I'm alive today because my mom was pro-choice.
I think abortion should be lawful for women to choose at any time, for their personal reason.
Personally, I would not have a late term abortion unless it was deemed my life was in danger if the pregnancy was to continue to term or as close to. Though I'd research and have more than one opinion as to why in third trimester, what I would consider late term, as to why the fetus couldn't be delivered early so as to save my life and theirs.
But if absolutely necessary I'd go through with it, but I'd want to be totally out so I was totally unaware I had no other choice while the procedure was happening.
I think the option, no abortion ever for no reason, flies smack in the face of a pro-life platform. If one is pro-life then that, which is not truly afforded as any other option but for both mother and fetus/baby to die, is illogical and hypocritical to the platform of preservation and sanctity of life.
I don't believe anyone else has a right to dictate an individual woman's personal sovereignty and force her to remain pregnant by law, against her will.
I think those that disagree with that, would bless this world a thousand fold if they'd invest as much time in adopting the born unwanted, that are stationed in orphanages and foster care, so as to set the example that when they are pro-life they are proactive for quality of life.
If someone thinks they have the right to tell me, or any woman, we must abide by their moral precepts as it relates to our personal reproductive system, then we have every right to expect that person to be forced to adopt or foster all those unwanted babies that were brought into the world so as to example a mother was in keeping with giving life, but was short on insuring she would choose to raise the life she bore into the world.
I don't accept the argument that seeks to revoke the individual woman's choice;it is God's will to give life and thus all abortion is murder and against the will of God.
Spontaneous abortions, miscarriage, is God's will too. That would make God the universal abortionist. Forced pregnancy by law Legislation then is a matter of forcing a woman, expecting her, to attain a higher moral standard by law than that what God holds in giving life, and then ripping it away from the womb of the woman that so wanted it to bear.
Pro-choice is exactly that. Proactive right of choice for the individual. It's not pro-abortion. It's not absolute without exception. Pro-life is, in that the platform commands forced pregnancy by law. With exceptions denoted as within the parameters of that what is set by others, who feel they have a right to judge how much choice a free woman is entitled to exercise and then enforce that opinion by law.
When freedom dictates what in itself is common sense, in the name of personal liberty. If you're against abortion, don't have one. If one doesn't ever want a woman to be forced to choose, get a vasectomy and commit the male reproductive system to the same dictates as the male pro-life activist thinks they're entitled to force a free woman to commit her own.