Porn. The Elephant in the room.


Hall of Fame
I have time and time again showed the exact opposite to be true- you and certain others profess in perpetuating all the popular lies and biases of society.

Never happened. What you *have* done, consistently, is pound your chest in victory while declaring "I am right ... you are wrong ... cuz I say so!"

There is nothing about you all that doesn't ring with the same nonsense and attitude I could hear from a college feminist.

An attitude that men and women should keep their hands to themselves and not physically abuse one another? An attitude that unborn babies have a right to life and women and men who participate in aborting them are intentionally killing an innocent, unborn baby?

You've never proven me wrong on anything of this subject, ever.

I have used YOUR words to show you as a hypocrite who has a deep-seated disdain towards women. I didn't need to prove you make self-serving declarations for the sole purpose of attacking women at every opportunity. You prove that every time you post.

That is why you all spam the word 'misogynistic' and otherwise act like a bunch of fault finding fools. Just like..

I used the word with *you* because it's an apt description based on your attitude and words.

For example, when I say "Men and women should not hit each other and husband and wives should not cheat on one another" ... normal, moral people say "you are right".

Here's your chance.

patrick jane

For example, when I say "Men and women should not hit each other and husband and wives should not cheat on one another" ... normal, moral people say "you are right".

Here's your chance.

What about slaps to the face ? They do that all the time in the movies, even the old movies and soap operas.


Hall of Fame
What about slaps to the face ? They do that all the time in the movies, even the old movies and soap operas.

Sigh. There are also movies scenes that involve rape, murder and child abuse. All three of those things are ALWAYS wrong. Just because it's in a movie doesn't mean it's morally acceptable.


New member
Would wet dreams be considered pornography from God? Dreams have been traditionally thought to be the realm of the Divine.
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Never happened. What you *have* done, consistently, is pound your chest in victory while declaring "I am right ... you are wrong ... cuz I say so!"

'It never happened', even though the threads and posts are still on this site.

This is what you do all the time. Everyone knows and you do to, so go ahead and perpetuate another lie within your chest of them.

An attitude that men and women should keep their hands to themselves and not physically abuse one another? An attitude that unborn babies have a right to life and women and men who participate in aborting them are intentionally killing an innocent, unborn baby?

That's not the attitude you have, or others behind you. That's certainly the image you all put up, but when it comes down to it, you laugh and mock men's complaints, issues, and interests. You've all done it over and over again.
When it comes down to it, you all certainly believe in the privilege and treatment of women over men. That becomes apparent immediately as soon as these discussion turn in any direction other then you all's common trajectory.

I have used YOUR words to show you as a hypocrite who has a deep-seated disdain towards women.

Beating straw man. That's all you do. You cherry pick statements and take things out of context. You'll do it to anyone who isn't popular in your opinion, because that's what haughty women do- and why mankind was historically a patriarch :rolleyes:

I didn't need to prove you make self-serving declarations for the sole purpose of attacking women at every opportunity. You prove that every time you post.

I know it's popular to only dump trash on men, but like it's impossible to talk about Christianity without bringing up Jesus, so to is it impossible to not bring up women on a subject relevant to the sexes.

That is, if you aren't some feminized idiot and have interest in truth.

I used the word with *you* because it's an apt description based on your attitude and words.


Just as I said above, rather.

For example, when I say "Men and women should not hit each other and husband and wives should not cheat on one another" ... normal, moral people say "you are right".

Yeah, but when it's stated all the time and someone brings up another angle to that, the ulterior bias behind it shows. Like I said, you all's trajectory- you all throw a temper tantrums when anyone dares put accountability on women.


Hall of Fame
'It never happened', even though the threads and posts are still on this site.

This is what you do all the time. Everyone knows and you do to, so go ahead and perpetuate another lie within your chest of them.

All the time ... that would be going all the way back to 2007. That's an awfully broad statement for someone who has supposedly only been here for five months. :plain:

That's not the attitude you have, or others behind you. That's certainly the image you all put up, but when it comes down to it, you laugh and mock men's complaints, issues, and interests. You've all done it over and over again.

So much so that you are incapable of even supplying evidence ... The only thing that is known is that you will ALWAYS make excuses for a men to be violent and promiscuous. BTW, I have never laughed or mocked at the complaints, issues or interests of actual men.

When it comes down to it, you all certainly believe in the privilege and treatment of women over men. That becomes apparent immediately as soon as these discussion turn in any direction other then you all's common

Again, feel free to provide examples .... or continue to rant away ....

Beating straw man. That's all you do. You cherry pick statements and take things out of context. You'll do it to anyone who isn't popular in your opinion, because that's what haughty women do- and why mankind was historically a patriarch :rolleyes:

So ... your best argument is that I am haughty and you are unpopular and angry because your dreams of living in a patriarchy will never be a reality. Got it.

I know it's popular to only dump trash on men, but like it's impossible to talk about Christianity without bringing up Jesus, so to is it impossible to not bring up women on a subject relevant to the sexes.

In all of the years you have posted, your focus has never been on Jesus.

That is, if you aren't some feminized idiot and have interest in truth.

Take out the word feminized and you have defined yourself quite accurately.


Just as I said above, rather.

Yeah, but when it's stated all the time and someone brings up another angle to that, the ulterior bias behind it shows. Like I said, you all's trajectory- you all throw a temper tantrums when anyone dares put accountability on women.

That is your response to this statement:

Rusha said:
For example, when I say "Men and women should not hit each other and husband and wives should not cheat on one another" ... normal, moral people say "you are right".

There is *no other angle*. Abuse and adultery are wrong. And insofar as throwing a temper tantrum ... that's some projection ...


New member
Dreams are a product of your subconscious, nothing else.

I like my subconscious, it's better than the internet. Actually, I'm married now so it's not a problem but back in the day when I thought masturbating was the unpardonable sin it can really make you go crazy. God created sex so it's not taboo as so many Christian idiots want to make it into.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I'd like an example of 'damage', because the only case I know of personally, within my circle, is this:

A friend of mine's brother looked at pornography. His wife had found it on his PC, and upon the discovery, went exactly as a person would after finding out their significant other was having an affair.

The man sold his Xbox, his PC, and the entire family literally split for months- this was entirely due to his crazily religious wife.

Pornography didn't do the damage- she did. She's the one who wasn't satisfying him, has extreme control issues, and for being religious, can't see her own wrong in it all.
But people aren't going to all see it that way- as per usual, the man just takes the big whip in the back and denounce an external object.

You can't fix some sort of 'porn problem' in society without fundamentally changing the gambit of society whose entire gender mingling is built on vanity.

A great example of the harmful effects of porn.

In first 1 Corinthians chapter 7 Paul's warns of the dangers of spouses witholding from each other. He clearly says that it's easier for them to fall to temptation.

In the case you cited it seems the wife did not help, when she could have, her responsibility. The Husband fell to temptation, His responsibility.

But the point is a couple struggling with intimacy and then you throw in porn. Bad situations only turn much worse.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
1st World society hinges on a 'mini-marriage' construct where you have sex with a potential partner. That's the way it is- there is nothing kosher about gentile society.

We can sit here and preach about what is holy, but let's look at reality..

There are two things going on here. Porn and it's negative effects on relationships and individuals in a detectable way that secularists are seeing.

The Bible is clear sin harms people, Porn demonstrates this, promiscuity demonstrates this.

So the second issue that then arises for the 'Christians' is holiness. For the 'Christian' porn represents an idol that damages Spiritually and relationally, and others again in detectable ways.

1. Porn harms and is Son.
2. For the Christian seek the Spirit's power to defeat this sin.
3. For the non-Christians turn to Christ.

Awareness of the darkness helps us defeat it with Christ.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Habakkuk 2:15 is the closest thing to Sacred Scripture addressing the matter directly IMO. The passage seems to assume that nobody would ever voluntarily permit their neighbors to look upon them while undressed.

Job 31:1 must be read and understood IMO in the context of Job 34:3-4 & 5-6 & 7-8 & 9. I don't think that what many have read in that verse is actually there. IOW, I don't think it was a good thing, the "covenant" that he had made. Job was a legalist, is Elihu's point, again IMO.

The intoxication of money to get ones neighbors clothes off. Habakkuk 2:15


New member
There are two things going on here. Porn and it's negative effects on relationships and individuals in a detectable way that secularists are seeing.

The Bible is clear sin harms people, Porn demonstrates this, promiscuity demonstrates this.

So the second issue that then arises for the 'Christians' is holiness. For the 'Christian' porn represents an idol that damages Spiritually and relationally, and others again in detectable ways.

1. Porn harms and is Son.
2. For the Christian seek the Spirit's power to defeat this sin.
3. For the non-Christians turn to Christ.

Awareness of the darkness helps us defeat it with Christ.

Porn is not the problem!! I meet so many Christians who externalize sin and say the music is sin or the porn is sin or the alcohol is sin. None of these things are sin! The sin is in my corrupt and unbelieving heart - that's where the sin is. When God cleanses our hearts by faith all of the external things cease to be a problem. If you want to cure the porn problem then preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, it's much more powerful.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
Porn is not the problem!! I meet so many Christians who externalize sin and say the music is sin or the porn is sin or the alcohol is sin. None of these things are sin! The sin is in my corrupt and unbelieving heart - that's where the sin is. When God cleanses our hearts by faith all of the external things cease to be a problem. If you want to cure the porn problem then preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, it's much more powerful.
I've preached Christ on this thread He is the way to defeat this evil. This thread is about that and calling out the evil, that has been accepted as not evil, as not harmful. It is a lie from Devil and He is being called out. Recognizing evil is the first step in finding healing and victory from the Lord.


Christians in the military is elephant in the room too which most of you don't like to talk about.


New member
Christians in the military is elephant in the room too which most of you don't like to talk about.

I served in the army for four and half years and was in Iraq for two and had no problem for conscience sake. God sent the Israelites into battle and he sends us into battle as well. You're a legalist who's faith is almost dead. You know where all the dead branches go right?


Cc: [MENTION=6992]heir[/MENTION] [MENTION=1851]john w[/MENTION] [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=13754]exminister[/MENTION] [MENTION=13925]Grosnick Marowbe[/MENTION]

Ro 6:8, 14, Col 3:3

[YT="I am not an animal!” ~ John Merrick, The Elephant Man]sn7bEVnFlds[/YT]