If you (anyone) believe that abortion is murder, why aren't you taking up arms to prevent abortions from happening?
As citizens of a democratic republic, we've agreed and sworn to abide by any evil decisions our leaders and legislators might make in the process of representing us as a people, limiting our opposition only to what is allowed by law.
The only way around that would be to, as one might suggest, recognize our adoption into the body of Christ supersedes that politically and our first loyalty is to God. Or even taking it so far as to renounce our citizenship to this earthly government in favor of that, and all our earthly duties and responsibilities to that government as well. In either case we would be free and justified in opposing the otherwise lawful action of abortion, limited in that only by what God would approve of rather than any man-made law.
So. Most extreme case, then. Let's say you're a citizen of the body of Christ. Not of whatever country you're currently in. You have no loyalty to it and no duty to obey it's laws whatsoever. You are, for all intents and purposes, as far as you are concerned, an alien national dropped on the street of country 'x', right in front of an abortion clinic.
What do you do now?
I would not suggest barging into the place with a firearm and shooting and/or threatening folks would be the effective opposition to the (locally) legal, publicly supported, murders taking place in there. Because, whether you are a citizen or foreign national just passing through, beholden to obey it's law or not, these folks still consider these murders legally and, in most cases, morally justified.
For myself, I still consider myself both a Christian and US citizen. I'm required to obey
both authorities right up to the point that one brings me into direct opposition with the other. Hence, I wouldn't have an abortion nor participate in one and would limit my opposition to it to what is lawful.
That's my thinking on this anyway. :idunno: