ECT Paul was a pentecostal Christian.


Well-known member
And if they all spoke the same unknown tongue, what difference would it have made?

Are you asking me?

If so, please be more specific.

If you are referring to a meeting, "in the church" I Corinthians 14

then all spoke in tongues, other than the benefit to self, there is no benefit to the church, for if it does not communicate words easy to be understood, it is not edifying to the mind of the people there.

I Corinthians 14:5-20

Paul is concerned that people get edified in their minds, therefore they need to understand the words being said. Listening to people speak in a foreign language does nothing for me if I do not understand the words being said.

Although I have a very small familiarity with Lithuanian, that is, I can understand one word out of 100 in a conversation, that is not enough for me to involve myself in the conversation, I might as well find something else to do.

If I go to a church meeting and every one there is speaking in tongues, there is no benefit to my mind, for I do not understand a word being said.

I might as well go find a different setting and read my Bible alone.

At the least, I might learn something, even if I do not understand all that I am reading. But I cannot learn a thing from some one speaking in tongues for I will not understand a word, not one word, being said.

Unless that person interprets the tongues he just spoke, I Corinthians 14:13,5,26-28

All things are to be done that people are being edified, being in the church, we are to seek to edify.

I Corinthians 14:12 KJV

Cross Reference

New member
Are you asking me?

If so, please be more specific.

If you are referring to a meeting, "in the church" I Corinthians 14

then all spoke in tongues, other than the benefit to self, there is no benefit to the church, for if it does not communicate words easy to be understood, it is not edifying to the mind of the people there.

I Corinthians 14:5-20

Paul is concerned that people get edified in their minds, therefore they need to understand the words being said. Listening to people speak in a foreign language does nothing for me if I do not understand the words being said.

Although I have a very small familiarity with Lithuanian, that is, I can understand one word out of 100 in a conversation, that is not enough for me to involve myself in the conversation, I might as well find something else to do.

If I go to a church meeting and every one there is speaking in tongues, there is no benefit to my mind, for I do not understand a word being said.

I might as well go find a different setting and read my Bible alone.

At the least, I might learn something, even if I do not understand all that I am reading. But I cannot learn a thing from some one speaking in tongues for I will not understand a word, not one word, being said.

Unless that person interprets the tongues he just spoke, I Corinthians 14:13,5,26-28

All things are to be done that people are being edified, being in the church, we are to seek to edify.

I Corinthians 14:12 KJV

Place it in any 'meeting' environment you wish. My question stands. If the Holy Spirit means it for you, what should that matter to you whether the speaker [such as Acts 2] speaks a language you can relate to or your hearing some strange tongue is made real to you that you understand??

Lazy afternoon

The idea that tongues are for edification of self is completely unfounded; it is precisely contrary to all that Paul was building toward in I Corinthians 12-14. The apostle went to great lengths to emphasize that spiritual gifts are for edification of others. He says in I Corinthians 12:7 that gifts are "for the common good." Paul's love song in I Corinthians 13 is so beautiful, in and of itself, that oatmeal have missed its very point: he is showing that gifts must be exercised in love, and if they are exercised in love they will be exercised for the benefit of others, not self. "Love seeketh not her own" (verse 5) but focuses on others. To exercise a gift simply for its personal benefit would be a prostitution of it.

1Co 9:13 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?


If you had ever prophesied then you would recognize the Spirit of tongues (if it was genuine)


1Co 9:13 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?


If you had ever prophesied then you would recognize the Spirit of tongues (if it was genuine)

You're a false prophet


Well-known member
And if they all spoke the same unknown tongue, what difference would it have made?

Since there are many tongues in this world, and none without significance, God would not limit those who speak in tongue to one language, for then those who do use that one language from understanding it, could not speak in tongues.

Some things can be said better in French than another language, some things can be best said in Swahili or Sioux or the tongues of angels.

Cross Reference

New member
Since there are many tongues in this world, and none without significance, God would not limit those who speak in tongue to one language, for then those who do use that one language from understanding it, could not speak in tongues.

Some things can be said better in French than another language, some things can be best said in Swahili or Sioux or the tongues of angels.

And, when "speaking" from/by the power of God, no language can sometimes, not be necessary.


Well-known member
Place it in any 'meeting' environment you wish. My question stands. If the Holy Spirit means it for you, what should that matter to you whether the speaker [such as Acts 2] speaks a language you can relate to or your hearing some strange tongue is made real to you that you understand??

It does not matter to me. What matters to me is that I speak in tongues much as instructed in I Corinthians 12-14


Well-known member
And, when "speaking" from/by the power of God, no language can sometimes, not be necessary.

Not sure I understand your position. But I will go with the following:

Speaking in tongues is speaking a language unknown to the speaker.

God gives the utterance, but it is the person who chooses when to speak or say it this way, it is the speak that speaks, but it is God that gives the utterance.

It is God working in the believer and the believer believing God.

It is a language that is either the tongue of men or of angels. I Corinthians 13:1

The understanding is bypassed when speaking in tongues, if you understood it, it would be a known language to you, thus it would not be speaking in tongues.

I Corinthians 14:14-15

The understanding is unfruitful when we speak in tongues. We have scripture to make our understanding fruitful. Speaking in tongues serves other purposes

Since it is God that gives the utterance, Acts 2:4, we can rest assured that what we speak is perfectly acceptable to God.

I Corinthians 12:3 the Corinthians were concerned that speaking in tongues might actually be cursing Jesus, thus were hesitating. Pagans would curse their gods to motivate them.

Paul reassured them that speaking in tongues is spiritually saying that Jesus is lord.

I Corinthians 12:3 Amp

Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking under the power and influence of the [Holy] Spirit of God can [ever] say, Jesus be cursed!

And no one can [really] say, Jesus is [my] Lord, except by and under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit.

To speak in tongues is to trust God in way that was not available before Pentecost.

It was foretold but not available until Pentecost, this particular Pentecost, was fully come. Acts 2:1 the one immediately following Jesus' completed first earthly ministry.


New member
The morning of my water baptism (later in the day) I do not believe there was a happier person in the world despite me loosing millions, my girlfriend, and recently being ordered to report to Federal Prison. All that really mattered to me was I knew there was a God in Heaven who loved me, and everything else going on at the time even as bad as it was did not add up to anything of any importance to me. God loved me and everyone else could go fly a kite

While laying face down on my bedroom floor and praying out loud I became aware of some strange sounds in the form of words coming from me several weeks before I read about speaking in tongues.

It was not until after I read of speaking in tongues that I asked a man who was instrumental in the beginning of my prodigal son return home journey, if he thought I had been speaking in tongues?

His reply was he knew people who spoke in tongues, but he did not, and he was sure I had not spoken in tongues either. Unfortunately this added up to a good/bad example of one believer becoming a stumbling stone of another believer through quenching the spirit within a newly "reborn" follower of Christ. Not surprisingly God soon removed him from being in a position of influencing my spiritual development.

How I feel about tongues today.........

When that which is perfect is come (knowledge of the truth of what is and what will be) tongues will cease being spoken by the person gaining said knowledge.

Other than one brief incident years ago and one episode last year when I woke up in the middle of the night praying in tongues over someone I already knew God had a special anointing for (God would not give me what to say over them in English until I finally and reluctantly agreed to obey Him and anoint the person).

Although much easier for me not having to do it, unfortunately, the person missed their opportunity to "come up hither". Equally unfortunate is I am less than confident the opportunity is going to come around again despite my own desire to see this person receive the fulness of what our Father has for them. At the least it will not be coming from me anytime soon, so I have asked God to raise someone else up to get done what I failed to do.

I have never found it easy to pray over people despite a divine occurrence practically being guaranteed to happen...... at least that is the way it has been in the past in all but one time

I never could understand persons who go around laying hands on anybody who is willing to wait in line, as to what makes them think God does not have mercy on those of His choosing rather than their choosing?

1 Timothy 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.

No one on earth has been given a gift to heal others, and no one can pass on an anointing they do not already possess (the lessor can only be blessed by the greater)

What God does is first look at the person making the request........ then all decisions are up to Him and not us.

1 Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.

James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

patrick jane

It seems like it.

that's why I don't like him much. Jesus did not talk about speaking in tongues.

meshak, you just don't get it. Jesus Christ appeared to Paul, AFTER The Crucifiction and Resurrection. you are right to follow Jesus, but Jesus Himself, revealed the meaning of Christ and many other things to Paul. it's not mid-acts, it's the whole NT from Acts to Revelation. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were about Jesus' earthly Ministry. they did not know of "preaching the Cross" yet. to completely follow Christ, you must know Paul's writings. and James, Peter, John, Luke and John of Patmos etc. you talk like everything stopped at Crucifiction. there was MORE meshak. read it. know it. Jesus didn't speak about what He told Paul. see ? - :bang:

Lazy afternoon


meshak, you just don't get it. Jesus Christ appeared to Paul, AFTER The Crucifiction and Resurrection. you are right to follow Jesus, but Jesus Himself, revealed the meaning of Christ and many other things to Paul. it's not mid-acts, it's the whole NT from Acts to Revelation. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were about Jesus' earthly Ministry. they did not know of "preaching the Cross" yet. to completely follow Christ, you must know Paul's writings. and James, Peter, John, Luke and John of Patmos etc. you talk like everything stopped at Crucifiction. there was MORE meshak. read it. know it. Jesus didn't speak about what He told Paul. see ? - :bang:

Jesus explained to Paul the scriptures of the OT.
