I never quite get this, politics is a practical profession; it is social mixed with business, and only is this.
Only the young and careless care about the idea of ‘correct politics’; it is a mass produced entertainment, like television game shows. What is real is the business behind politics, and how politics is the representative of business.
I never pay attention to any such irrelevant pseudo-politics, and, as a consequence, I have never understood what it actually means? To me, it is playing; actually it is to monkey around with ideology, which is purposeless.
Funny, though, if a picture I watched about Richard Nixon was at all based in some fact, then he was somewhat neurotic, or mentally disturbed, as it portrayed him being overly concerned by what a bunch of kids thought about him, and his overblown concern about his self image, his need to be liked by people, who were irrelevant to his life. It seemed to me he might have not been forced to resign had he not cared about what did not matter. He should have focused on his deal with China and Russia, and not some nutcase who could never harm him.
My point, being too concerned about small matters can be tragic.