Planned Parenthood continues to propagate the abuse of our young girls.

Nathon Detroit

I can't say I like it, but from what I can read here (I can't watch the video) I can understand how they think they're helping someone. You can't undo what's happened if someone is raped or molested, but if the only way to get help so that they can minimise the damage is to lie... sometimes that seems like the only way.

If parental consent is asked for, some parents will force the child to carry the pregnancy to term whether they want to or not. That's what people are afraid of.
But by doing this the abuser/perpetrator get's "cover".

And when the perpetrator gets "cover" it makes it more easy for him to abuse again and again.


Well-known member
But by doing this the abuser/perpetrator get's "cover".

And when the perpetrator gets "cover" it makes it more easy for him to abuse again and again.

Well said.

Do we know what happened to this "nurse" since this video has come out? Obviously a law was broken.


The nurse has been "suspended" while PP "investigates." PP is claiming the video may have been "doctored" (what an interesting choice of words.)


Well-known member
We haven't seen the original, but I imagine that a jury, watching the aide's lips while she says the things we've heard, will see enough to bring a conviction. "If the words fit, you must convict!!!" :thumb:


Well-known member
Tell me if I am right or wrong.

I have a problem with punishing men for rape and such this day in time - when women today are so liberal sexual anyway. For instance, I had trouble feeling sorry for the lady that one of the Kennedy kids was supposed to have raped - while she was skinny dipping with him in the ocean. My husband said that it did not matter that she was skinny dipping - if she told him no - then no it should have been ... but then that left things as his word against her word- so ????

The 18 year old girl, posing as a 13 year old girl in the video, told the nurse that she had willing sex with the older man. Now, I agree that an older man should have enough sense to leave a 13 year-old alone ... but she admitted to the nurse that she looked old for her age and it was willing and she did not want to get him into trouble.

She did not say that she was being abused or anything. Would you want to ruin a man's life over a young girl that had possibly had lied and enticed the relationship?

Another way of viewing this ... is that there has historically been a double standard about sexual freedom ... so maybe it is pay back time for the women. Women can encourage sexual relations and then yell rape or bring on the LAW when things become a crisis for her. I do know that men had better wise up fast. Girls kiss and tell today ... not many affairs stay hidden today. The unveiling revealed in "Play Misty for Me" - is becoming a common reality.

Planned Parenthood is scum ... and full of blind murderers ... but if you were the woman in the video - might not you have had a problem with condemning the man.

Now, the issue about reporting the pregnancy of a 13 year old. That needed to be done - and certainly her parents or guardians should be notified.

Just would like to hear your opinions of whether I am way off in my sympathies toward the fellow involved.


Well-known member
That's what is called: subjective morality. That reminds me of the prostitute in Florida, who had charged a man with rape, and his defence was that she was wearing a see-through open-lace mini skirt with no panties, so she was 'asking for it' and he ended up having his case dismissed on just that basis. Your husband is right. "No," means no. It is still rape.


Well-known member
Tell me if I am right or wrong.

I have a problem with punishing men for rape and such this day in time - when women today are so sexually liberal anyway.

For an example, once, I had trouble feeling sorry for a young woman that one of the Kennedy kids was supposed to have raped on the beach - while she was skinny dipping with him. My husband said that it should not matter that she was skinny dipping - if she told him no - then no it should have been ... but then that left things as his word against her word- etc. ????

The 18 year old girl, posing as a 13 year old girl in the video, told the nurse that she had willing had sex with the older man. Now, I agree that an older man should have enough sense to leave a 13 year-old alone ... but she admitted to the nurse that she looked old for her age, and it was willing sex, and that she did not want to get him into trouble. Was it made clear that he knew she was 13?

She did not say that she was being abused or anything. Would you want to ruin a man's life over a young girl that possibly had lied about her age and enticed the relationship?

Another way of viewing this liberal sex issue and accountibility is:
There has historically been a double standard about sexual freedom ... so maybe it is women's turn to pay back men. Women can now encourage sexual relations and then yell rape or bring on the LAW when things become a crisis for her. I do know that men had better wise up fast. Girls kiss and tell today ... not many affairs stay hidden anymore. The scary power and deliberate intentions revealed in "Play Misty for Me" - is becoming a more common reality.

Planned Parenthood is scum ... and full of blind murderers ... but if you were the woman in the video - might not you have had a problem with condemning the man?

Now, the issue about reporting the pregnancy of a 13 year old. That needed to be done - and certainly her parents or guardians should be notified. They have the authority to take things from there.

Just would like to hear your opinions of whether I am way off base in my sympathies toward the fellow involved - and in what ways.


Tell me if I am right or wrong.

I have a problem with punishing men for rape and such this day in time - when women today are so sexually liberal anyway.

For an example, once, I had trouble feeling sorry for a young woman that one of the Kennedy kids was supposed to have raped on the beach - while she was skinny dipping with him. My husband said that it should not matter that she was skinny dipping - if she told him no - then no it should have been ... but then that left things as his word against her word- etc. ????

The 18 year old girl, posing as a 13 year old girl in the video, told the nurse that she had willing had sex with the older man. Now, I agree that an older man should have enough sense to leave a 13 year-old alone ... but she admitted to the nurse that she looked old for her age, and it was willing sex, and that she did not want to get him into trouble. Was it made clear that he knew she was 13?

She did not say that she was being abused or anything. Would you want to ruin a man's life over a young girl that possibly had lied about her age and enticed the relationship?

Another way of viewing this liberal sex issue and accountibility is:
There has historically been a double standard about sexual freedom ... so maybe it is women's turn to pay back men. Women can now encourage sexual relations and then yell rape or bring on the LAW when things become a crisis for her. I do know that men had better wise up fast. Girls kiss and tell today ... not many affairs stay hidden anymore. The scary power and deliberate intentions revealed in "Play Misty for Me" - is becoming a more common reality.

Planned Parenthood is scum ... and full of blind murderers ... but if you were the woman in the video - might not you have had a problem with condemning the man?

Now, the issue about reporting the pregnancy of a 13 year old. That needed to be done - and certainly her parents or guardians should be notified. They have the authority to take things from there.

Just would like to hear your opinions of whether I am way off base in my sympathies toward the fellow involved - and in what ways.

A 13 year-old does not have the capacity to consent. Anyone who pretends otherwise is looking to excuse perversion. You bet I would report the man involved. You are way off base feeling sympathy for a grown man who would sleep with a child.

As for the Kennedy rape...the woman WAS NOT skinny dipping. One of the main pieces of evidence at the trial were the pantyhose that were ripped off of her. And even if she was, no is still no.


Well-known member
A 13 year-old does not have the capacity to consent. Anyone who pretends otherwise is looking to excuse perversion. You bet I would report the man involved. You are way off base feeling sympathy for a grown man who would sleep with a child.

As for the Kennedy rape...the woman WAS NOT skinny dipping. One of the main pieces of evidence at the trial were the pantyhose that were ripped off of her. And even if she was, no is still no.


New member
OK - so a thirteen yo isn't an adult and her consent, if given, is not considered informed.

Do you also give her a pass on being a murderer if she willingly goes to PP and has her baby killed?

What about a thirteen yo boy who rapes an adult woman - don't brush it off, its happened. Does he get a pass because of his age?


New member
That's what is called: subjective morality. That reminds me of the prostitute in Florida, who had charged a man with rape, and his defence was that she was wearing a see-through open-lace mini skirt with no panties, so she was 'asking for it' and he ended up having his case dismissed on just that basis. Your husband is right. "No," means no. It is still rape.

A prostitute and a rapist. :think:

What do you bet they weren't Members of the Body?

Who cares what the heathens are doing? They can't do anything worse than rejecting Christ.


OK - so a thirteen yo isn't an adult and her consent, if given, is not considered informed.

Do you also give her a pass on being a murderer if she willingly goes to PP and has her baby killed?

What about a thirteen yo boy who rapes an adult woman - don't brush it off, its happened. Does he get a pass because of his age?

A pass for murder? Not exactly. I don't believe she should be getting a major medical procedure without her parents knowing, and believe a child can be easily coerced. She is only partly to blame, and in many is also a victim. That doesn't excuse her, but she shouldn't be dealt with the same as an adult...especially with an adult like that nurse "counseling" her that it's okay to further compound the wrongs already committed by killing the baby, to "solve" the problem.

As for the 13 year-old boy...he is the PERPETRATOR in this case. You say he is committing rape. That is a crime, and yes, he is guilty.

If you want to compare apples to apples, look at cases with adult women who sleep with underage boys. Those boys are as much a victim as an underage girl. 13 is still a child, and a child who is molested, regardless of their gender, is scarred. Their attitudes toward sex and also how they view themselves will forever be changed. They are victims in need of help...not condoms or abortions.


New member
A prostitute and a rapist. :think:

What do you bet they weren't Members of the Body?

Who cares what the heathens are doing? They can't do anything worse than rejecting Christ.

I care bc it alters the environment in which I and my family live. No man is an island, no sin is truly hidden. All we do and think in private affects the way that we function in public. It is one thing to expect sinners to sin, it is quite another to look the other way or write them off when we see that sin. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.


New member
Tell me if I am right or wrong.

I have a problem with punishing men for rape and such this day in time - when women today are so sexually liberal anyway.

For an example, once, I had trouble feeling sorry for a young woman that one of the Kennedy kids was supposed to have raped on the beach - while she was skinny dipping with him. My husband said that it should not matter that she was skinny dipping - if she told him no - then no it should have been ... but then that left things as his word against her word- etc. ????

The 18 year old girl, posing as a 13 year old girl in the video, told the nurse that she had willing had sex with the older man. Now, I agree that an older man should have enough sense to leave a 13 year-old alone ... but she admitted to the nurse that she looked old for her age, and it was willing sex, and that she did not want to get him into trouble. Was it made clear that he knew she was 13?

She did not say that she was being abused or anything. Would you want to ruin a man's life over a young girl that possibly had lied about her age and enticed the relationship?

Another way of viewing this liberal sex issue and accountibility is:
There has historically been a double standard about sexual freedom ... so maybe it is women's turn to pay back men. Women can now encourage sexual relations and then yell rape or bring on the LAW when things become a crisis for her. I do know that men had better wise up fast. Girls kiss and tell today ... not many affairs stay hidden anymore. The scary power and deliberate intentions revealed in "Play Misty for Me" - is becoming a more common reality.

Planned Parenthood is scum ... and full of blind murderers ... but if you were the woman in the video - might not you have had a problem with condemning the man?

Now, the issue about reporting the pregnancy of a 13 year old. That needed to be done - and certainly her parents or guardians should be notified. They have the authority to take things from there.

Just would like to hear your opinions of whether I am way off base in my sympathies toward the fellow involved - and in what ways.

The having of sex with a person unknown is dangerous on many fronts. This is one of those fronts. If you unwittingly impregnate a minor, you will, or at least ought to, pay big. A very good reason to engage in self control. Let's advocate that rather than condoning the lack of it because women or girls are shaking their tails in the faces of the hormonal boys - and 30-something men who are completely without excuse.

For my part, I teach my girls about the power they wield with their bodies & to keep it under wraps for the sake of those who want to preserve their purity, as well as for their own purity's sake. Having all the information in front of them, and good decision-making skills honed, they are doing very well with living modestly.


Well-known member
Tell me if I am right or wrong.

I have a problem with punishing men for rape and such this day in time - when women today are so sexually liberal anyway.

For an example, once, I had trouble feeling sorry for a young woman that one of the Kennedy kids was supposed to have raped on the beach - while she was skinny dipping with him. My husband said that it should not matter that she was skinny dipping - if she told him no - then no it should have been ... but then that left things as his word against her word- etc. ????

The 18 year old girl, posing as a 13 year old girl in the video, told the nurse that she had willing had sex with the older man. Now, I agree that an older man should have enough sense to leave a 13 year-old alone ... but she admitted to the nurse that she looked old for her age, and it was willing sex, and that she did not want to get him into trouble. Was it made clear that he knew she was 13?

She did not say that she was being abused or anything. Would you want to ruin a man's life over a young girl that possibly had lied about her age and enticed the relationship?

Another way of viewing this liberal sex issue and accountibility is:
There has historically been a double standard about sexual freedom ... so maybe it is women's turn to pay back men. Women can now encourage sexual relations and then yell rape or bring on the LAW when things become a crisis for her. I do know that men had better wise up fast. Girls kiss and tell today ... not many affairs stay hidden anymore. The scary power and deliberate intentions revealed in "Play Misty for Me" - is becoming a more common reality.

Planned Parenthood is scum ... and full of blind murderers ... but if you were the woman in the video - might not you have had a problem with condemning the man?

Now, the issue about reporting the pregnancy of a 13 year old. That needed to be done - and certainly her parents or guardians should be notified. They have the authority to take things from there.

Just would like to hear your opinions of whether I am way off base in my sympathies toward the fellow involved - and in what ways.


New member
I care bc it alters the environment in which I and my family live. No man is an island, no sin is truly hidden. All we do and think in private affects the way that we function in public. It is one thing to expect sinners to sin, it is quite another to look the other way or write them off when we see that sin. All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

They're already damned.


New member
Hall of Fame
A pass for murder? Not exactly. I don't believe she should be getting a major medical procedure without her parents knowing, and believe a child can be easily coerced. She is only partly to blame, and in many is also a victim. That doesn't excuse her, but she shouldn't be dealt with the same as an adult...especially with an adult like that nurse "counseling" her that it's okay to further compound the wrongs already committed by killing the baby, to "solve" the problem.

As for the 13 year-old boy...he is the PERPETRATOR in this case. You say he is committing rape. That is a crime, and yes, he is guilty.

If you want to compare apples to apples, look at cases with adult women who sleep with underage boys. Those boys are as much a victim as an underage girl. 13 is still a child, and a child who is molested, regardless of their gender, is scarred. Their attitudes toward sex and also how they view themselves will forever be changed. They are victims in need of help...not condoms or abortions.

How on earth can we expect to hold a girl barely in her teens accountable for such a momentous decision, then have the nerve to call her a murderer as well? Given the manipulation and pressure brought to bear I'd say this is unfair in the extreme, to say the least. This amounts to penalizing and impugning a rape victim, for crying out loud.


How on earth can we expect to hold a girl barely in her teens accountable for such a momentous decision, then have the nerve to call her a murderer as well? Given the manipulation and pressure brought to bear I'd say this is unfair in the extreme, to say the least. This amounts to penalizing and impugning a rape victim, for crying out loud.

As I said, she is only partly to blame. But 13 is old enough to know what murder is, just as in the case of a 13 year old boy knowing what rape is.


New member
Hall of Fame
As I said, she is only partly to blame. But 13 is old enough to know what murder is, just as in the case of a 13 year old boy knowing what rape is.

I don't know for certain that every thirteen-year-old girl in this country knows certainly that abortion constitutes murder, however. That's why I would not ever endorse this manner of thinking.


New member think telling a girl to lie about a grown man molesting her, then giving her directions to cross state lines for a major medical procedure (that kills a baby) is HELPING????? Your "solution" allows the girl to continue to live with the trauma of having been raped/molested without any kind of support or counseling, plus deal with the psychological and possible physical damage of an abortion, and allows the person who raped her to roam free, and in all likelihood, rape/molest someone else.

You are a complete idiot...and people like you are what I'M afraid of.

:sigh: Read what I said again.

I never said I feel it is helping nor that I would do the same thing. I did NOT say this was my solution. I said I understood the perspective of the nurse where she may have thought she was helping - not whether I thought she really was thinking. I said I didn't like it. I dislike particularly that people are put in situations where things like this seem like the best option, and that in order to give the girl the choice about what to do next about her predicament, she thought that was the best she could do.

To be honest, I can't see the video and I wasn't there, so I don't know if I can make a call on whether this was absolutely the worst choice she could have made for the girl. All I've got is accounts of a video made by people trying to deliberately entrap the clinic via one staff member, using deceptive means. I'm supposed to trust that their information is deception-free, despite using deception to get it?

I should clarify: I don't have a problem with using deceptive means to get to the truth if that's what's necessary, but given that the views given here are so black & white about things, I wonder how others in this thread would justify that. The ends justifies the means?

It doesn't mean I don't think it was wrong. I'm simply recognising that people often do bad things with good intentions, and that sometimes the rest of us play a part in pushing people towards those bad choices. I thought that was a more useful insight to human behaviour than just "zomg baaaaaw evil evil evil!!!"