"Perhaps we need a new American Revolution to defend marriage"


Principles of Biology 1 and 2, Human anatomy and physiology advanced level for science majors, microbiology also advanced as well as cellular biology, chemistry 1, and 2, principles of genetics, and endocrinology, in addition to all the pre-requisite classes to those classes.

I clearly wasn't studying to be a vet. None of my classes were called animal biology.

I note you haven't named your classes.

I hadn't no. I will now.

AP Biology in high school
Biology 1 and 2
Vertebrate Anatomy
Chemistry 1 and 2
Organic Chemistry 1 and 2
Human Physiology
Human Anatomy

Obviously along with pre-requisites and associated labs

I'll throw in Understanding the Scriptures and Truth of Scripture (Religion 1 and 2) to show that I studied the different interpretations of the Bible, also

I guess I win


You demanded a scripture that claims man and animals were different and also claimed none existed, nice try at moving the goalposts.

Admit you were wrong.

I'm wrong if you also consider birds and fish to not be animals. Is that what your classes taught you was the case? It sure isn't what mine taught me


New member
Hall of Fame
I hadn't no. I will now.

AP Biology in high school
Biology 1 and 2
Vertebrate Anatomy
Chemistry 1 and 2
Organic Chemistry 1 and 2
Human Physiology
Human Anatomy

Obviously along with pre-requisites

I guess I win

What did you win? :rotfl:


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm wrong if you also consider birds and fish to not be animals. Is that what your classes taught you was the case? It sure isn't what mine taught me

Wow, so intellectually dishonest... you forgot what you said?

And where did He explicitly state, "You are not animals"? He said you will dominion over all the creatures, but never said that we weren't animals.

At any rate, if you insist that God said that people aren't biologically animals, then God is wrong.

I responded:

1 Corinthians 15:39 For not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.

Seems like both of you are ignorant to me.

Keep trying to act like people said other than what they did. Now you get to be on ignore, i dont have debates with losers who move goalposts each time they cant handle the answer they asked for. :wave2:


Wow, so intellectually dishonest... you forgot what you said?

I responded:

Keep trying to act like people said other than what they did. Now you get to be on ignore, i dont have debates with losers who move goalposts each time they cant handle the answer they asked for. :wave2:

Yes, and the Bible also says that birds and fish aren't animals, which we both know to be false. Therefore, either the Bible is right and scientists have been falsely classifying humans (primates, actually), birds, and fish as animals instead of.....I guess protists?
I'm right and humans, fish, and birds ARE animals. Take your pick

As you are ignoring me for your own inability to answer a simple question, everready's response will be substituted for your own. And it's wrong

Scientists have some serious thinking to do on what category humans actually belong in, you know, since the Bible is always literal and inerrant. What do you think we fit in best? Plantae, fungi, archaea, bacteria, or Protista?

Have a lovely, blissfully-ignorant-of-facts life, Angel

The Horn

This is all poppycock . Marriage does not need to be "defended ".
On the contrary , it's the rights of gay people in America which need defense, because they are under attack by hommophobic bigots like Reilly and other right-wing jerks .
Saying that marriage needs to be "defended " because of same sex marriag e is as idiotic as saying that white male voting rights needs to be defended because blacks people and women have the vote .
How the heck does allowing gay people to marry "harm" marriage or interfere with the rights of married straight people ?It doesn't .
How does SSM prevent opposute sex couples from getting married and having children ? It doesn't .
How does SSM harm children ? It doesn't . There is not one shred of evidence that being raised by gay couples is in any way "harmful" to children or that it will "make them gay " or put them at risk of sexual abuse . There is a whole generation of teenagers and young adults who have been raised by gay couples, and they are doing fine .


New member
Hall of Fame
With all the problems we have as a country it pretty much demonstrates how utterly screwed we are when someone proposes a revolution because more people can now get married.

We deserve everything we get.
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The Barbarian

I haven't had any activists knocking on my door, telling me that my heterosexual marriage is over.

And my daughter is getting married this month, and no homosexuals are threatening her for marrying her boyfriend.

So what exactly are we trying to defend?

Other than the unfortunate government involvement, there's no issue at all. If two guys or two women "get married", it's not a threat to my marriage. Regardless of what the state says, marriage is what it always was.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Defending marriage is a dumb idea.

Recriminalizing homosexuality is the way to go. :up:

The Barbarian

Charter member of the "my sin is nicer than your sin" club writes:
Recriminalizing homosexuality is the way to go.

Stipe, think. What if they recriminalized lying? You'd be sharing a room with Bubba.


New member
Nothing. I answered your statement. Forget?

My posts were still on topic, but you have already forgotten that.
Here they are again:

Homosexuality is not common, but it does arise with greater frequency in unnatural environments, like a zoo, or in populations where the male-female ratio is out of balance with the male-female mate ratio, such as when one male has many female mates, but there are an equal number of male and females, leaving males without mates.

You seem to be confusing an environment that promotes people thinking about homosexual sex with genetics.
Homosexuality is a social disease, not a genetic one.

That's your opinion, and science says you're wrong

Science has been quite wrong about a lot of things in the last two hundred years.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Charter member of the "my sin is nicer than your sin" club writes:Stipe, think. What if they recriminalized lying? You'd be sharing a room with Bubba.

Nope. Lying should only be criminal when it is done to a judge in a criminal case.

And we know you hate scripture, which says homosexuality is a sin and a crime.

The Barbarian

Stipe writes:
Nope. Lying should only be criminal when it is done to a judge in a criminal case.

(Stipe is a member of the "my sin is nicer than your sin" club)

Stipe hates scripture, because it tells him to take the beam out of his eye first.

Matthew 7:4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? [5] Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother' s eye.

Jesus can be such a killjoy, um, Stipe?


Nope. Lying should only be criminal when it is done to a judge in a criminal case.

And we know you hate scripture, which says homosexuality is a sin and a crime.

Hope you've never eaten crab, lobster, or shrimp. That would put you in the same boat with homosexuals according to scripture