President Trump: get used to it


New member
This is a straight copy and paste from a poster named Flanders in the comment section of American Thinker.

My sentiments exactly.

Hey liberals, Donald Trump WON! So retreat to your safe space, double down with your latest Lena Dunham book, and get ready to hurl those accusations of bigotry at anyone who disagrees with you.

I'll say it over and over. I can forgive Trump for his mouth. I CANNOT and will never forgive Hillary and her husband for all the crap that they have and continue to do. Why are liberals overlooking all that, yet are so focused on something Trump said YEARS ago. Get over it....

Americans took our country back! Our jobs were being taken away. Our healthcare is too expensive. Mine is $600/month now (AND RISING!). My car insurance is still $25 per month (from Insurance Panda), but who knows what Obama’s plans for that were. Things are getting more and more expensive as it is. Can we really afford to support the world’s homeless? The answer is NO

Go Hide In Your Safe Spaces, Libs, and get used to saying it…



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Perhaps you don't know what it means to be a conservative?

Please do not even posit that Trump is a conservative because he is not, he is a populist that has adopted some conservative principles in his schtick but, the man is not now, nor has he ever been a conservative. I do believe that Trump can be swayed by conservatives and has on some issues but, on others he will be quite liberal, just my take anyway. Things may change going forward as the man actually gets settled into the job but, Trump did not run on a conservative message, he ran on a populist message and that is exactly what he is so far, and I am not saying it is a bad thing either, we will have to see what this presidency looks like once it begins in earnest to make a proper judgement of it.
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
This is a straight copy and paste from a poster named Flanders in the comment section of American Thinker.

My sentiments exactly.

Hey liberals, Donald Trump WON! So retreat to your safe space, double down with your latest Lena Dunham book, and get ready to hurl those accusations of bigotry at anyone who disagrees with you.

I'll say it over and over. I can forgive Trump for his mouth. I CANNOT and will never forgive Hillary and her husband for all the crap that they have and continue to do. Why are liberals overlooking all that, yet are so focused on something Trump said YEARS ago. Get over it....

Americans took our country back! Our jobs were being taken away. Our healthcare is too expensive. Mine is $600/month now (AND RISING!). My car insurance is still $25 per month (from Insurance Panda), but who knows what Obama’s plans for that were. Things are getting more and more expensive as it is. Can we really afford to support the world’s homeless? The answer is NO

Go Hide In Your Safe Spaces, Libs, and get used to saying it…


Good post


Please do not even posit that Trump is a conservative because he is not, he is a populist that has adopted some conservative principles in his schtick but, the man is not now, nor has he ever been a conservative. I do believe that Trump can be swayed by conservatives and has on some issues but, on others he will be quite liberal, just my take anyway. Things may change going forward as the man actually gets settled into the job but, Trump did not run on a conservative message, he ran on a populist message and that is exactly what he is so far, and I am not saying it is a bad thing either, we will have to see what this presidency looks like once it begins in earnest to make a proper judgement of it.

LOL...I crown you the winner of the backpedaling post of the year. How come you didn't write posts like that when you were pushing Donald Trump's candidacy talking about all of his conservative attributes?

You know what populists are don't you rm?

They're chickens that run down the middle of the road. And you know what happens to things that hang out in the middle of the road don't you rm?


While Climate Sanity writes out his thoughts on what conservatism is, I'll share what he'll undoubtedly leave out, as what constitutes the nucleus of society/civilization isn't important to Donald Trump, and hence it isn't important to his lemming followers.

The Nucleus of Civilization

Genesis 1:1-25; Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:5

According to the Bible, God himself ordained the family as the basic building block of human society, because He deemed it "not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). That verse stands out starkly in the biblical creation narrative, because as Scripture describes the successive days of the creation week, the text punctuates each stage of creation with the words, "God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, italics added). The goodness of creation emerges as the main theme of Genesis 1, and the statement "God saw that it was good" is repeated again and again, like the refrain after each stanza of a lengthy song. Then finally, after the sixth day of creation, we're told with emphasis, "God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good" (italics added).

But then Genesis 2:18 takes us back to the end of day six and reveals that just before God ended His creative work, just one thing was left that was "not good." Every aspect of the entire universe was finished. Each galaxy, star, planet, rock, grain of sand, and tiny molecule was in place. All the species of living things had been created. Adam had already given "names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field" (Genesis 2:20). But there was still one glaring unfinished aspect of creation: "For Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him" (Genesis 2:20). Adam was alone, and in need of a suitable mate. Therefore God's final act of creation on day six—the crowning step that made everything in the universe perfect—was accomplished by the forming of Eve from Adam's rib. Then "He brought her to the man" (Genesis 2:22).

By that act, God established the family for all time. The Genesis narrative says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). Jesus quoted that verse in Matthew 19:5 to underscore the sanctity and permanence of marriage as an institution. The same verse is quoted practically every time two believers are united in a Christian marriage ceremony. It is a reminder that marriage and the family are ordained by God and therefore sacred in His sight.

So it is no mere accident of history that family relationships have always been the very nucleus of all human civilization. According to Scripture, that is precisely the way God designed it to be. And therefore, if the family crumbles as an institution, all of civilization will ultimately crumble along with it.

Read more:

And that is why a Donald Trump presidency will inevitably fail.


instead, you wanted the conservative Hillary Clinton to become president

I know this sounds crazy, but it's a crazy world we live in (hence Donald the degenerate being elected POTUS) :

Define conservatism. Granted, you're a Libertarian, but try and put into words what conservatism is or what it should be.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Surely you can give your opinion of what conservatism is or should be? The OP talked about liberals (which Donald Trump is), here's your chance to talk about conservatism.

Man... it sounds like you worship conservatism.

Literally. Since conservative values (and hence conservatism) come from Holy Scripture...

Care to take a shot at what conservatism means, or is this just another one of your drive-by troll posts?