pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


New member
We're they doing it for the lust of the flesh and greed?

Governments don't have lusts of the flesh, only people do. People always profit off of war. I'm sure the people in line to profit from the war were pushing wholeheartedly for it. I doubt they were pushing the dropping of the bomb however. That took away alot of profits for them.


New member
As for the preaching of the gospel in Japan during the war. Absolutely impossible. You say not by the people? The people who may have been open to the gospel had no say in the matter. The missionaries would not have even been allowed to get off the ship and embark onto the island of Japan.


New member
As for Sodom, they were not at war with a nation whose aim was to protect the world. Sodom was also not killing people by the thousands daily.


New member
There was absolutely no possibility for any christianity to be preached in Japan at all. Just as there is no possibility of Christianity being preached in Saudi Arabia today.


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There was absolutely no possibility for any christianity to be preached in Japan at all. Just as there is no possibility of Christianity being preached in Saudi Arabia today.
I mean, you could, but you'd have your head cut off for doing so...


New member
What do you mean, that God would have wanted to change?

The only thing God wants to change is our hearts. Nothing materialistic! He's not worried about the material things of this world.

What do you mean by "heart"?

What do you mean by this repent that you do every day?


New member
Those who sent the atom bombs on Japan were not doing it for God, but because they are of the world and both sides were fighting for the things of the world and not for God.

And those truly born of God bring love, mercy and forgiveness to others, as Jesus did because his life will be in those who belong to him.

Elohim is the first cause of everything that takes place in heaven and on earth. You deny His Sovereign Might and His right to judge the wicked.

"the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will,"


Well-known member
What do you mean by "heart"?

What do you mean by this repent that you do every day?
I've told you over and over what I mean by heart, I'm still waiting to hear what you mean by heart, because you condemn others when the tell you what they think, but you never fully explain yourself?


New member
We as Christians and followers of the example and teachings of the anointed of GOD are to help the widow and the poor. That is to say any we have the ability to help that we and the receiver may glorify GOD. We too are to turn the other cheek and recompense good for evil. So it stands to reason that we are to be selfless in aid and passive in violence. So what about when one is in need of protection from another (as in eminent possibility of extreme pain or death)? I think in those special cases that we would be called on to do what is right by the selfless conscience/ Holy Spirit. That is to say; the selfless thing for the sake of the life of another. This would pertain to children and the needy/ elderly/ vulnerable definitely. We as Christians cannot set by for the sake of our own material life while knowing we could help those in desperation and need.

my opinion


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New member
You made the claim.....what purpose did God have in ww2?
The removal of an evil society that would have enslaved half the world including the US. The improvement in the standard of living for Japan. Japan becomes a model for other Asian countries like south Korea and Thailand and singapore to rise above poverty into the developed world. This meant longer lifespans and fewer infant deaths . Asians come to America and succeed. Would that have been likely to happen without WW2?