"Perhaps we need a new American Revolution to defend marriage"


New member
There are consequences
for sin.

So, let GOD dish them out as it's HIS domain.

Get the church out of it.

The Church's ONLY ROLE on earth, is to love neighbor.
Jesus explained that loves even the enemies of God/yourself, AND that the love would provide for them. What does providence look like? Jesus showed that it provided necessities to them.

Jesus said if you are sued for your shirt, give them the coat as well.

The LGBT community sued for protection against the bigots in the Church. Rather than following those examples Christ gave, they do the ANTI CHRIST move of being UNprovidential.

And then they dare to claim they are righteous for doing it, actions 180 degrees against Christ's teaching.

Pretty brazen, eh?

One Eyed Jack

New member
Let's take the cousin of a grad school friend as an example. He is gay, lived with a boy friend in the Central West End of St. Louis. We went to see him in the Hospital at Barnes about 4 years ago. His story is typical. He tore his sphincter and colon having sex. He then contracted 3 different types of infections as a result of the damage. They eventually removed about 15 inches of his large intestine and part of his colon. The doctor told him that if he continued to have anal sex that his body would not tolerate the stress, and it would eventually kill him.

He died last November.

The part you naive folks don't get, is that it may start as a disease free consensual abomination, but the infections come, as do the drug addictions, the alcoholism, and the suicides. Forget the spiritual side for a moment and just deal with the physical an mental health issues and consequences. You all need to get real about that. It is an unnatural act that has natural physical and mental consequences.

If you listen to them, it's society's intolerance that causes all these problems. Of course, I don't buy it -- society has never been more tolerant of homosexuals.


New member
If you listen to them, it's society's intolerance that causes all these problems. Of course, I don't buy it -- society has never been more tolerant of homosexuals.

Ironically the gay marriage debate occurred because when they asked for protection under the law, legally, from the Christian Right who disregarded their choices after death, and the families of their partner, preventing the partner from coming into their death bed, and a ton of other stories I can share.

So, declined the rights under the law to protect they dying person's interest, for example, and rather than fighting this fight in fifty states, they decided since a marriage in one state is honored in all states, they would fight for marriage. It was an economy of interest thing.

The Christian right are the ones who put the term "marriage" on the table by pulling the lgbt communities strings.

While it's true that the world is more tolerant of the lgbt community, it doesn't mean the world is right. Well the world is right, the Church is quite literally Anti Christ on the topic.


New member
If you listen to them, it's society's intolerance that causes all these problems. Of course, I don't buy it -- society has never been more tolerant of homosexuals.

by "them" you mean all of those social scientists and researchers who keep finding that yes indeed it is hate and intolerance that is the cause of the problem


New member
The world is antichrist. The Church is the Body of Christ.

I meant what I said. Anti Christ. Against Christ. It has nothing to do with whatever you think the "Antichrist" would be.

The church is 180 degrees anti (against) Christ. They do exactly the opposite of what jesus taught in this scenario.

DId that clear it up?


New member
Who cares if a state or country has same sex sanctioned marriages.

Let's face it, the reason for state sanctioned marriages is to enshrine certain rights and obligations to the participants. Other than that frankly, state sanctioned marriages mean nothing more.

Now if you are right thinking person, you will acknowledge that everyone, no matter what race, religion, ethnic background, or worldview has or at least should have the same rights and obligations as anyone else. The enforcement of those rights and obligations come from the state.

If your religion doesn't want same sex marriage and doesn't want to sanction it, so be it. That is freedom of religion.

But your religion has no right to tread on anybody else is right. Your rights end were other people's rights are intruded upon. Who cares if two men or two women want to live together as a marital unit? It doesn't impact you. It doesn't impact society. All that impacts is a viewpoint that many of us have recognized is antiquated, and does not fit into an egalitarian minded society.

Keep your religion. Keep your faith. But don't let it tell others what they should be doing or what society should be doing because of your perspective.


New member
Hall of Fame
How small do you really have to be to feel threatened by someone else's happiness?

Marriage isn't under attack, it's just available to more people. So exactly the opposite of an attack, basically.


Hall of Fame
How small do you really have to be to feel threatened by someone else's happiness?

Marriage isn't under attack, it's just available to more people. So exactly the opposite of an attack, basically.
