Um do you mean the CO2 satellite, Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2, or OCO-2, that only started producing data last year?
Until you have answers to the questions posted in my post 107, we have no basis to proceed
I deny that CO2 is a pollutant
... as well as the idea that CO2 levels have never been this high before.
Not remotely "highly in dispute".
you really expect me to believe LIEBARRELS??
Take your pick.
You seem to have a lot of pretty pictures and mockery; still nothing in response to my opener, but.
This is important to remember, this is not a political pawn in the chess game of politics. The data is relevant no matter what side of the aisle you are on.That is not based on the statement of a political party. It is based on a metastudy of published papers in scientific journals. The consensus among relevant scientific expert is >97% when it comes to anthropogenic global warming.
And they are the easiest things in the world to draw.You do understand "pretty pictures" i.e. graphs are the best way to present data in a forum situation?
Do you have some other data that contradicts what I've posted?
Do you have some response to my objection?
But climate coming from the actions of humankind did not make an appearance on the earth until the Industrial Revolution of the 17th and 19th centuries.Climate change has been a fact since Genesis 1:1
I. What caused the ice ages?
1. Global cooling?
2. What caused the global cooling?
II. What was the caused the ice ages to end?
1. Global warming?
2. What caused the global warming that ended the ice ages?
a. SUV's
b. the natural cooling and warming cycles of the sun?
c... some other cyclical physical changes?
Global climate change has been around since the earth has been around.
What caused all the changes before the Industrial Revolution?
Did all nature's laws cease to function once we started burning coal and petroleum, naturally found resources that God put here for our use?
Man made global climate change hoaxsters and chicken little (the sky is falling fame) came out of the same mold
CO2 levels are rising as nature returns them to the levels that they are supposed to be at after they fell to low levels in the last ice age.So why is the CO2 level in the atmosphere increasing?
No one exactly knows what all of the consequences of higher CO2 levels will be
You do understand "pretty pictures" i.e. graphs are the best way to present data in a forum situation?
Do you have some other data that contradicts what I've posted?
If your computer model predicts that, then it is malfunctioning.Everything we do has a consequence. Meteorologists are saying we are so interconnected that the flap of a butterfly's wings in the rain forest can contribute to a hurricane in the U.S.
Do you want to discuss the actual data or do you want to play semantic games?
Show us your data if you don't like mine.
However, we can speculate that if the increase in CO2 levels rises
to the levels during the Middle Cretaceous period (1,130 p.p.m.v.) then it may result
in the earth looking something like this:
Climate change has been a fact since Genesis 1:1
I. What caused the ice ages?
1. Global cooling?
2. What caused the global cooling?
II. What was the caused the ice ages to end?
1. Global warming?
2. What caused the global warming that ended the ice ages?
a. SUV's
b. the natural cooling and warming cycles of the sun?
c... some other cyclical physical changes?
Global climate change has been around since the earth has been around.
What caused all the changes before the Industrial Revolution?
Did all nature's laws cease to function once we started burning coal and petroleum, naturally found resources that God put here for our use?
Man made global climate change hoaxsters and chicken little (the sky is falling fame) came out of the same mold
You seem to think that what caused the ice ages to end is the same as what is happening now. The ice age ends were precipitated by the same orbital changes that started them. But as the Earth started to warm the higher temperatures triggered positive feedbacks such as releasing CO2 from the ocean that pushed the temperatures higher. (Warming water causes dissolved CO2 to come out of solution and enter the atmosphere.)
We are doing the same but without the orbital cycles, releasing CO2 from underground stores that pushes temperatures up.
But climate coming from the actions of humankind did not make an appearance on the earth until the Industrial Revolution of the 17th and 19th centuries.
Everything we do has a consequence. Meteorologists are saying we are so interconnected that the flap of a butterfly's wings in the rain forest can contribute to a hurricane in the U.S.