Praise the Lord!
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6
The Way, The Truth, The Life
Amid the crying and the weeping,
A single thought comes surely creeping
That only things eternal truely last;
And so man turns to shrines and “-isms”,
Binding himself in Satan’s prisons,
Hoping for some peace when life is past.
But still their lives are filled with sorrow,
With nothing better than “tomorrow”
To ease the sin-sick burden of “today.”
They gladly take the devil's token,
Yet they find the promise broken
Long before the price is fully paid.
But there stands one Way eternal,
To rescue man from paths infernal,
Brining him to God and heaven and light.
There is one Truth that answers clearly,
All the questions worn and weary,
With an answer that is always right.
There is one Life, so freely given
That the veil was fully riven
’Tween the soul of man and God’s own face.
There is one Christ, one Lord, one Saviour,
Standing as the Mediator,
Between a holy God and Adam’s race.
Jesus Christ as God incarnate,
Dressed in man's own humble garment,
Paid sin’s debt, its bond-slaves to relieve;
From the eternal fear of dying,
From death’s misery and sighing;
This God's gift to all who will receive.
Praise the Lord! Amen! and Amen!
Blessings, peace, grace and to all here at TOL!