Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for admitting that you sold out God and His Word. Not everyone that proclaims to be a follower of Christ will do that.
Sold out nothing , I voted in a secular election in a secular nation, it is you that asserts that the U.S. is an inspired Godly nation and if it were that you might have a point but, you don't and never did.
You voted for a secular humanist candidate in a nation that sadly has gone from being founded upon Judeo-Christian doctrine to secular humanist doctrine. If you're a follower Christ, which you claim to be, you're to be obedient to His Word, which includes voting for God fearing men and women into public office.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You got the "inspired men of God" correct.
You say the were inspired which I agree but , not to create a theocracy or any other government that was controlled by the church in any way, they founders had just escaped that...you have no proof to the contrary.
I wasn't aware that having Judeo/Christian based laws (pro life, pro traditional marriage/family) meant that people would be somehow forced to practice the Christian faith.
Explain how that works.
Where is the proof that the U.S. constitution is somehow divine? Has the constitution now been canonized? Outside of the references to the creator in the preamble you got nothing but, your personal opinion on the matter, and I am sure the opinions of others you agree with that cannot be verified by anyone but, themselves. Holy Scripture does not prove that The U.S. was ever mandated or inspired so, really it is just your opinion in the end...unprovable.
Not that this link matters one iota to people like you, but...
The Bible and Government
Biblical Principles: Basis for America's Laws
Fascinating ey?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Maybe you and I can go one on one in a debate over the founding of our nation sometime? You can tell me how the founders would embrace someone like Donald Trump, and I'll pull up evidence showing that Thomas Jefferson proposed a bill to have people like him castrated.
Make a thread and everybody can have input, I am not going to devote the little free time I do have to bat around an unprovable notion, feel free to present your case here, or in a thread dedicated to it.
I'm sure you'll have me hightailing it for the proverbial hills after a post or two (you are truthsmacker after all). Why get other people involved, you can take as much time as you want to show how much more you know about the founding of our nation then I do.
I can tell you that some of people that have held the office of president have been much worse than Trump...one has to wonder how Jefferson or any of the founders would have felt about Hillary Clinton's felonies & corruption? Hanging for treason maybe?
Let's just say that being an unrepentant adulterer, an accused child rapist and a filthy misogynist degenerate that Donald Trump is, he wouldn't be popular with the Christian founders of this once great nation, many who were elders, deacons and pastors in their respective church's
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When we have that debate, I'll use quotes like "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people".
I have no disagreement that the men that penned our constitution were both moral & religious but, the way that our constitution was instituted was not to enforce any particular religion, because of that alone you cannot prove that it was a divine document, and I agree with Adams quote, that is why this nation is eventually doomed as are all man made institutions, I stand by what I said before, there will never be perfect government until Christ comes and institutes His government. I look to Christ for the divine, not a man made fallible document.
As we've learned from the link above, our country's founding documents have very strong biblical roots. That being said: I wasn't aware that in order for government to protects innocent lives and strengthens the nucleus of society (i.e. the family), that it had to be "perfect".
Explain how that works.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sorry rm, but the founders of our once great Christian nation didn't have you and your secular humanist allies in mind when they formed this nation.
Sure they were but, amongst this nation even at it's founding were unbelievers...secular people. Humanist have existed since the garden, this isn't something new, there is nothing new under the sun. It really doesn't matter if the founders had it right when they penned the constitution because the evil of men were bound to pervert it, and they have been since it was signed... and so it goes today. You cannot stop evil from creeping in, Adams was speaking of the destruction of this nation when he said "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people", he wasn't promoting a theocracy he was opining of what was going to destroy it.
If "you cannot stop evil from creeping in", why didn't you vote for Hillary Clinton?
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you knew anything about Christianity you'd know that there is no such thing as a "Christian theocracy" (but you still use that lie consistently).
Actually there is, it is called the body of Christ which is ruled by our only King Jesus Christ, seems if you knew anything about Christianity you would know that.
A theocracy is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. Iran and other Muslim countries are perfect examples. They murder those that don't embrace Islam. There is no such thing as a "Christian theocracy" because you can't force Christ's salvation on anyone (you can encourage it, but not force it).
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For someone who uses Jesus's name frequently, why is it that you go against His Word and vote for not only an immoral man, but someone who mocks God's Word on a regular basis?
Nonsense....but I expect as much, you always got something stupid to say.
Look at my avatar, which was taken 1 week before the election.
The prosecution rests it's case.