Predestination and Time


It has been said that GOD operates outside of time

Does not the very word "predestine" indicate a BEFORE point?

And if it was a BEFORE point, then GOD was within time at the point He predestined.
Otherwise there would be no BEFORE.

Thinking on this, I don't think that the OT saints are included in the predestined passage of Paul. Am I wrong about that?

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Well-known member
It has been said that GOD operates outside of time

Does not the very word "predestine" indicate a BEFORE point?

And if it was a BEFORE point, then GOD was within time at the point He predestined.
Otherwise there would be no BEFORE.

Interesting point, however, is it possible that God does not have to insert himself into the framework of time in order to involve himself with it?

Can you make a meatloaf without inserting yourself completely into the bowl and then completely into the pan and then completely into the oven?

Of course you can.

Does a surgeon have to climb completely inside person on the table for him to have a positive effect on that person's health?

Of course not.

We can learn to "think outside the box", can we not?


Well-known member
I don't know. I guess so. When He said "Let there be light" I believe He actually created what we call time. So I don't think it's a simple matter.

Good point.

God is timeless. He does not need to insert himself within time to effect it.


TOL Subscriber
Thinking on this, I don't think that the OT saints are included in the predestined passage of Paul. Am I wrong about that?

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Seems you are . . .

Why would Abraham be excluded from everlasting life in Christ?

Exactly what was David promised, if not everlasting glory with Christ?


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Interesting point, however, is it possible that God does not have to insert himself into the framework of time in order to involve himself with it?
Insert Himself into it???
No need, as time is simply a measurement of what goes on before and after anything done no matter where you are.
If GOD does anything BEFORE or AFTER He does something else, He has done it in TIME.

Can you make a meatloaf without inserting yourself completely into the bowl and then completely into the pan and then completely into the oven?
Insert yourself into the meatloaf???
But there must be time in order to carry out the steps to make that meatloaf. You mix the ingredients BEFORE you cook it, and you cook it AFTER you mixed the ingredients.
It took TIME for you to do that.

Does a surgeon have to climb completely inside person on the table for him to have a positive effect on that person's health?
Same as above.
The doctor operates in TIME. He doesn't have to insert himself into what he is operating on to be working within TIME.

We can learn to "think outside the box", can we not?
Not to the point you let your brains fall out.


New member
So was GOD continually, infinitely decreeing or was there a point where He began to decree.
If GOD was infinitely decreeing with no variation, would that mean that His decrees are who He is inseparably?
Were His decrees made before the creation of the universe or after?
If one states that GOD's decrees were decreed in 'eternity past' but there is no sequence of events before time began then how can that be?

The Eternal Almighty made a decree, singular, in which He decreed each and every event that would come to pass in time. He is not affected by events, rather, all events are effected by Him as being the First Cause.

In creation, He had a single purpose in mind and is outworking that purpose, meticulously.

To the only wise Elohim our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.​


New member
Predestined is a mistranslation. The English word predetermined conveys what proorizo conveys and that is to determine before occurrence.