Pro-life and Democrat


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One order of healthy skepticism, go please.
'Nothing wrong with that. But you did just say that you don't accept hearsay evidence, and that is what our 'knowledge' of history is largely based upon. So why is rejecting Christ's Resurrection 'healthy skepticism?'


'Nothing wrong with that. But you did just say that you don't accept hearsay evidence, and that is what our 'knowledge' of history is largely based upon. So why is rejecting Christ's Resurrection 'healthy skepticism?'

For the same reasoning I reject "Allāhu akbar".


in what manner, considering it was 2000 years ago

do you hold any other historical event to the same standards?


again, what would you accept for a similarly distant event?

give me a specific, concrete example of what you would find persuasive

Given that the resurrection of Jesus was a one-off event, specific and essential to Christian lore, seems all the more evident of myth rather than fact. I'm sure you're hard-pressed to find any current examples.

By contrast, Washington crossing the Delaware (to give an historical example) is a touch more plausable...a touch less numinous.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
By contrast, Washington crossing the Delaware (to give an historical example) is a touch more plausable...a touch less numinious.

and yet, your knowledge of it is based on hearsay evidence and the desire by many patriots to magnify Washington's persona, to mythologize his military service


"I'm pro-life but a democrat" means that, everything else being equal, I would prefer a democratic politician who is anti-abortion to a democratic politician who is not anti-abortion; however, I recognize that, in the United States, which is a representative democratic republic, we vote for candidates, not policies, and candidates are package deals.

Yes, Republicans are better on abortion, but they are terrible on virtually every other issue, whether we're talking about taxes, healthcare, foreign policy, regulation, etc.

Furthermore, it's misleading to call Republicans "pro-life." They only care about human beings until they are born; if anything, they oppose policies which would discourage women from having abortions (e.g., a strong social safety net) and are in favor of policies which would encourage women to have abortions (e.g., cutting the social safety net).

Many women have abortions out of economic despair.

I would rather vote for a candidate who is nominally in favor of legalized abortion, but is in favor of economic policies which would ultimately lead to women having fewer abortions, than a candidate who is nominally against legalized abortion (though either can or will do very little to criminalize abortion), but otherwise champions policies which would ultimately lead to women having more abortions.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
the resurrection of Jesus was a one-off event, specific and essential to Christian lore
It's not just 'specific and essential to Christian lore.' If Christ's Resurrection is a fact of history, nonfiction event, then bona fide Christianity itself is confirmed; roots, fruits, and all. Slam dunk, 100% factual, put-it-in-the-physics-textbooks reality. That's not the same as 'specific and essential to Christian lore.' If the Resurrection is a fact, then we Christians are right, and everything authentically Christian is Also confirmed true, undisputed reality.
, seems all the more evident of myth rather than fact.
iow, Christ's Resurrection is not just a facet or tenet of Christianity; faith in the Resurrection, which is celebrated every Easter, Is Christianity. It is more, but never less than this.
I'm sure you're hard-pressed to find any current examples.

By contrast, Washington crossing the Delaware (to give an historical example) is a touch more plausable...a touch less numinous.
And yet the fact of the matter is that for both the Resurrection, and for Washington crossing the Delaware, equally, they either happened, or they did not happen. You pick.