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I didn't say anything close to that.Or are you thinking that there are people that don't want to know that there are Christians employed in public schools?
I didn't say anything close to that.Or are you thinking that there are people that don't want to know that there are Christians employed in public schools?
I'm sure that's what you believe, but.....so what?
gerund or present participle: promoting
1.further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.
verb: establish; 3rd person present: establishes; past tense: established; past participle: established; gerund or present participle: establishing
1. set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis.
2.achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for.
The ban on his free exercise of religion went much farther than that.Well, no. You can do those things without marching to the center of the field to draw attention to yourself. You can also do these things when you are not being paid by the state in a leadership role.
Meh, I think this entire case is pretty stupid. The school/district is just trying to protect itself from getting sued.The ban on his free exercise of religion went much farther than that.
He was also ordered to avoid kneeling, bowing his head or doing anything that could remotely be seen as religious.
I am okay with your arguments as to why you feel this is wrong. But just understand, by your same logic Muslims, Satanists, Buddhists, Taoists, Druids, etc; are all able to go perform similar acts of reverence in the same fashion and you have to be okay with that.
Meh, I think this entire case is pretty stupid. The school/district is just trying to protect itself from getting sued.
why not let the societal values of the town prevail?
I don't think those things are comparable. A Christian can change religions, leave, and come back; etc. A woman can't really stop being a woman. An Asian cannot change his race.Yes, but let's think this through a bit.
What would happen to a school that ordered a woman to avoid doing anything that could remotely be seen as feminine?
What would happen to a school that ordered an Asian American to avoid doing anything that could remotely be seen as Asian?
Why would it be acceptable for a school to order a Christian American to avoid doing anything that could remotely be seen as Christian?
A woman can't really stop being a woman.
An Asian cannot change his race.
In the OP, the coach is not promoting a religion, he is practicing his religion, an activity protected by the first amendment's free exercise clause.
the supreme court's gotten it wrong before
they'll get it wrong in the future
now, can you (not the supreme court) tell me why we should believe:
1. that the coach in question was "promoting" a religion?
2. why we should equate "promoting" with "establishing"?
And they've gotten it right before, and will get it right in the future. What's your point?
Already done. You didn't agree. That's why we have courts...to resolve such disagreements.
then you're not interested in discussing it past "this is what the supreme court says!"
that's too bad - i really would have liked to have heard your defense of a bad supreme court decision
meanwhile, to anybody following, take note that "promote"=/="establish" regardless of what the morons on the supreme court say
Meh, I think this entire case is pretty stupid. The school/district is just trying to protect itself from getting sued.
[Satanists want an invite :allsmile:]
[Quote from your article] ...If the school chooses to tacitly approve the coach’s prayers by failing to stop or discipline him, they are opening up the football field as an open religious forum, and by federal law they must ensure that all religions have equal access to that forum, including Satanism....If the school district prevents Kennedy from praying publicly or disciplines or discharges him accordingly, we will withdraw our Invocation request.
Why should the school invite the Satanists? Ex 20:3 :dizzy:Mr. Fly
i tend to respond to people who hold positions they can't support, positions based on faulty logic or emotion or weak reasoning, like you or purex or town or granite or zoo or anna or aikey or traci etc.
Why should the school invite the Satanists?
The coach is free to pray with his team all he'd like. He's breaking no law