:rotfl:If you think polls don't give you accuarate information,
:rotfl:If you think polls don't give you accuarate information,
And .....Sure:
Sixty-two percent of respondents said that the policies outlined by the president on Tuesday would move the country in the right direction, according to the CNN/SSRS poll. By comparison, 35 percent said they would move it in the wrong direction.
You've been here since 2007 and only have less than thirteen hundred "Thanks?" Well, I guess that says something about your opinions, doesn't it? Perhaps you need to work on your 'writing skills and personality?' Do you get the same reaction in your everyday life? You poor soul.
If you think polls don't give you accuarate information, it was probably a bad idea to tout the polls on Trump's state of the union address.
BTW, it shows the lowest level of approval of any other president's first state of the union address.
The growing crowd of republican congressional leaders bailing out is precisely because they're reading the polls.
Poll After Trump's State of Union Speech
Trump spent much of his State of Union Speech taking all the credit for the recent increases in the stock market - given that it dropped by almost 700 points (2.55%) today, are we to believe that this was the direct result of his economic policies?
Poll After Trump's State of Union Speech
Trump spent much of his State of Union Speech taking all the credit for the recent increases in the stock market - given that 3 days later it dropped by almost 700 points (2.55%), are we to believe that this was the direct result of his economic policies?
Obama has been directly tied to the crooked Hillary investigation..... not a good week for the Lietard Libtards.... not good at all.....LOL!
Notice that "The Donald" and the "deplorables" only make reference to the polls, and the stock market, when they go "UP" - when they go "DOWN," they either ignore them completely or dismiss them as "FAKE NEWS!"Poor Democrats.... Trump's personal numbers are way up in the polls, and the market has rebounded, and Obama has been directly tied to the crooked Hillary investigation..... not a good week for the Lietard Libtards.... not good at all.....LOL!
This is the new Trump Troll thread I guess.
:thumb: Stick with the "deplorables" label, it worked so well for Hillary.Better to "shoot the messenger," or divert attention away from the issues, rather than discuss them on their own merits - something "the deplorables" are either unable and/or unwilling to do!