Do you, PureX, feel that a woman should be able to legally abort at anytime during her pregnancy? Should they be illegal at any point during any given pregnancy?
I, PureX, believe that it is not my place to decide for the rest of humanity what should or should not be legal for them to do. And I don't understand why you can't seem to understand this.
Human beings join together to create societies, and as they do so, they decide for themselves how those societies will function. They will not ask me to tell them how they should live, and if I try, they will likely fight my attempts to do so, as well they should.
No one has appointed me the ruler of mankind. And I have no desire to appoint myself the ruler of mankind. So I don't waste time thinking about what other people should or should not be thinking or doing. And I honestly can't understand why other people do waste so much time and energy doing exactly that.
I keep asking, but I'm not getting any answer to the question. What makes you think you have the right to dictate to other people what they should and shouldn't believe or do? Especially when you must know that they will not obey your dictates, anyway.
I know how laws are made. I am asking you what you feel the law should be in regard to abortion.
I feel the law should be what it is, because it has been established by the mechanisms that this society of human beings chose to do so. I, personally, would not have an abortion, even in the case of rape, if I were a woman. But that's me. I am not the yardstick by which all other human beings must be made to measure up.