh:

I never said we can't have assurance in our Salvation. But to blindly think that believers can never fall away is presumption. Jesus gave four examples of believers in the parable of the sower though the first may or may not have been a believer with two groups who fell away because of persecution or riches and the cares of this world. Only the last group reached maturity and bore fruit. So we must conclude that mature believers do not fall away but the babes and nominal believers can and do fall away.


OSAS (Perseverance of the Saints)- the Calvinist doctrine which states that those who are truly saved will persevere to the end and cannot lose their salvation

First you have to understand what OSAS is to be for or against it. I don't think half the people on here really even know what it is, much less everything encompassing that definition :rolleyes:


New member
The early Christians were Calvinistic, you all tried to write it off as Stoicism and ran off with your heresies. This is despite the fact that half your belief hinges on St. Augustine, who was a Stoic and very Calvinistic in his theology.

Call yourself anything- but leave 'orthodox' out of it :rolleyes:

The early Christians were Calvinistic when John Calvin didn't come on the scene until 1600 years after Christ! These poor duped souls who live and die by the words of man.


Will you agree Crucible that the Garden of Eden predates the Giving of the 10 Commandments as recorded by Moses?


New member
Calvin reinstated early belief, that is what Reformed doctrine is.

Calvin was a false prophet Greek philosopher who turned the eternal God of heaven into a unfeeling monster who experiments on humans like Josef Mengele. You may not like the term free-will but we do have some kind of will whereby some believe in Christ to eternal life and many more reject him in unbelief. Faith is not a choice but it is also not a 'download' into the elect like a computer program.


Calvin was a false prophet Greek philosopher who turned the eternal God of heaven into a unfeeling monster who experiments on humans like Josef Mengele. You may not like the term free-will but we do have some kind of will whereby some believe in Christ to eternal life and many more reject him in unbelief. Faith is not a choice but it is also not 'download' into the elect like a computer program.

By the same measure, you must also condemn Saint Augustine, as Calvin was theologically the Late Age version of him.


That's why I don't take you all seriously :rolleyes:


New member
That's why I don't take you all seriously :rolleyes:

Calvinists see the elect as robots who get downloaded with the faith of Jesus by the Holy Spirit operating system 10.0. God doesn't convert lost souls he upgrades them with the heavenly internet.
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