I changed the word from an impossible mathematical construct (infinite) to the truth. Infinite is as real as i.
Do you assert that God came into being at any moment? For example, suppose that A is some point in time. I will ask you: Did God exist at A? You say "yes." Great. B is a point prior to A. Did God exist at B? "He did," you say? C is a moment before B. Did God exist then? D is a moment before C. Did God exist...?
You get the idea. I can keep asking you again and again and you'll always be forced to say "yes."
Now, suppose that I had a number line and this number line went on to infinity into the past. I ask you: "Is there any point in which God did not exist?" You must say "no."
When you say "immeasurable," you make it out as though the time line somehow is finite for God. Great. Then let's take this "immeasurable" time line that you propose. Before this "immeasureable" time, did God exist? You say "yes"? Great! And so I ask you again and again
ad infinitum, and you'll always tell me "yes."
So I invert the question: "Is it possible even for God to collect the entirety of time together and say: 'Before this, I did not exist?'" No. Therefore even God cannot collect the entirety of time together. Time must be just as infinite as God is, but God is absolutely infinite (even this is an inadequate predication). Therefore, so is time.
Therefore, just as we cannot place limits on God, so too can we not place limits on the time that preceded the creation of the world.
Therefore not even God can traverse it.
Therefore, creation cannot exist.
God's existence is unmeasurable by anything but God.
Noetically and volitionally. God's existence is "measured"
noetically and
volitionally. Because God is infinite, His will and power must likewise be infinite in order to be adequate to their object (Himself). But you can't measure an infinite quantity. That's impossible even for God. If I ask God what the greatest possible number is, even God will have to tell me that there is none. Granted, God knows all possible numbers, but He does this insofar as the possible numbers are infinite and uncountable.