Personal Freedom vs. Public Welfare

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Speaking of drama, check this out:

I think he's referring to you, ok doser, and it makes you wonder how, or why he knows that you "follow him about and refer to him in posts"--that is, it makes you wonder what purpose he imagines it has served him to have had you on "Ignore" all this time, since, somehow, you're still getting on his nerves. :)

I, personally, have never understood the point of using, nor felt motivated to use, the "Ignore" function on TOL. If I understood rightly what Arthur Brain said a few days ago, and if it's true what he said, then he's had me on "Ignore", too, for a few days now. But I'm thinking, how's that supposed to stop me from writing future criticism of his posted TOL ravings? For his fragile sake, I hope he always remembers to only use TOL while logged on, and to never peruse the threads while not logged on.....Think how hilarious it would be if, while (not logged on) reading a post by one of us on his "Ignore" list, he gets so agitated by what he reads that he takes us off of the list (at least temporarily) just to post something in reaction to what we wrote, directly quoting us. I cannot help but smile when, as on a few occasions, I see some committed TOL errorist proclaim (almost as if he feels it is cause for a bit of personal pride on his part) that I am on his "Ignore" list. Just because Arthur Brain has us on his "Ignore" list does not me that we have him on our "Do not disturb these TOL members" list.

As far as expos4ever's having said that he would "welcome" being banned from TOL (apparently because he feels he cannot, in the first place, simply restrain himself from logging onto it, though it apparently rattles his cage to be logged on), a simple solution to his "problem" might be simply to reset his TOL password as something like, "akdsladf3539295823Afua9e36q32423432sdsdfsafaddgdsgda", and not write it down.

Thought you'd appreciate this:
Why don't you put me on ignore?


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Last night I claimed the city of Bohumín for Poland. Nobody was harmed and I was welcomed by the residents.

Just or unjust?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Exactly. It is called "statistics".

Society prohibits certain types of behavior because they pose a high risk to others.

As I demonstrated and with regard to Idolator's repeated question to artie about drunkenness, statistically speaking drunkenness is a behavior that poses a high risk to others, and on that basis could reasonably be argued to be prohibited.

In a similar vein, young black women giving birth to black male children without a father in the house is a behavior that poses a high risk to others.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Last night I gave birth to a black male child without a father in the house. Statistically speaking this action/behavior that I engaged in poses a high risk of harm to others.

Should it have been prohibited?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Harry likes to play with weapons. He especially likes to throw hand grenades around, and watch them explode. He likes to do this in a local city park. So far, he hasn't harmed anybody, so the police let him continue with his grenade-throwing. If he harms somebody- then they'll arrest him.

Makes sense?

Last night I threw hand grenades in my local city park. The police were concerned about the risk I posed to others with my hand grenade throwing and so they restricted me to an area of the park in which they have erected fencing that will block 3% of the hand grenades I throw.

Make sense?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Things I have "admitted doing" in this thread:

Invading the Sudetenland
Occupying Czechoslovakia
Claiming the city of Bohumín for Poland
Throwing hand grenades in a local park
Giving birth to a black baby boy without a father in the house
Annexing Zaolzie to Poland
Testing negative for Coronavirus antibodies
Deciding not to wear a mask in April, May, June and the 1st three weeks of July
Running a red light
Logging off of PJ's site and not returning
Burning old TOL accounts because of constraints in my personal life
Resetting my password to a random string, logging off and deleting my cookies

Cookies :chew:

Last edited:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Last night I gave birth to a black male child without a father in the house. Statistically speaking this action/behavior that I engaged in poses a high risk of harm to others.

Should it have been prohibited?

Really? I thought you were a bloke...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Things I have "admitted doing" in this thread:

Invading the Sudetenland
Occupying Czechoslovakia
Claiming the city of Bohumín for Poland
Throwing hand grenades in a local park
Giving birth to a black baby boy without a father in the house
Annexing Zaolzie to Poland
Testing negative for Coronavirus antibodies
Deciding not to wear a mask in April, May, June and the 1st three weeks of July
Running a red light
Logging off of PJ's site and not returning
Burning old TOL accounts because of constraints in my personal life
Resetting my password to a random string, logging off and deleting my cookies

Cookies :chew:


You admitted to driving while drunk near the start. Regardless, this is OCD whackery and then some.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I demonstrated and with regard to Idolator's repeated question to artie about drunkenness, statistically speaking drunkenness is a behavior that poses a high risk to others, and on that basis could reasonably be argued to be prohibited.

In a similar vein, young black women giving birth to black male children without a father in the house is a behavior that poses a high risk to others.

Hmm, some thinly veiled racism to go with the nuttery...

There's a shock.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It’s not lunacy but rather trolling for the sake of trolling. The only reason to argue in favor of driving drunk is to argue for the sake of arguing with those of us who are their moral superiors ...

The guys a nut anyway. Look at his latest "offerings"...



Last night I gave birth to a black male child without a father in the house. Statistically speaking this action/behavior that I engaged in poses a high risk of harm to others.

Should it have been prohibited?

If you believe that this birth poses a high risk of public should have acted more responsible and chosen to abort the pregnancy.