ok how about being less distracted...I just asked questions I hope you would answer...specific ones...
I'm explaining to you how I interpret the Bible. One thing I learned very early on was that people interpreted scripture in a manner which best suited them and it is best to interpret scripture as plainly as possible without introducing any lofty ideas.
ok good yes but again those questions...
Now, the famous donkey may have been changed by the Spirit, but the Bible doesn't say so. You can continue with the interpretation, but I won't concede that that is what the Bible actually says.
how else is the donkey able to speak...or are all donkeys able to but refuse?
If your whole point is based on something the Bible doesn't say but may be true, then at best your interpretation only may be true.
The LORD opened the donkeys mouth just like it opened Balaams eyes...Balaam was NOT blind but to the spiritual realm and the donkey NOT mute as NOT created to speak...but by the Spirit was able to speak...
So my question remains...WHAT IF THE SPIRIT NEVER LEFT THE DONKEY...
Trinitarians knew this as well - that is why they added[1 John 5:7] and changed [Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:23] verses while tailoring the translation and commentary in other verses.
yes yes yes...but not talking about that my question is designed to explore your saying “the Spirit given without limit to Yahushua but He was not GOD...” please focus
I'm not going to play favorites and allow even myself the ability to add to the Bible. Which is why I said before, "I am on the cusp", because I am still reading it through the Bible to see if there is something I missed. I am questioning myself. So, don't take it personally when I question you.
yes ok fine good...test all things come let us reason be Berrean...but again my questions to you...and as a friendly so put that distracting gun away shooter...LOL
This may be true. But this idea is not in the text.
wait wut? I added nothing...how can it be true if NOT in the text...THE LORD OPENED THE DONKEYS MOUTH...with His hands? No it is typically understood as by the Spirit which NOW was indwelling the Donkey yes?
What if it NEVER left?...is my question.
I won't be able to go through a full explanation of this now
thought I was explaining...my questions...about the Spirit in the bronze snake...and the Spirit in Israel its Temple
but I will try to give a short explanation
LOL..not asking for an explanation unless it is to explain your answers to my questions...
and of course I'm not perfect and do make mistakes.
well perhaps but you certainly are evasive or distracted or I am not clear enough...goodness
The better example is Elijah and Elisha.
now what?
The word of God is mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 17 which introduces Elijah.[/quote] you mean of 1 Kings? See how distracted you are?
Interestingly enough, the Trinitarian translations decide not to capitalize "word" in these verses.
I will note that the word comes to Elijah and does not pitch its tent in him. Elijah hears God's word.
ok and about those questions I am asking...
in 2 Kings 2, Elisha receives twice the spirit of Elijah. Now one may ask if this is the same as God's Holy Spirit. Does it specifically state that this spirit is the Holy Spirit? No, but by comparing the stories to the New Testament, I believe they are the same. Once again, I wonder why Trinitarian translators did not capitalize spirit. However, Elisha's bones were still raising the dead long after he died.
ok so Spirit is given...without limit?
because you answer without reading further...I remind you there is NOT a shekinah glory on the second temple...is WHY they wept remembering the OLD temple as it HAD the Yah’s Spirit...but it WAS NOT in the second temple...keep reading my post AND scripture
But there are clear indications that there was.
nope...only when baby Yahushua was presented
Jesus is call call the Temple - "My Father's House".
it was still...but EMPTY of spirit..not even ark in the holy of holies...
When Jesus dies, the curtain is torn.
right by the Spirit or angel
Of the top of my head I don't know of a passage that specifically states exactly what you are looking for.
please also check up there for any answer to my questions...LOL
I think you're overthinking this.
I was explaining the Spirit and its relationship to the second temple Israel and the land as context to IS THE SPIRIT POURED OUT WITHOUT LIMIT to any of these...
You know kinda leading you into YOUR answer to MY questions...
The First Crusade happened because soldiers who had done horrible things in Europe were given the opportunity to bypass purgatory and go straight to heaven. Later Crusaders participated for other reasons including fame and fortune.
the direction of the stick was to lands considered STILL Holy...the carrot on the end of it was some incentive true...
And as Beirut is attacked yet again...how HOLY is this area? Still...I mean seriously?
My primary focus right now is "Jesus = God?" I'm not going to spend a lot of time with the concept of the Holy Spirit before I completely exhaust "Jesus = God?"
Oh my...dear distracted one...my questions are designed to SPECIFICALLY have you unpack that equation...
Again you said the Spirit was given to Jesus WITHOUT LIMIT and yet state He is NOT God...
The Spirit was indwelling a donkey...what if it STAYED in the donkey...
The Spirit healed when the bronze serpent was gazed upon...but without limit? What if it was?
The Spirit was in the temple...but again without LIMIT...what if it remained?
Not to trigger you...but the Trinitarians:
isn't the spirit in 1 Kings 22:21 also Holy despite it LYING?
Is why I use names...god? Which? Oh you mean Yah? Then say it...Jesus? But He was Jewish...why the altered English name...He did “Jewish” things taught us to do the same...
Names also help to distinguish...even the spirits as many are holy...some are not...His is...
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost”...hmmm what was the name of that spirit again?...no no no not the lying one...LOL