Well-known member
Sorry you feel that way.Your answers are meaningless and don't answer the questions I've asked you.
Sorry you feel that way.Your answers are meaningless and don't answer the questions I've asked you.
Then Christ for you is not God, since he lived in time.
Saying God is timeless and in time at the same time is absolutely irrational.
No. Open theism denies the Omnipresence of God. Open theism can't accept that God can be here and still maintain his Omnipresence in the eternal Heavenly realm.
This is where you open theists have to deny the Trinity of God and the deity of Christ.
After you deny the Omnipresence of God you have to then deny His exhaustive knowledge which makes God not all knowing.
Not if you believe that God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are One in three persons. Saying that God is only "in time" as we humans experience it denies His Omnipresence and the Triunity of the Godhead.
God is timeless. He existed before time began. God is the definition of eternal and timelessness.
Psalm 90:2
2 Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever You had formed the earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.
Open Theism does not deny omnipresence (Pinnock speculated about a locale for God's manifestation, but not everyone agrees). Perhaps you are thinking that God is in the past and future, but the problem is that the future is not a place one can be in (it is not space, not a created thing, etc.)
God is omniscient, a different attribute than omnipresence. God knows present reality because He is omnipresent, but this is a different issue than exhaustive definite foreknowledge of future free will contingencies.
Verdict: You not only do not understand Open Theism, but you reject a straw man caricature of it.
God is ignorant of nothing. He is all-knowing, knowing all that is possible to know. He does not know where Alice in Wonderland is. This does not make Him less omniscient. God knows all that is knowable. Unless determinism is true, the future is correctly known as possible, not actual. In your view, you have free agents choosing and settling the future before they even exist. This is illogical and unbiblical.
We both affirm omniscience, but differ as to the possible objects of certain knowledge. The future is simply not like the fixed past or actual present. I reject a wrong view of omniscience, not the truth itself.
It would mean He wasn't all-powerful (which we believe He is).
If God couldn't see the future, He would never speak prophecy. He is The Only One Who is capable of speaking in the future-perfect tense. He is beyond time as the stars are beyond our reach. He is above all, not subject to gravity, shadows, dust, time or other corruption. He is God. We cannot begin to imagine just how great He is, no matter how long we contemplate His Holy Goodness.
Right. Open theism opens up God and Bible prophecy to the possibility of lies. If God isn't all knowing then neither is the Bible.
Absolutely not true. I pointed out many pages ago and asked several questions specifically about prophecy that never went answered.
It is those who adhere to exhaustive foreknowledge that make God out to be a liar as I pointed out many pages ago...and again went unchallenged.
No, open theism contradicts omniscience. What part of "all knowing" don't you get?
"God knows all that is knowable..."except". That is a direct contradiction to the definition of God and His attribute of omniscience.
You do not affirm God's omniscience in and of Himself. You add the "except" and that nulifies God's all knowing attribute.
Really? I affirm God's ability to have exhaustive foreknowledge and that is a deficit?
Right. Open theism opens up God and Bible prophecy to the possibility of lies. If God isn't all knowing then neither is the Bible.
What part of being omnipotent, all-powerful, do you not get in light of God not being able to make square circles? You assume a flawed definition of omniscience and beg the question. All-knowing excludes many things that are not objects of certain knowledge or are absurd.
Just because this stuff is over your head does not mean Open Theists are not on the right track.
God knowing doesn't preclude our choices. It merely means He's bigger than us.Logically, it negates the possibility of a non-deterministic universe (but that is over your head, too bad).
Omniscience is over your head. It's really easy.
God is all knowing. You can categorize it all you want but you are still missing the point.
Logically, it negates the possibility of a non-deterministic universe (but that is over your head, too bad).
Really? I affirm God's ability to have exhaustive foreknowledge and that is a deficit?
Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.”...“Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”
...God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.