President Trump: get used to it


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Literally. Since conservative values (and hence conservatism) come from Holy Scripture...

I'd like to see some proof of that. The Bible does NOT define "conservatism" and I think that you are trying to hijack the Bible to fit your political ends.

First you'll need to find a Bible. I think they still have them at the public library.

Once you start reading it you'll find that at one time our nation's laws and cultural mores' "conserved" the teachings of Holy Scripture (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, i.e. commit sexual sins, honor thy mother and father, i.e. parental rights laws, etc. etc. etc.).

I've heard stories where secular humanists actually had their fingertips scorched the first time they opened up a Bible. Get back to me on whether or not that is an old wives' tale.


"I'll say it over and over. I CANNOT and will never forgive Hillary. . . "

Rinse and repeat in kind....and you have a deal! :up:

Right Divider

Body part
First you'll need to find a Bible. I think they still have them at the public library.
No need to be an idiot.

Once you start reading it you'll find that at one time our nation's laws and cultural mores' "conserved" the teachings of Holy Scripture (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, i.e. commit sexual sins, honor thy mother and father, i.e. parental rights laws, etc. etc. etc.).
And just EXACTLY how does this equate to "conservatism"?

I've heard stories where secular humanists actually had their fingertips scorched the first time they opened up a Bible. Get back to me on whether or not that is an old wives' tale.
You are a self-centered know-it-all that actually has a severe mental problem. I won't go around trying to represent God if I were you.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

First you'll need to find a Bible. I think they still have them at the public library.

No need to be an idiot.

I should have been more specific. Stay away from the one with the pretty rainbow on it (I believe they call it the "Queen James Bible") as it's one of those pieces of trash that claims that Christianity can be anything that you want it to be.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Once you start reading it you'll find that at one time our nation's laws and cultural mores' "conserved" the teachings of Holy Scripture (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, i.e. commit sexual sins, honor thy mother and father, i.e. parental rights laws, etc. etc. etc.).

And just EXACTLY how does this equate to "conservatism"?

All laws are based on someone's values. Yours come from secular humanist mans'. I'm pointing out that true conservatives come from Holy Scripture.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I've heard stories where secular humanists actually had their fingertips scorched the first time they opened up a Bible. Get back to me on whether or not that is an old wives' tale.

You are a self-centered know-it-all that actually has a severe mental problem. I won't go around trying to represent God if I were you.

I mock evil and thoroughly enjoy doing so.

Sue me.


'Conservatism' is an abstract.
If you're demanding some sort of loyalism to a particular bias, see: GOP

That's what some don't seem to comprehend. I'll tell you what conservatism certainly is not though, and it's voting for someone who hates universal conservative notions.

*ahem* aCW
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New member
Man... it sounds like you worship conservatism.

For purposes of distinguishing two main philosophical trends concerning how society ought to be ordered, the term conservative suffices. In such a context , there is no precise definition to be offered. There is a wide range of positions on a variety of issues from men like Trump and traditional conservatism. The reasons for these differences are small in comparison to the reasons for the differences between say Cruz and Hillary.

There is room for much difference in application in general conservative thought. It's when you begin to get specific, someone like Trump will not appear to be conservative to the purist like ACW.


New member
'Conservatism' is an abstract.
If you're demanding some sort of loyalism to a particular bias, see: GOP

That's what some don't seem to comprehend. I'll tell you what conservatism certainly is not though, and it's voting for someone who hates universal conservative notions.

*ahem* aCW

My thoughts exactly. Very succinct and true .


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

First you'll need to find a Bible. I think they still have them at the public library.

I should have been more specific. Stay away from the one with the pretty rainbow on it (I believe they call it the "Queen James Bible") as it's one of those pieces of trash that claims that Christianity can be anything that you want it to be.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Once you start reading it you'll find that at one time our nation's laws and cultural mores' "conserved" the teachings of Holy Scripture (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit adultery, i.e. commit sexual sins, honor thy mother and father, i.e. parental rights laws, etc. etc. etc.).

All laws are based on someone's values. Yours come from secular humanist mans'. I'm pointing out that true conservatives come from Holy Scripture.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I've heard stories where secular humanists actually had their fingertips scorched the first time they opened up a Bible. Get back to me on whether or not that is an old wives' tale.

I mock evil and thoroughly enjoy doing so.

Sue me.

You forgot to mock yourself . Your very evil as well.

Right Divider

Body part
All laws are based on someone's values. Yours come from secular humanist mans'. I'm pointing out that true conservatives come from Holy Scripture.
So you're some sort of mind-reader now. What an IDIOT.

No, my values come from the the Bible.

Your "Christianity" makes you lie about people that you don't even know!

I question your faith. I think that you're on Satan's team.

Right Divider

Body part
For purposes of distinguishing two main philosophical trends concerning how society ought to be ordered, the term conservative suffices.
In such a context , there is no precise definition to be offered.
I firmly disagree. Vague "definitions" are a big part of the problem of communication that we have these days.

This idiot aCW thinks that because I question what he means by the term, that I'm a secular humanist. That's just a plain dumb and anti-Christian attitude.

There is a wide range of positions on a variety of issues from men like Trump and traditional conservatism. The reasons for these differences are small in comparison to the reasons for the differences between say Cruz and Hillary.

There is room for much difference in application in general conservative thought. It's when you begin to get specific, someone like Trump will not appear to be conservative to the purist like ACW.
I'm not, even in the slightest, defending Trump. Just trying to get a numb-skull to DEFINE his terms.


'Conservatism' is an abstract.

Kinda like your faux version of Christianity: It can be anything that you want it to be?

If you're demanding some sort of loyalism to a particular bias, see: GOP

That's what some don't seem to comprehend. I'll tell you what conservatism certainly is not though, and it's voting for someone who hates universal conservative notions.

*ahem* aCW

So tell me, is Donald Trump proudly holding your LGBTQ flag one week before the Presidential election a form of "conservatism"?

For purposes of distinguishing two main philosophical trends concerning how society ought to be ordered, the term conservative suffices. In such a context , there is no precise definition to be offered. There is a wide range of positions on a variety of issues from men like Trump and traditional conservatism. The reasons for these differences are small in comparison to the reasons for the differences between say Cruz and Hillary.

There is room for much difference in application in general conservative thought. It's when you begin to get specific, someone like Trump will not appear to be conservative to the purist like ACW.

Your issue is with God and His Word, not me.

Give us your thoughts on what conservatism is and where it's roots originated.

So you're some sort of mind-reader now. What an IDIOT.

No, my values come from the the Bible.

Your "Christianity" makes you lie about people that you don't even know!

I question your faith. I think that you're on Satan's team.

You're sounding like Grosnick Marowbe now. If you're interested in talking about conservatism, try to step away from your obsession with me for uno momento and focus on what the differences between liberalism and conservatism are.

Right Divider

Body part
You're sounding like Grosnick Marowbe now. If you're interested in talking about conservatism, try to step away from your obsession with me for uno momento and focus on what the differences between liberalism and conservatism are.
Based on US politics for the last one hundred years or so; they both suck. Conservatism perhaps slightly less so.

The LORD is not a liberal or a conservative.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I bought a MAGA hat guys!!!! BEST PRESIDENT EVER I have never been excited for my country until Trump won!

You obviously were not around during Reagan's presidency, that was the best president in my lifetime and two landslide victories to prove it. It didn't take long for the globalist, crony capitalist, establishment crowds in both parties to destroy any semblance of the America he began to create by pushing constitutional conservative principles (no need for you to reply aCW I know you don't agree, and I don't care). Donald Trump has not even begun yet, I too have hopes that he will make good decisions that will turn the nation around fiscally, rebuild our military, lower taxes, put Americans back to work, getting a handle on illegal immigration & H1B visa scam, pack the courts with conservative judges that actually follow the law & constitution instead of attempting to make law and infer on the constitution things that do not exist. I think Trump has it in him but, time will tell if he can do what he said he would do, he is pretty tenacious and that is exactly what this country needs right now, somebody ready to hit the nations problems dead on without apology which is exactly how Reagan lead, and the reason he won by a landslide on his second term as well. Pray for Trump, he has some very big problems to solve going forward.


Kinda like your faux version of Christianity: It can be anything that you want it to be?

You seem to think that as long as a person stays away from certain staple offenses like 'homosexuality' or 'adultery', than one's salvation is guaranteed as long as they claim a belief in God.

It's a shallow outlook those as yourself have, as it perfectly situates any judgemental, 1st World moron right in Paradise.
Don't even come at me with that nonsense, Broseph :rolleyes:

So tell me, is Donald Trump proudly holding your LGBTQ flag one week before the Presidential election a form of "conservatism"?

Trump is conservative in most ways, and liberal in a few. You're practically trying to label anyone who isn't GOP a liberal, which is funny considering the lot of you are really just a bunch of cuckservatives.

Your issue is with God and His Word, not me.

Trump being in office is a political miracle that you should be glad of, instead you went for the atrocious Hillary- which would have meant a probable end to any real conservative power in the United States- because you are fueled by a false sense of holiness.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
LOL...I crown you the winner of the backpedaling post of the year. How come you didn't write posts like that when you were pushing Donald Trump's candidacy talking about all of his conservative attributes?

You know what populists are don't you rm?

They're chickens that run down the middle of the road. And you know what happens to things that hang out in the middle of the road don't you rm?

Again you are so busy running your yap that you do not listen. I know, and have always known, who & what Trump is and yes, I am OK with that. I will take, or vote for, Donald Trump all day long and twice on Sunday before I would cast a vote for a lying corrupt felon or before I would throw my vote for a third party loser that would ensure that an evil lying corrupt felon would win election. You and I are quite different, you believe that America is some sort of divine entity that was founded by flawless & inspired men of God and I know that is not the case, and never has been. Though the roots of the men that founded the nation were rooted in Judeo Christian values they were fallible men that attempted to create a new country based upon liberty, and rights they believed were given by God not men. Many of the founders were Masons which is not a Christian organization any more than any other secular organization that mixes secularism with Christian values and many of their ideals & symbolism were incorporated into the fabric of the nation at it's founding. America is the most well designed system of government ever devised by men, and the men who penned our constitution may have been inspired but, the nation was not created to extend inalienable rights upon just Christians but, upon all people...yes, even the ones you detest. America is not a theocracy and was never designed to be yet you seem to think that you will find that perfect candidate that will lead in that fashion and that is simply never going to happen under a man made secular government, the only perfect government will come when Jesus does.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...try to step away from your obsession with me for uno momento and focus on what the differences between liberalism and conservatism are.

Based on US politics for the last one hundred years or so; they both suck. Conservatism perhaps slightly less so.

If you've ever bothered to look at the major differences between the liberal Democratic Party Platform (pro abortion, pro homosexuality, etc.) and the conservative Republican Party Platform (pro life, pro traditional family values, etc.), then you'd know that there is a huge ideological between the two political parties. Unfortunately the Republican Party is going with a degenerate for President that embraces many of the so-called "values" that liberals do.

The LORD is not a liberal or a conservative.

And here I thought the "thou shalt not's" (murder the unborn, commit sodomy, etc.) had a conservative message to it.

Silly me.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Kinda like your faux version of Christianity: It can be anything that you want it to be?

You seem to think that as long as a person stays away from certain staple offenses like 'homosexuality' or 'adultery', than one's salvation is guaranteed as long as they claim a belief in God.

I'm pretty certain that a person can't be a follower of Christ if that person embraces things that He abhors. Wait, you're one of the chosen few, so you can do anything that you want and still sit by God's side in Heaven, right?

It's a shallow outlook those as yourself have, as it perfectly situates any judgemental, 1st World moron right in Paradise.
Don't even come at me with that nonsense, Broseph

So were you a Christian when you used to hang out in 'gay' bars with your homosexual mentor, or did your form of Christianity come afterwards?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So tell me, is Donald Trump proudly holding your LGBTQ flag one week before the Presidential election a form of "conservatism"?

Trump is conservative in most ways, and liberal in a few. You're practically trying to label anyone who isn't GOP a liberal, which is funny considering the lot of you are really just a bunch of cuckservatives.

So even though Donald the degenerate can't get something as simple and basic as human sexuality down correctly, he can still call himself a conservative? Borrowing a few conservative ideas (to get votes) doesn't make one a conservative.

Oh and save your filthy racist talk for the bath houses if you would.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your issue is with God and His Word, not me.

Trump being in office is a political miracle that you should be glad of, instead you went for the atrocious Hillary- which would have meant a probable end to any real conservative power in the United States- because you are fueled by a false sense of holiness.

You secular humanists are happy that Donald Trump won't touch your precious gay agenda or lay a finger on abortion. Why do you think so many Libertarians and Democrats crossed party lines to vote for Trump? Because they knew, like you know, that he wouldn't legislate against things that they hold 'sacred'.

Right Divider

Body part
If you've ever bothered to look at the major differences between the liberal Democratic Party Platform (pro abortion, pro homosexuality, etc.) and the conservative Republican Party Platform (pro life, pro traditional family values, etc.), then you'd know that there is a huge ideological between the two political parties. Unfortunately the Republican Party is going with a degenerate for President that embraces many of the so-called "values" that liberals do.
I would agree with you on those thing. But both parties are corrupt to the core. So you can fantasize that there's a good party and a bad party if you want.

So "your" party ain't so great after all....