Post of the day...Idiot variety

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If we're talking about idiotic exchanges how about this gem between Nick and Angel.

Angel's remarks:

"Wrong, because my last pregnancy was against medical advice and i nearly died and i had to have an emergency c section, which damaged my uterous, which can no longer sustain a pregnancy and i would die most likely by the 5th month when my uterus splits because of the prior c section damage. (not to mention i had preeclampsia, which itself can kill you during pregnancy). Thankfully my child and i survived, barely."

And then Nick, TOL's very own armchair resident Rambo, issues this stupefying retort:

"Yeah, the baby is just better off dead. Wow. Just goes to show you don't know some people."

So, what do the folks watching at home think? Is he illiterate or a different kind of ignorant?


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If we're talking about idiotic exchanges how about this gem between Nick and Angel.

Angel's remarks:

"Wrong, because my last pregnancy was against medical advice and i nearly died and i had to have an emergency c section, which damaged my uterous, which can no longer sustain a pregnancy and i would die most likely by the 5th month when my uterus splits because of the prior c section damage. (not to mention i had preeclampsia, which itself can kill you during pregnancy). Thankfully my child and i survived, barely."

And then Nick, TOL's very own armchair resident Rambo, issues this stupefying retort:

"Yeah, the baby is just better off dead. Wow. Just goes to show you don't know some people."

So, what do the folks watching at home think? Is he illiterate or a different kind of ignorant?

I dont even understand what he meant by that - that response is totally disconnected to anything ive said.


New member
If we're talking about idiotic exchanges how about this gem between Nick and Angel.

Angel's remarks:

"Wrong, because my last pregnancy was against medical advice and i nearly died and i had to have an emergency c section, which damaged my uterous, which can no longer sustain a pregnancy and i would die most likely by the 5th month when my uterus splits because of the prior c section damage. (not to mention i had preeclampsia, which itself can kill you during pregnancy). Thankfully my child and i survived, barely."

And then Nick, TOL's very own armchair resident Rambo, issues this stupefying retort:

"Yeah, the baby is just better off dead. Wow. Just goes to show you don't know some people."

So, what do the folks watching at home think? Is he illiterate or a different kind of ignorant?

Some context would be helpful Granite. Is this from a pro-abortion thread?


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Contextual assistance here please. Were you trying to defend a woman's right to abort for health reasons?

She wasn't and she never will (not that Angel needs my help explaining herself). Nicky just made a really weird, boneheaded comment. Suits this thread.


New member
She wasn't and she never will (not that Angel needs my help explaining herself). Nicky just made a really weird, boneheaded comment. Suits this thread.

That was my take on Angel as well but again, you asked for an opinion from readers without providing the context. It's kind of hard to discern anything without that. It would only be fair to Nick as well as to the readers you're looking for input from. You could at least post the link to the thread.


New member
If we're talking about idiotic exchanges how about this gem between Nick and Angel.

Angel's remarks:

"Wrong, because my last pregnancy was against medical advice and i nearly died and i had to have an emergency c section, which damaged my uterous, which can no longer sustain a pregnancy and i would die most likely by the 5th month when my uterus splits because of the prior c section damage. (not to mention i had preeclampsia, which itself can kill you during pregnancy). Thankfully my child and i survived, barely."

And then Nick, TOL's very own armchair resident Rambo, issues this stupefying retort:

"Yeah, the baby is just better off dead. Wow. Just goes to show you don't know some people."

So, what do the folks watching at home think? Is he illiterate or a different kind of ignorant?

Okay, this is a knee jerk sort of heartless response on Nick's part to the necessity for surgical removal of an infant...not exactly abortion because the infant and mother would both die regardless. This is really the only reason, TMPOV, that is justifiable under the heading "for the health of the mother." I don't see the point in both dying and I don't think it would please God to have it so. There is the fact though that He is in control so... It's a matter of the heart and only God can judge that. Either way it would be a miserable death. I wish medicine would go the extra mile and figure out a way to provide a viable growth environment for ectopic babies...perhaps a uterine replant. It would turn a heartbreaking situation into a win - win.

So in answer to your question, it displays an ignorance on Nick's part and a bullheadedness for the sake of argument to the detriment of his witness to Yeshua.


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Okay, this is a knee jerk sort of heartless response on Nick's part to the necessity for surgical removal of an infant...not exactly abortion because the infant and mother would both die regardless. This is really the only reason, TMPOV, that is justifiable under the heading "for the health of the mother." I don't see the point in both dying and I don't think it would please God to have it so. There is the fact though that He is in control so... It's a matter of the heart and only God can judge that. Either way it would be a miserable death. I wish medicine would go the extra mile and figure out a way to provide a viable growth environment for ectopic babies...perhaps a uterine replant. It would turn a heartbreaking situation into a win - win.

So in answer to your question, it displays an ignorance on Nick's part and a bullheadedness for the sake of argument to the detriment of his witness to Yeshua.

No, I am being called a 'sinner' over choosing sterilization since certain death would result in me getting pregnant again, since some of them are saying any kind of birth control to stop pregnancy at all is sin.

I don't know what on earth nick is saying - since the only kind of pregnancy i believe in terminating is ectopic pregnancy which will kill the mother and the child. Obviously ive sinned gravely by choosing not to get pregnant again, after already having my last child against medical advice and nearly dying because of it, then suffered even more issues because of an emergency botched c section, what im doing is making sure no life is ended, both mine and a future child, because i know for a fact because of the damage done, i cannot carry another child, so i would be a murderer if i tried anyway, and we both died and i listened to people like them who do not care and pretty much say all doctors are quacks that don't know what they are talking about and if i dont continue to multiply, i am in sin...

Im saying that there are some women that shouldnt get pregnant to begin with, who have medical problems. Those of us who have medical reasons to have no further children, arent trusting God, we should get pregnant anyway and die, or we are sinning - even if it means our death, better to be fruitful and multiply anyway.

They aren't listening to what is actually being said, they would rather accuse people of fear for following their doctors advice and falsely accuse people like me who is anti abortion, of supporting them - even though ive said nothing in support of abortion in any way, and ive never said to kill a baby and i would never have a pregnancy ended unless all efforts have been taken to save a pregnancy and child but because i believe ectopic pregnancy should be terminated in most cases, because it will kill both mother and child, it means i support abortion to them.

Im guessing these guys who apparantly have no medical clue at all, believe we should be giving birth till we die on the table, even if we have medical problems, im guessing even if a woman has a disease she can pass on, even if her kidneys are shutting down, etc. even if there is a 100 percent chance of their death, they need to try it anyway.

Better to get pregnant and take your chances or you have sinned and dont trust God. I hope when they are having a heart attack, they take their own advice and stay home, or they are living in fear and wont be trusting God.

The really bizarre thing though, is that all that is coming from men who claim those in Christ do not sin while being pharisees and making a man made law.


The last time it is recorded that God said be fruitful and multiply there were about 8 living humans.


New member
No, I am being called a 'sinner' over choosing sterilization since certain death would result in me getting pregnant again, since some of them are saying any kind of birth control to stop pregnancy at all is sin.

I don't know what on earth nick is saying - since the only kind of pregnancy i believe in terminating is ectopic pregnancy which will kill the mother and the child. Obviously ive sinned gravely by choosing not to get pregnant again, after already having my last child against medical advice and nearly dying because of it, then suffered even more issues because of an emergency botched c section, what im doing is making sure no life is ended, both mine and a future child, because i know for a fact because of the damage done, i cannot carry another child, so i would be a murderer if i tried anyway, and we both died and i listened to people like them who do not care and pretty much say all doctors are quacks that don't know what they are talking about and if i dont continue to multiply, i am in sin...

Im saying that there are some women that shouldnt get pregnant to begin with, who have medical problems. Those of us who have medical reasons to have no further children, arent trusting God, we should get pregnant anyway and die, or we are sinning - even if it means our death, better to be fruitful and multiply anyway.

They aren't listening to what is actually being said, they would rather accuse people of fear for following their doctors advice and falsely accuse people like me who is anti abortion, of supporting them - even though ive said nothing in support of abortion in any way, and ive never said to kill a baby and i would never have a pregnancy ended unless all efforts have been taken to save a pregnancy and child but because i believe ectopic pregnancy should be terminated in most cases, because it will kill both mother and child, it means i support abortion to them.

Im guessing these guys who apparantly have no medical clue at all, believe we should be giving birth till we die on the table, even if we have medical problems, im guessing even if a woman has a disease she can pass on, even if her kidneys are shutting down, etc. even if there is a 100 percent chance of their death, they need to try it anyway.

Better to get pregnant and take your chances or you have sinned and dont trust God. I hope when they are having a heart attack, they take their own advice and stay home, or they are living in fear and wont be trusting God.

The really bizarre thing though, is that all that is coming from men who claim those in Christ do not sin while being pharisees and making a man made law.

I don't believe it is a sin to prevent fertilization. That is, after all, what the rhythm method is albeit a more natural method.
As I stated, Nick was just being bullheaded and ignorant in this regard.


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pro-life thread where there, originally, was no dogmatism, only open discussion.


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I don't believe it is a sin to prevent fertilization. That is, after all, what the rhythm method is albeit a more natural method.
As I stated, Nick was just being bullheaded and ignorant in this regard.

Neither do i, but be careful, thinking that means your in sin too and teaching others to sin according to them and all of a sudden you might be supporting abortion as well like i was accused of- when everyone who has talked to me for any length of time, knows good and well i do NOT support it.


New member
Neither do i, but be careful, thinking that means your in sin too and teaching others to sin according to them and all of a sudden you might be supporting abortion as well like i was accused of- when everyone who has talked to me for any length of time, knows good and well i do NOT support it.

I don't see how that's possible considering the rhythm method was approved by the Catholic Church which is like uber anti-abortion/pro-life. Those people don't know my heart nor do they know yours. God knows the truth. Chill. :cool:


The Dark Knight
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So, Rusha was right in her perception of you. You do enjoy living angry.
"That's my secret. I'm always angry."

That was my take on Angel as well but again, you asked for an opinion from readers without providing the context. It's kind of hard to discern anything without that. It would only be fair to Nick as well as to the readers you're looking for input from. You could at least post the link to the thread.
Except that Angel has previously advocated abortion in certain circumstances.

Also, Nick is not opposed to the removal of the child in the event it is necessary. He believes that even in that case all possible should be done to save the child's life.


New member
"That's my secret. I'm always angry."

A Nickism if I've ever read one! :)

Except that Angel has previously advocated abortion in certain circumstances.

I am unaware of this.

Also, Nick is not opposed to the removal of the child in the event it is necessary. He believes that even in that case all possible should be done to save the child's life.

So they're even in their opinions. Hmm... What's all the fuss about?
Oh yeah, I remember, this was about Rusha stating that Nick enjoys living angry.
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