President Trump: get used to it


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

LOL...I crown you the winner of the backpedaling post of the year. How come you didn't write posts like that when you were pushing Donald Trump's candidacy talking about all of his conservative attributes?

You know what populists are don't you rm?

They're chickens that run down the middle of the road. And you know what happens to things that hang out in the middle of the road don't you rm?

Again you are so busy running your yap that you do not listen. I know, and have always known, who & what Trump is and yes, I am OK with that. I will take, or vote for, Donald Trump all day long and twice on Sunday before I would cast a vote for a lying corrupt felon or before I would throw my vote for a third party loser that would ensure that an evil lying corrupt felon would win election.

Thanks for admitting that you sold out God and His Word. Not everyone that proclaims to be a follower of Christ will do that.

You and I are quite different,

I'm proud to say as different as night and day.

you believe that America is some sort of divine entity that was founded by flawless & inspired men of God

You got the "inspired men of God" correct.

and I know that is not the case, and never has been.

Maybe you and I can go one on one in a debate over the founding of our nation sometime? You can tell me how the founders would embrace someone like Donald Trump, and I'll pull up evidence showing that Thomas Jefferson proposed a bill to have people like him castrated.

Though the roots of the men that founded the nation were rooted in Judeo Christian values they were fallible men that attempted to create a new country based upon liberty, and rights they believed were given by God not men. Many of the founders were Masons which is not a Christian organization any more than any other secular organization that mixes secularism with Christian values and many of their ideals & symbolism were incorporated into the fabric of the nation at it's founding.

Wow, I'm being lectured on the alleged flaws of the Founding Fathers by someone who voted for a moral degenerate for President. I'm always amazed at what I'll run across here on TOL.

most well designed system of government ever devised by men, and the men who penned our constitution may have been inspired but, the nation was not created to extend inalienable rights upon just Christians but, upon all people...yes, even the ones you detest.

When we have that debate, I'll use quotes like "Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people". Sorry rm, but the founders of our once great Christian nation didn't have you and your secular humanist allies in mind when they formed this nation.

a theocracy and was never designed to be yet you seem to think that you will find that perfect candidate that will lead in that fashion and that is simply never going to happen under a man made secular government, the only perfect government will come when Jesus does.

If you knew anything about Christianity you'd know that there is no such thing as a "Christian theocracy" (but you still use that lie consistently).

For someone who uses Jesus's name frequently, why is it that you go against His Word and vote for not only an immoral man, but someone who mocks God's Word on a regular basis?


I would agree with you on those thing. But both parties are corrupt to the core. So you can fantasize that there's a good party and a bad party if you want.

So "your" party ain't so great after all....

With Donald Trump as it's representative, it aint my party 'no mo'.

The once conservative Republican Party left me, I didn't leave them.


I'm pretty certain that a person can't be a follower of Christ if that person embraces things that He abhors. Wait, you're one of the chosen few, so you can do anything that you want and still sit by God's side in Heaven, right?

Does that include replacing all inconvenient action with mere good suggestion?
Because it seems to me like many of you do a whole lot of talking about holiness but when it really comes down to it, your lives are nothing but excuses to avoid actually being saints.

I think as long as you are comfortable, most of you all aren't anything but a bunch of blabbering jaws reporting to be the voice of God- more pharisaic than anything else, with an outrageous sense of favoritism to match.

So were you a Christian when you used to hang out in 'gay' bars with your homosexual mentor, or did your form of Christianity come afterwards?

What I know is that I lived in a shed through an entire winter, and in a tent through the spring living with mosquitoes and snakes. I was barely out of adolescence and stole change out of cars for food and cigarettes, and doing hard labor just to land a hotel room from time to time.

And the only person who cared was a gay guy who I've known for years. Not these so-called Christians, not my Catholic Aunt or my Presbyterian grandfather, not religious people I got in with at a church- nobody. Because you all are full of crap, and it just eats you up that a homosexual did something that you all apparently cannot.

I honestly don't care what those as yourself have to say, I believe God gave me a invaluable lesson about this world and what people I should turn my ears off to :wave2:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm pretty certain that a person can't be a follower of Christ if that person embraces things that He abhors. Wait, you're one of the chosen few, so you can do anything that you want and still sit by God's side in Heaven, right?

Does that include replacing all inconvenient action with mere good suggestion?
Because it seems to me like many of you do a whole lot of talking about holiness but when it really comes down to it, your lives are nothing but excuses to avoid actually being saints.

I think as long as you are comfortable, most of you all aren't anything but a bunch of blabbering jaws reporting to be the voice of God- more pharisaic than anything else, with an outrageous sense of favoritism to match.

Let me put my statement into a question since you didn't seem to understand it the first time around:

Can a person be a follower of Christ if that person embraces things that He (God) abhors?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So were you a Christian when you used to hang out in 'gay' bars with your homosexual mentor, or did your form of Christianity come afterwards?

What I know is that I lived in a shed through an entire winter, and in a tent through the spring living with mosquitoes and snakes.

Yet you were safer with mosquitoes and snakes than with an unrepentant sodomite.

I was barely out of adolescence and stole change out of cars for food and cigarettes, and doing hard labor just to land a hotel room from time to time.
And the only person who cared was a gay guy who I've known for years.

He mentored you well. You turned out to be a God hater just like the rest of the LGBTQ movement.

Not these so-called Christians, not my Catholic Aunt or my Presbyterian grandfather, not religious people I got in with at a church- nobody. Because you all are full of crap, and it just eats you up that a homosexual did something that you all apparently cannot.

Not everyone is prepared to take someone like you into their house and attempt to raise them. I can only imagine the things that you went through in childhood that turned you into the monster that you've become.

I honestly don't care what those as yourself have to say, I believe God gave me a invaluable lesson about this world and what people I should turn my ears off to

If you keep going down this phony path that you're traveling on, believe me, God will give you a lesson on your judgment day, one that you'll remember for eternity.


Quote Originally Posted by rocketman

You obviously were not around during Reagan's presidency, that was the best president in my lifetime and two landslide victories to prove it...

I remember that guy, as Governor of California he was responsible for abortion going mainstream (i.e. 58+ million unborn babies murdered in the womb in a 43 year period), responsible for no fault divorce going mainstream (broken families=broken lives) and of course Donald Trump's favorite: Ronald Reagan as Governor of California was responsible for homosexuality going mainstream by helping defeat the Brigg's Initiative.

Funny how that supposedly great man never undid those injustices while President of the United States.


Yet you were safer with mosquitoes and snakes than with an unrepentant sodomite.

Try it :rolleyes:
You wouldn't make it a week, because behind that sharp tongue is just a wad of cookie dough.

What a ridiculous statement, from a judgemental moron who doesn't know enough about life to be condemning others from it's book.

He mentored you well. You turned out to be a God hater just like the rest of the LGBTQ movement.

I am not a 'God hater', you are just a 'hateful' person who arbitrarily labels anyone as anything who doesn't match up to you- which would require a cloning device because as far as I'm concerned there isn't one person on this planet who could be spared from your nonsense.

Not everyone is prepared to take someone like you into their house and attempt to raise them. I can only imagine the things that you went through in childhood that turned you into the monster that you've become.

'Attempt to raise a monster'? How about a place to stay so I could get on my feet, and you all are just a bunch of hypocrites. I made the mistake of thinking I could afford mistakes like the next person- I wasn't aware that, because of my disposition from the start, that I had one, small shot to be perfect or I would go through a decade of hardship to get to where I need to be.

You know what I think? I think you all condemn others by sins yall aren't guilty of, and never mind your own shortcomings. Many of you are simply accursed white sepulchers.

If you keep going down this phony path that you're traveling on, believe me, God will give you a lesson on your judgment day, one that you'll remember for eternity.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what crossed you all's minds, seeing me everyday drenching in dirty clothes doing what I could to avoid putting up a sign on the side of the road.
Judgement Day is going to be like the turnout of this election- mighty surprises everywhere :wave2:


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Yet you were safer with mosquitoes and snakes than with an unrepentant sodomite.

Try it :rolleyes:
You wouldn't make it a week, because behind that sharp tongue is just a wad of cookie dough.

What a ridiculous statement, from a judgemental moron who doesn't know enough about life to be condemning others from it's book.

Another Trump supporter mentioned today that he had homosexual desires as a college student. I invited him to share his story on how he contracted same sex desires so that he can help other morally and sexually confused people.

I'm inviting you to do so as well (preferably in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread, that has many more readers than this thread). Tell us what happened in your life that made you so terribly morally confused so that you can not only help others, but hopefully realize how very sick you are and can help yourself through spiritual and psychological therapy as well.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Yet you were safer with mosquitoes and snakes than with an unrepentant sodomite.

Another Trump supporter mentioned today that he had homosexual desires as a college student. I invited him to share his story on how he contracted same sex desires so that he can help other morally and sexually confused people.

I'm inviting you to do so as well (preferably in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread, that has many more readers than this thread). Tell us what happened in your life that made you so terribly morally confused so that you can not only help others, but hopefully realize how very sick you are and can help yourself through spiritual and psychological therapy as well.

A bag of stale, hot air contains more wisdom than what you just spouted.

The only thing I contracted from my past homosexual friend was a place to hang my coat for a while and get on my feet. You act like homosexuality is something one catches like a cold :rotfl:

There is nothing more absurd than calling someone sick and in need of therapy because he accepted the help of a gay friend to get out of a bad situation.
You think you have God in you but only demons quicken a person to make such accusations and judgements.

You should become familiar with why Satan is called the Accuser and Adversary, and why it pertains to him trying to be like the Most High. But you won't, because you've thoroughly brainwashed yourself in 'aCWanity'.


New member
Why is it that if some one is against Trump that they must be a Clinton Democrat? Some people don't support Trump because Trump IS the Clinton Democrat.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why is it that if some one is against Trump that they must be a Clinton Democrat? Some people don't support Trump because Trump IS the Clinton Democrat.

i'm not gonna speak for anybody but myself

i supported trump because he was the only way to stop hillary

i would have voted for satan himself to keep hillary out of the white house


New member
i'm not gonna speak for anybody but myself

i supported trump because he was the only way to stop hillary

i would have voted for satan himself to keep hillary out of the white house

That's why Trump was the one nominated as the alternative to Clinton. You people will literally vote for absolutley anyone they give you. The party can, by your admission, nominate Satan and you will vote for him. Why should they give you a candidate that is really interested in liberty and prosperity when they can give you a big government corporatist scum bag and your vote will count just the same. Voters are the main reason why the candidate are so horrible and why, despite the objections of their supporters, they are the same in all important regards.

They got you to vote for a Clinton-donor liberal. Next time, the nominee will be even worse because voters are going to support them no matter how terrible they are. The same goes for the Democrats. They showed that it doesn't matter how corrupt the nominee is, they'll still support them.

Some of us are against authoritarianism whether it's wearing a blue tie or a red tie.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's why Trump was the one nominated as the alternative to Clinton.

nah - trump was nominated because the other candidates couldn't get the base excited for them

i was for ben carson, myself

dan said:
You people will literally vote for absolutley anyone they give you.

against hillary?

you bet! :thumb:


Why is it that if some one is against Trump that they must be a Clinton Democrat?

If a person has equal qualms with both, they will express it with both. The way I see it, a lot of people- particularly so called 'moderates'- state that they don't support either but will always go the anti-Trump route in any discussion.

That is akin to so called 'agnostics' always going the anti-theist route in any discussion.

If the shoe fits, you must wear it.
You're a bunch of tools :chuckle: