Poll After Trump's State of Union Speech

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sour grapes? It's not surprising. As you know, Trump started out with low approval rates, and has declined from there. He got the lowest approval of any president on his first address, because people don't like him, and don't like what he does.

That's been consistent, for many months. Calling Americans names because most of them don't like him, is really not doing any good.

You sure like to stick to your "Generalities" don't you? There's nothing new here, after all, you're just a "Run-of-the-mill," typical "Doomsday far-left zealot" with a penchant for "Trump Hating/bashing." Nothing to see here folks.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Far-left Dems thrive on their "feelings and emotions" and not their intellect, reason, common sense, and logic. If you'll notice, they're basically "lemmings" who must be told how to think, act, and feel.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's a very simple reason for the obstructionism coming from the "far-left." They hated the results of the election, will not accept the reality of the election, and have chosen to rebel, obstruct, cause violence in our streets, name call, and hate the President of the United States and those who voted for him. They're like "petulant children throwing a massive tantrum." This "tantrum" of theirs, has lasted for a year, now. Will it continue, of course, it will. Immature small children will not cease to whine, cry, and kick and scream until they get what they want or are forced to accept the reality of their situation. Obviously, Trump is in this for the long haul. The 'far-left' has been and will continue to "throw everything at the "WALL" (no pun intended) hoping something/anything, will stick. I believe they'll continue in this vein for the remainder of his time in office. God Willing, Trump will have a "second term" followed by a Pence administration. That is if Pence chooses to run for the Presidency in 2025?

May God deliver our nation from any future "far-left Democratic Presidency."

patrick jane

According to your poll, fewer Americans approved than for any other president's State of the Union address. Are you now telling us that the poll you presented is "fake news?"

Notice that this is consistent with all the other polls showing Trump with lower approval than any other president's approval after a year in office.
Sorry, barb, I didn't post a poll and they are skewed towards liberals anyway. Remember 2016, I know, you will never forget.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Sour grapes? It's not surprising. As you know, Trump started out with low approval rates, and has declined from there. He got the lowest approval of any president on his first address, because people don't like him, and don't like what he does.

That's been consistent, for many months. Calling Americans names because most of them don't like him, is really not doing any good.
The speech was uplifting and positive.
Anyone that didn't like it just doesn't like uplifting and positive.
Everyone sees their rude, uncaring, and disgraceful behavior.

The Barbarian

(Grosnik is upset that a poll shows Trump's state of the union speech was the least-liked of any since they started keeping records)

Barbarian chuckles:
Probably a bad idea for you guys to cite that poll, then.

Perhaps it's time to ignore the Polls and get on with your life?

Polls are just data. In this case, it's just what people who watched the speech thought of it. It didn't fare so well. But it pretty much lines up with what Americans in general think of Trump.

From the election on, Trump has had very low approval from the American people. And it's slowly getting worse. There might be some good news for Trump, but it's not from the polls. You probably shouldn't read them or bring them up here, if it riles you so.

Of course, unless you have no self-control, then, by all means, continue to live by them.


New member
(Grosnik is upset that a poll shows Trump's state of the union speech was the least-liked of any since they started keeping records)

Barbarian chuckles:
Probably a bad idea for you guys to cite that poll, then.

Polls are just data. In this case, it's just what people who watched the speech thought of it. It didn't fare so well. But it pretty much lines up with what Americans in general think of Trump.

From the election on, Trump has had very low approval from the American people. And it's slowly getting worse. There might be some good news for Trump, but it's not from the polls. You probably shouldn't read them or bring them up here, if it riles you so.

Of course, unless you have no self-control, then, by all means, continue to live by them.

TV Ratings: Trump’s First State of the Union Fails to Match Obama in Viewership




Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Ben Shapiro has stats that disagree with Barbarian.

12 minute video.

CBS News poll says 75% of Americans were favorable to the speech.
And 43 % of Dems were favorable to the speech.

The Barbarian

Barbarian relies on polls for his truth.

If you think polls don't give you accuarate information, it was probably a bad idea to tout the polls on Trump's state of the union address.

BTW, it shows the lowest level of approval of any other president's first state of the union address.

The growing crowd of republican congressional leaders bailing out is precisely because they're reading the polls.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
BTW, it shows the lowest level of approval of any other president's first state of the union address.

The growing crowd of republican congressional leaders bailing out is precisely because they're reading the polls.


Sixty-two percent of respondents said that the policies outlined by the president on Tuesday would move the country in the right direction, according to the CNN/SSRS poll. By comparison, 35 percent said they would move it in the wrong direction.
