Poll: Do you agree with this picture?

Poll: Do you agree with this picture?

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Well-known member
I will make this clear.... I am a person of Grace

In my hands, Nothing I bring
To Jesus Love, alone, do I cling

I didn't mean to be frustrating.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

What was the gospel of your salvation? What must we do to be saved? Don't recall if I've ever seen you asked that since you got here but we try to get around to it with everyone sooner or later.


Poll: Do you agree with this picture?

What was the gospel of your salvation? What must we do to be saved? Don't recall if I've ever seen you asked that since you got here but we try to get around to it with everyone sooner or later.

Like personal testimony?

Or what do I feel the gospel means according to scripture?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Then you missed the point of what you just replied to.

And I'm okay with that.

I didn't miss the point.

I'm just convinced that its a case of missing the forest for the trees.

The question many of the people you quote are trying to answer isn't even a valid question. That is to say that its a question from outside a mid-Acts paradigm. Which is evidenced by the need to contrive (for want of a better word) a third gospel that somehow pertains to a mysterious set of Jews that Paul was seemingly communicating with or at least making reference too in some covert manner that is hidden somewhere in the text of the original language of Romans chapter 10 and nowhere else.

Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.​

That single passage should be enough to put this entire issue to rest. Paul was not the Apostle to the Jews and would not have been preaching the Kingdom Gospel in his major treatise on the Gospel of Grace which he was given by revelation and did not receive from man nor was he taught it (i.e. Paul's gospel did not evolve over time - it is what it has been from the moment it was given to him). So if the claim is that Romans 10 isn't referencing the Gospel of Grace and its not the Kingdom Gospel then that leaves some mystery gospel that no one has ever heard before and that has never been articulated in any verse of scripture anywhere by any author at any time.

The basic kernel of it is this. Paul is the (singular) Apostle for the Body of Christ and only the Body of Christ. That is the only piece of the big picture you need to understand to untie whatever convoluted doctrinal knot that someone has twisted themselves into over whether Romans 10 applies to us or not.

Are you a member of the Body of Christ?
Does Romans 10 apply to you?

Both questions have the same answer.

Resting in Him,
Last edited:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Saying it doesn't make it so.

Where does Bob preach 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV as the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth?

Try listening to his three volume bible study through every verse of I Corinthians!

What did you think; that he has bible study tapes and videos on every book of the Bible except I Corinthians?
Did you expect that he'd just skip over that book so as to avoid potentially mentioning the gospel message as presented in that text?

What planet are you on? You'll never convince me that you aren't grinding an axe.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
MAD has no basis in orthodox Christianity. Sorry to burst thy bubble.

If you told anyone of the Reformists, priests, or historical theologians about Darbyist theology, they'd call you a heretic.

But never mind that- it's all about the ~feels~ :rolleyes:

Do you accept, at least in principle, the notion of Sola Scriptura?

If so, then why make the appeal to tradition?

Who cares what does or does not have "basis in orthodox Christianity"? The worship of Mary has lots of such basis, does that make it right or wrong?

Tradition is nothing!

"Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of the popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen." - Martin Luther 4/18/1521​

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
The question many of the people you quote are trying to answer isn't even a valid question.

Oh. I see. Too bad you weren't around to tell most of them that before they brought it up.

That is to say that its a question from outside a mid-Acts paradigm.

Oh. I didn't notice it was all Acts 2 men I quoted.

Also, no MAD on this thread has said or implied anything about a third gospel.


New member
...no MAD on this thread has said or implied anything about a third gospel.

You might want to check again.

Still, personally, I don't mind what another believes. That is on them, and their perogative.

I don't even mind the glaring incompetence of some within MAD.

Frankly, I amused by such.

Even more so by their notion not only that they alone are right; but that other those MADs who do not agree are enemies of the gospel.


Both, please.

TOL provides an actual sig function.

I dislike talking too directly about myself, but out of respect I will be concise.

I am a Jew by blood and was born under the Law.

The duality of ritual and focus on Law was in contrast to my observation that I transgressed the Law.

The Tanakh was my guide.

When I turned 18 I left the law and essentially turned away from God.

Secretly, I was at war about this, as I Loved God.

I searched and even denounced God.

I searched history, religion of all types and science.

I even studied many works from theological heroes of the past.

I decided to buy a 66 book Bible and as I had heard, the gospel and the writings of Paul were an explanation to why I felt at war with myself and God internally.

Major sin crippled my life, and I was forced to look at Jesus as my only hope for the first time in my life.

I was open with Jesus for my need for Him, and acknowledged that there was ample evidence that He was HaShem, EloHim, YHWH....

Suddenly, my eyes were off of me, and I was greatful to He.

I began to claim Him in my darkest times and His mercy made my heart new!

My compacity to Love grew.

I am never perfect as He, but He Loves me anyways.

He taught me to even Love the most difficult person for me to Love. Myself.

I see Hope in Him.

Faith in Jesus restored my life!

I now Love ALL, but not anywhere near as well as He.

I see new glory in Jesus every time I read His parables, and great hope for humanity, as He Loves All more than any ever could.

I now am a new person, because of His transforming Love.

I'm no saint without His Grace to hide under, but I have a debt of Love I am all to greatful to never be able to repay, but try anyways.

As in, I proclaim His Love to all, and find it painful when people claim His Love, but limit the power of His sacrifice alone.

The Spirit does the rest.

We may not be sinless and perfect here, but I have His promise and grace, and commission to Love as He Loves.

This is the genuine meaning of my life now.

He has blessed me beyond compare, in reference to my life.

Not money, but Love that never ceases.

That is the best I can express an answer without pointing toodirectly to me.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Well-known member
I dislike talking too directly about myself, but out of respect I will be concise.

I am a Jew by blood and was born under the Law.

The duality of ritual and focus on Law was in contrast to my observation that I transgressed the Law.

The Tanakh was my guide.

When I turned 18 I left the law and essentially turned away from God.

Secretly, I was at war about this, as I Loved God.

I searched and even denounced God.

I searched history, religion of all types and science.

I even studied many works from theological heroes of the past.

I decided to buy a 66 book Bible and as I had heard, the gospel and the writings of Paul were an explanation to why I felt at war with myself and God internally.

Major sin crippled my life, and I was forced to look at Jesus as my only hope for the first time in my life.

I was open with Jesus for my need for Him, and acknowledged that there was ample evidence that He was HaShem, EloHim, YHWH....

Suddenly, my eyes were off of me, and I was greatful to He.

I began to claim Him in my darkest times and His mercy made my heart new!

My compacity to Love grew.

I am never perfect as He, but He Loves me anyways.

He taught me to even Love the most difficult person for me to Love. Myself.

I see Hope in Him.

Faith in Jesus restored my life!

I now Love ALL, but not anywhere near as well as He.

I see new glory in Jesus every time I read His parables, and great hope for humanity, as He Loves All more than any ever could.

I now am a new person, because of His transforming Love.

I'm no saint without His Grace to hide under, but I have a debt of Love I am all to greatful to never be able to repay, but try anyways.

As in, I proclaim His Love to all, and find it painful when people claim His Love, but limit the power of His sacrifice alone.

The Spirit does the rest.

We may not be sinless and perfect here, but I have His promise and grace, and commission to Love as He Loves.

This is the genuine meaning of my life now.

He has blessed me beyond compare, in reference to my life.

Not money, but Love that never ceases.

That is the best I can express an answer without pointing toodirectly to me.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

Thank you for that.

If you wouldn't mind clarifying something. Was your entire load of sin forgiven and erased by Him, and are you now perfectly justified before God so that you are forever safe in Christ?


New member
Thank you for that.

If you wouldn't mind clarifying something. Was your entire load of sin forgiven and erased by Him, and are you now perfectly justified before God so that you are forever safe in Christ?

A simple answer would have been Romans 5:8.

He may have meant well.

But reading his post to you, I could not help but reflect on how that he'd make a good candidate for one of that minority within MAD who end up erroneously asserting three gospels in Acts.

In that what he related appears to be the result of a cross between what he was taught coming up that was off base, and what he came up with as he searched the Scriptures on his own.

The exact same manner that Charles Welch relates in his autobiography as to how he came up with the erroneous Acts 28 Position he later persuaded a then old man, and nowhere near as sharp as he had once been; Bullinger into.


Thank you for that.

If you wouldn't mind clarifying something. Was your entire load of sin forgiven and erased by Him, and are you now perfectly justified before God so that you are forever safe in Christ?

By His work, I'm a perfect Saint!

But that's The Sinless being declared ALL sin, that the sinner could be declared sinless.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Well-known member
By His work, I'm a perfect Saint!


But that's The Sinless being declared ALL sin, that the sinner could be declared sinless DEAD.

Rom 6:2, 7:4

Gal 2:19

2 Cor 5:14

Col 2:20, 3:3

Even better, yeah?


New member
By His work, I'm a perfect Saint!

But that's The Sinless being declared ALL sin, that the sinner could be declared sinless.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

That begins to clear up where you might be coming from...

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.


Poll: Do you agree with this picture?

: thumb: :)

But that's The Sinless being declared ALL sin, that the sinner could be declared sinless DEAD.

Rom 6:2, 7:4

Gal 2:19

2 Cor 5:14

Col 2:20, 3:3

[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]. Yes. : )

My personal favorite is Romans 4:1 - 8

And, I love the scripture you affirmed with!

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


New member

Rom 6:2, 7:4

Gal 2:19

2 Cor 5:14

Col 2:20, 3:3

Even better, yeah?

Must be the Baptist that still remains in you; you actually crossed out a word in his post, added the red marker, and then posted to the guy what it is he should answer :chuckle:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Oh. I see. Too bad you weren't around to tell most of them that before they brought it up.
Don't be such a girl, Aunt Phillis!

I wasn't trying to be insulting. My point was merely that the question does not fit within an Mid-Acts Dispensational paradigm.

Oh. I didn't notice it was all Acts 2 men I quoted.
I have no idea what any of there doctrine is and I don't care! The question being asked DOES NOT fit inside a world where Paul is the only apostle to the Body of Christ and the Apostle only to the Body of Christ! I don't care if these men failed to realize it at all or if they just got carried away with themselves, over analyzing the text or whatever. It wouldn't be the first time someone made such an error. It doesn't make them bad people or stupid, just mistaken.

Also, no MAD on this thread has said or implied anything about a third gospel.
Interestingly, you're the only one to deny it.

Are you saying then that Romans 10 is Paul preaching the Kingdom Gospel to some group of Roman Jews who had already believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ before God had cut off Israel? Or is it that he's preaching the Kingdom Gospel to potential Jewish believers?

Why would he do either of those things - especially within the text of his major treatise on the Gospel of Grace?

Also, where, in any other text of scripture, is the equivalent to Romans 10:9-10 preached to the Jews by anyone?

Resting in Him,