Planned Parenthood continues to propagate the abuse of our young girls.

Nathon Detroit

Planned Parenthood continues to propagate the abuse of our young girls.
Planned Parenthood hiding rape of 13-year-old girl

From the Live Action Films website...


Planned Parenthood continues to propagate the abuse of our young girls.

Our student investigative team at Live Action Films finds Planned Parenthood of Bloomington, Indiana covering up the sexual abuse of a 13-year-old girl.

This video is first in a series of hidden camera footage, collected over the summer, documenting the sexual abuse cover-up of the abortion industry across the nation.

Despite a consistent pattern of lawlessness and abuse, Planned Parenthood, a tax-exempt "nonprofit", made over $100 million in profits last year and has a billion-dollar budget. Planned Parenthood receives over $300 million from taxpayers.

Planned Parenthood, a tax-exempt nonprofit, made over $100 million in profits last year and has a billion-dollar budget, nearly a third of which comes from taxpayers through government funding.

[ Complete story ]

Nathon Detroit

It blows me a way to think that Planned Parenthood actually thinks they are helping young girls by hiding and covering up that they are being sexually abused by older men.


Formerly Shimei!
Even "O'Really" O'Reilly did a report on this. Glad the word is getting out. :up:


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't believe PP ever met a dollar it didn't like. What a pack of murderers and pimps.


Well-known member
Being able to commit legalized murder is not enough to satisfy these criminals, they want to violate laws, ignore their own policies, and cover up the crimes of rapists, too.



New member
These are young girls who are planning to murder an innocent child, right?

And you're upset because their co-conspirators in this crime aren't looking out for the murderer's well-being? :kookoo:


Well-known member
These are young girls who are planning to murder an innocent child, right?

And you're upset because their co-conspirators in this crime aren't looking out for the murderer's well-being? :kookoo:

Assuming the 13 year old girl was actually pregnant, she was only attempting to murder her child from my perspective, not society's perspective. Society has made abortion legal. Therefore, the 13 year old girl was not trying to commit a crime.

In contrast, the Planned Parenthood nurse was committing a crime by not reporting a crime. It's a crime not to report a rape. She also was violating her organization's policy and state law. Therefore, the Planned Parenthood nurse is a bona fide criminal.


New member
Assuming the 13 year old girl was actually pregnant, she was only attempting to murder her child from my perspective, not society's perspective. Society has made abortion legal. Therefore, the 13 year old girl was not trying to commit a crime.

So Granite, Brum and you were incorrect in calling them "murderers"?

BTW - I've seen the same name-calling used by others - either they are or they aren't attempting to murder an innocent life. Which is it?

In contrast, the Planned Parenthood nurse was committing a crime by not reporting a crime. It's a crime not to report a rape. She also was violating her organization's policy and state law. Therefore, the Planned Parenthood nurse is a bona fide criminal.

And against whom is she committing a bona fide crime? A girl who intends to kill her unborn child? :dizzy:

You care more about the nurse's failure to adhere to state law than about the girl's intent to murder her unborn child?

Let's call the thirteen yo girl what she is (or what she is trying to be) - a murderer.


New member
Being able to commit legalized murder is not enough to satisfy these criminals, they want to violate laws, ignore their own policies, and cover up the crimes of rapists, too.


Planned Parenthood is just plain evil!


Well-known member
...either they are or they aren't attempting to murder an innocent life. Which is it?

It is murder from my perspective, not according to the law. Regardless, if the 13 year old girl was merely posing as pregnant to get the hidden camera footage, then she is not a murderer, but a journalist.

And against whom is she committing a bona fide crime?

Society. The nurse is violating the Indiana statutes that require the report of rape (to protect society), and the report to CPS (to protect society). The nurse is also violating Planned Parenthood policies and procedures.

You care more about the nurse's failure to adhere to state law than about the girl's intent to murder her unborn child?

Nope. Are you ignoring the nurse's crimes because the girl is attempting to do something that is legal (abortion)?

Let's call the thirteen yo girl what she is (or what she is trying to be) - a murderer.

Assuming that she is genuinely pregnant and attempting to get an abortion, she is not a murderer until she kills the baby.


Well-known member


These are young girls who are planning to murder an innocent child, right?

And you're upset because their co-conspirators in this crime aren't looking out for the murderer's well-being? :kookoo:

Two wrongs do not make "a right." And here is the third wrong. THE COURTS AND THEIR LAWS - which they don't have constitutional right to form!!!

Our society is very abusive to women today under the name of the LAWS of precedence set by our courts.

It has become permissible today to lie to young girls and women about the truth about the dangers of sexual freedom. Then when women find that they have gotten pregnant anyway, then the LAW actually encourages her friends, parents, and the Father of the baby to be irresponsible and abandon her and the baby by demanding that she get an abortion.

They are armed by the LAW to mentally and emotionally abuse her to the point that she feels so rejected, heartbroken, and worthless that she becomes willing to even under-go medical procedures that may be life threatening to her and that she knows are certainly life-threatening to her baby. All they have to say is ABORTION is legal - it's okay under the LAW... so we have rights over you! I want no part of your problems or your baby and the LAW says that's okay!

What better way to make another human being feel helpless, hopeless, and defeated than to tell her that she is unworthy of love and protection and that the government says that she is a second class citizen!

I know that some women are just as hard-hearted as the fathers can be ... and they want an abortion for their own selfish reasons, but most of the cases I hear about ... are where the woman thought she had NO OTHER CHOICE...

... and pro-abortion advocates have the nerve to call their "cause" a FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Bah hum bug! LIARS!

And for those "MODERATE" people who say ... Personally, I don't believe in abortion for me, but I don't think society should tell another woman what she should do with her body.

Well, I have this to say to them:
First, they are stupid. The baby is not part of the mother's body.

Secondly, it reveals that they are cruel... for this statement shows that they don't really give a flip about another person's crisis or their future - they just don't want to know about it.

Thirdly, they are just plain worthless and lazy, because they don't want to take part with society to correct the abuse of women.They are not women-libbers - but are among the persecutors!

I hope I've stepped on some toes around here today.


Well-known member
Ahh - then she's a conspirator with the intent to commit murder.

From my perspective, yes; but not according to the law. According to the law, the nurse is the only criminal so far, other than the 31 year old rapist.

Nathon Detroit

These are young girls who are planning to murder an innocent child, right?

And you're upset because their co-conspirators in this crime aren't looking out for the murderer's well-being? :kookoo:
Who has said or even insinuated that we shouldn't be upset about young girls wanting to murder their children? :idunno:

How many threads have been on that topic here on TOL? Hundreds? Thousands? :think:

This is a corollary topic. Here we have an organization (PP) that claims to be a womens advocate yet we find them helping cover the crime of the male who has sexually abused the young girl. Therefore in this case it's clear that Planned Parenthood is acting as the advocate of the male criminal, Planned Parenthood is making it easier to rape and abuse young girls.


New member
Hall of Fame
To say nothing of the fact that it is perfectly possibly (likely, even) that a thirteen-year-old can be coerced, frightened, manipulated, and misled into having an abortion. I'd say it is going too far in some of these cases to treat these girls as accessories to murder.


Well-known member
To say nothing of the fact that it is perfectly possibly (likely, even) that a thirteen-year-old can be coerced, frightened, manipulated, and misled into having an abortion. I'd say it is going too far in some of these cases to treat these girls as accessories to murder.

Excellent point; however, whether or not these women aborting their babies are guilty of murder depends on the intent within their own hearts. Planned Parenthood would not be getting away with their deceitful lies, their cover-ups, and their monetary prophets unless the god-less courts and moderate Americans were looking the other way in acceptance.