Since this understanding of "Pisteuo" is new to a lot of people, I would like to give a little background on how I came to know about this mistranslation of "pisteuo" into our English Bibles.
In 1987 I came across a Bible teacher that would prove to be one of the greatest Biblical minds since Martin Luther. His Father was a preacher, so the last thing he wanted to be was a preacher also. But at an early age, he went to a Bible college and found himself being asked to leave. They recommended he went to a regular university and so he did. This started a journey for him that would make him a teachers teacher as many would describe him. Many, many more people disliked him than liked him, but everyone had a respect for his knowledge of the word of God.
He would go onto earn his degrees at Stanford university, amass the largest collection of Biblical manuscripts in private hands, behind the Vatican. He tirelessly mined through Gods word for 50 years, with all the ancient texts at his disposal. I first came across his teaching in 1987, the foundation of his teaching is the understanding of "Faith". Without this basic understanding, it was impossible to learn Gods Word correctly.
He would be the one, who First taught me that the Greek word "pisteuo" was mistranslated into English. The reason for this mistranslation is the Greek word "pisteuo", and to make that situation even worse, they used the word "believe" as a replacement word for "pisteuo". Pisteuo is the verb form of the noun "Faith" pistis in the Greek. The English language has no word for the verb form of "Faith". The words the English language should have had are faither, faithing, and to faithe. But those aren't in the English dictionary.
He would go on to teach that this Greek word "pisteuo" is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. In the vines, "pisteuo is defined as a "personal surrender to Him, and a life sustained by such surrender. The strongs is "commit unto", "be committed to", commit to ones trust," and specifically says that pisteuo "means not just to Believe."
So as I have said before, a great conversation can be started, but only for those who will accept the true definition of "pisteuo", used in the NT 248 times.
I gave some background on how I came to this information of the English language not having a word for the verb form of Faith. This gifted teacher also had a very specific action associated with Pisteuo.
Being fair to him, I want to share his understanding of what saving faith is, and what is the specific action involved in Pisteuo.
Pisteuo is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act i'm going to share with you is the best understanding you will ever hear. And I will go onto share my concerns about that understanding.
His understanding was that saving faith or pisteuo from the very start, is grabbing hold of a promise in Gods Word, and hang your body, everything on that promise. No matter what things looked like, how bad the circumstances around you seemed, you still hold on to that promise. Even till death if need be waking up on the other side still holding on. When that promise becomes fact, start the whole process over again on another promise. When a promise becomes fact it's not faith anymore, so another promise is needed to hang your body on. If this process stops, everything stops, pisteuo stops, eternal life stops. Faithing or pisteuo is continuous.
Now that is the best definition you will ever hear. And further along in our Salvation journey, I understand this to be completely true.
What I have a problem with, is that if we are outside of Gods Word at the start of our journey, how can we grab hold of something that's not ours yet. Rom. 8:9 is one of those foundational Scriptures that cuts across all boundaries. It says, that if we don't have the Spirit of Christ in us, we are none of His. And if He is not ours, His word is not ours either. So I present the question, How do we start the journey, how is Gods Word made ours to grab hold of to start the relationship?
That's where the definition of "pisteuo" becomes so valuable, and why I consider it to be "the secret of the universe."
The definition of "pisteuo is "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." We don't have to have the Spirit of Christ in us to surrender our lives to Him. And if that surrender is genuine, will start the Salvation process. My gifted teacher was not one of those who understood that the Spirit of Christ was emediately at the start sealed into us, and neither am i. But by his understanding we would have to have the Spirit of Christ in us to start the process the way he understood it. As I said before, once we start the Pisteuo or surrendering of our lives to Him, and as result He and His word become ours, then his understanding makes more sense. But surrendering our lives to Him is the essential action, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence we must practice to grow in Christ.
It's my hope that some of those who know what i'm talking about here, would reply and discuss this. Or, that someone who is drawn to know more about pisteuo will do the same.