"Perhaps we need a new American Revolution to defend marriage"


You know that is a lie, don't you?

Homosexuality is common in nature. Why would it not be seen in humans, too?

It's supported by genetic studies as well. If you have a gay brother, you're statistically more likely to be gay yourself than if you had a gay cousin instead. If you have a gay twin brother, you're more likely to be gay than if you had a gay non-twin instead.


New member
Homosexuality is common in nature. Why would it not be seen in humans, too?
Homosexuality is not common, but it does arise with greater frequency in unnatural environments, like a zoo, or in populations where the male-female ratio is out of balance with the male-female mate ratio, such as when one male has many female mates, but there are an equal number of male and females, leaving males without mates.

It's supported by genetic studies as well. If you have a gay brother, you're statistically more likely to be gay yourself than if you had a gay cousin instead. If you have a gay twin brother, you're more likely to be gay than if you had a gay non-twin instead.
You seem to be confusing an environment that promotes people thinking about homosexual sex with genetics.
Homosexuality is a social disease, not a genetic one.


Homosexuality is not common, but it does arise with greater frequency in unnatural environments, like a zoo, or in populations where the male-female ratio is out of balance with the male-female mate ratio, such as when one male has many female mates, but there are an equal number of male and females, leaving males without mates.

You seem to be confusing an environment that promotes people thinking about homosexual sex with genetics.
Homosexuality is a social disease, not a genetic one.

Dolphins and bonobos (our closest relatives) engage in the behavior frequently, and primates and cetaceans are the only animals that are known to have sex purely for pleasure. In the wild.

Additionally, every animal species with both males and females has been observed to engage in homosexual activity. It is common

To be clear, bonobos (not dolphins), are the closest relatives of humans


Science has been quite wrong about a lot of things in the last two hundred years.


Fun fact: science is responsible for all medications, space exploration, technology, and so on in the past 200 years. It's responsible for your computer that you're typing this on


New member
Hall of Fame
Dolphins and bonobos (our closest relatives) engage in the behavior frequently, and primates and cetaceans are the only animals that are known to have sex purely for pleasure. In the wild.

Additionally, every animal species with both males and females has been observed to engage in homosexual activity. It is common

To be clear, bonobos (not dolphins), are the closest relatives of humans

We are not animals, no matter how badly you wish it were so.


We are not animals, no matter how badly you wish it were so.

Yes, we are. We are exceptional animals, but biologically animals nonetheless. You won't find a single educated person who says differently.

Here's a science lesson: there are five kingdoms of life. They are animalia, plantae, fungi, protista, archaea, and bacteria

You think we're fungi?


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, we are. We are exceptional animals, but biologically animals nonetheless. You won't find a single educated person who says differently.

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I find the Lord much more knowledgeable than you.


1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I find the Lord much more knowledgeable than you.

And where did He explicitly state, "You are not animals"? He said you will dominion over all the creatures, but never said that we weren't animals.

At any rate, if you insist that God said that people aren't biologically animals, then God is wrong. I don't want to make Him seem unintelligent, so I don't do that


New member
Hall of Fame
I think so. Others not as versed in science think it's an insult

I would be willing to bet i've had way more science than you have, yet i've remained smart enough to know that the wisdom of this world has nothing on the God of all creation.

No one and nothing is smarter than He is.


New member
Hall of Fame
And where did He explicitly state, "You are not animals"? He said you will dominion over all the creatures, but never said that we weren't animals.

At any rate, if you insist that God said that people aren't biologically animals, then God is wrong. I don't want to make Him seem unintelligent, so I don't do that

Why now do you suppose that He created us in His image, but not the animals, and He gave us dominion over them (meaning we are above them and set apart from them)

Your bolded in red statement says it all.

Why do you worship a god who makes mistakes and is less intelligent than you are?


1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

I find the Lord much more knowledgeable than you.

God prefers to keep his followers worldly ignorant. :think: Have you ever considered exactly why that is....or has blind faith completely supplanted that very thought process?