pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


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You are misusing it.
Then explain how I am misusing it. i simply referenced a verse that deals with the topic of this thread. Do you reject God's' word? If so, therein lies your problem.

As I said before, pacifism is a sin, it's selfish, and it's extremely harmful.

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Then explain how I am misusing it. i simply referenced a verse that deals with the topic of this thread. Do you reject God's' word? If so, therein lies your problem.

As I said before, pacifism is a sin, it's selfish, and it's extremely harmful.

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You still do not answer my question. Is Jesus example for us to follow?


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You still do not answer my question. Is Jesus example for us to follow?

Absolutely, if you can do it!

Give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, cast out demons and raise the dead.

Why would anybody not want to do that?


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You still do not answer my question. Is Jesus example for us to follow?
Yes, but Jesus is most certainly not a pacifist. If you doubt that, just read the book of Revelation, and parts of Isaiah and any other books that deal with end-times prophecy.

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Jesus told us to imitate Him.

He did not kill His enemy nor did any of His disciples.

Why do you have to kill your enemy against His word?

Jesus told us to judge with righteous judgment. He also told us throughout His word to love our neighbors. If our neighbors are harming other neighbors, then we should act to stop them out of love. Meshak, God tells us to fight wars when it is necessary and just to do so. Would you go against His word just because you selfishly think that we aren't supposed to go to war because Jesus never killed anyone? You are foolish.

Jesus said that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. He wasn't making an observation, it was a command to stand against those who live by the sword. If someone takes a gun and starts to shoot up a mall, then the police officers have every right to protect the innocent people in the mall, and shoot the gunman, even if it means he dies.

By being a pacifist, you undermine the entire concept of justice.

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Jesus told us to imitate Him.

He did not kill His enemy nor did any of His disciples.

Why do you have to kill your enemy against His word?

God says to execute the murderer. People like Hitler and bin Laden were murderers, but in order to be able to punish them, we had to go to war to stop them from harming others.

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Your judgement is not righteous judgement because you disregard Jesus' word.

You seem very new Christian. You need to read the Bible without preconceived notion of your church or denomination.

These ARE Jesus own words. "Do not judge based on appearances, but judge with righteous judgment."

I've been a Christian since fifth grade, about 13 years ago, but sadly it's only within the past 3 years that I've been able to learn more about the Bible.

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These ARE Jesus own words. "Do not judge based on appearances, but judge with righteous judgment."

Again, you don't seem to know Jesus.

Love your enemy message is self explanatory. You need to twist to change to your desires.

You need to abandon worldly mentality and practice if you want inherit His kingdom.


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Again, you don't seem to know Jesus.

Love your enemy message is self explanatory. You need to twist to change to your desires.

You need to abandon worldly mentality and practice if you want inherit His kingdom.
Does God hate evil?

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