At least the Democratic party wants to do everything it can to PREVENT as many abortions as possible by providing poor women with the medical care they need as well as contraceptives - the things which enable poor own to avoid unwanted pregnancies and to be able to provide for children if they are pregnant .
Trump and the Republicans want to abolish Obamacare , but they don't have anything better to perplexed it .The Trump administration is trying to abolish essential government programs to help the poor - especially poor pregnant women . This will e guaranteed to INCREASE the abortion rate in America .
Unlike the Republicans, the Democrats genuinely care about children born to poor women . They do not want these children to grow up hungry, malnourished , living in poor, unsanitary , cold housing and without medical care .
The Republican party's concern for the unborn invariably ends at birth . Then, it';s "You're on your own, kid . We just wanted tomato sure your mother didn't have an abortion ".
It is just as simple as wealthy persons paying almost all the taxes in this country being sick of doing so. That is the main issue I see, too much offered to the poor destroys their incentive to work when they can receive almost the same standard of living on the dole.
Just sick and tired of being one adult who has to take care of other adults because they never grew up!