TOL Subscriber
What? You don't understand that Lon is a paragon of virtue? :wazzup:
Of course I do.:sheep:
What? You don't understand that Lon is a paragon of virtue? :wazzup:
I will. And I'll post. :drum:
Why I think you have thrown down the gauntlet. Let's see if Lon can do it. We'll just sit back and watch. Go Lon, the floor is yours. Don't be afraid.
You'll get banned. Lon doesn't cotton to your type.
You'll get banned. Lon doesn't cotton to your type.
And I'm not one of the supposed "culties" that were excluded. I qualify as a Monohypostatic Trinitarian, so I'm eligible to post.![]()
I've seen your song and dance and am not impressed. You 'look' like one of the other Arian/unitarian cultists on this board, even if you aren't one. Your 'friends' seem to be gathering 'round you. Paul, if I read scripture correctly would have you being more careful of your allegiances. Your toting the unitarian-goad places you in particularly bad company. I've been ignoring the lot of them lately. They are not a particularly 'happy' group (same reason they stopped existing the first century, it was not because of persecution). They all are sectarian fighters, disrupters, and inept, on this board. One 'seem's to know Greek but I doubt it yet because he doesn't seem to understand English very well but it might not be his first language or something. At any rate, that one is a unitarian so my hopes of intelligence are held out yet. He ran away rather quickly.How 'bout you exegete three hypostases in one ousia from the text instead of imposing inane censorship to hide behind your eisegetic Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine?
O/orthodox Nicene Creedal Trinity doctrine is three hypostases ("persons") in one ousia ("being"). Go ahead. Exegete with no eisegesis of superimposing multiple hypostases into/upon the text. Get to it.
'If' you can read it. Most are blow-hards on here and I despise them the lie. Lying is lying.He'll have to find some other sacred text. It ain't in the canon of accepted scripture.
Greek eats the doctrine alive. English no workee, either.
Assuming you understand creeds better than others. I'm not particularly impressed. If you are just splitting 'triune' hairs okay, but dont' drag cults into your song and dance else you become one. All these others are arian (or unitarian).Anyway... most professing Trinitarians aren't. I'm just trying to get them to at least adhere to their own alleged professed doctrine that they need to learn instead of a conceptualized ideology via indoctrination.
No, it is not. John 1:1 is clearer than clear and you'd have to be (and are) academically inept, to miss it in any language, including Greek. Language has a structure in all languages. Breaking that structure on purpose is nothing less than lying or at least very much mistaken. There is no possible way to read John 1:1 any but one way. :nono:The least they could do is admit it's total and complete inference based on eisegetic preference by default. That would be honest and accurate.
Um, not too bright, at least today. That was the point: learn to read or at least take time to do so? I don't like them. I find them 'not my kind of people.' You fell right into their goading. You can throw your hat where you like, but if in that crowd, we won't get along. I don't have time for purposeful obtusion and self-deception, frankly. I don't want to hate or despise, or abhor - that was the message/point.Yeah, you're not contentious at all. No hate, despite, or abhorance from you.
You are ignorant. The triune doctrine was a protection against heresy, not really a fleshed out doctrine in and of itself. its design is not to give you another topic to fight about but one in which to insist against. If you understand this, I believe you are abusing it here. I don't have a lot of patience if you insist on continuing to do so simply to be novel or different.How 'bout you exegete three hypostases in one ousia from the text instead of imposing inane censorship to hide behind your eisegetic Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine?
O/orthodox Nicene Creedal Trinity doctrine is three hypostases ("persons") in one ousia ("being"). Go ahead. Exegete with no eisegesis of superimposing multiple hypostases into/upon the text. Get to it.
God created the heavens and the earth
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:11 God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: plants yielding seeds according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds." It was so.
We can see from these verses God has created the tree.
Col 1:15 who is the image of the invisible God, the First-born of all creation.
Col 1:16 For all things were created in Him, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers, all things were created through Him and for Him.
Col 1:17 And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.
Col 1:18 And He is the Head of the body, the church, who is the Beginning, the First-born from the dead, that He may be pre-eminent in all things.
Col 1:19 For it pleased the Father that in Him all fullness should dwell.
We know from Genesis 1:1 God created the heavens and earth. Naturally, the first thing we see in Colossians 1:16 is that all things were created through and for Christ.
We have one of two ways to go here: Either these scriptures disagree with one another, or they completely agree with one another. Some would purport a third option: that God created through Christ Jesus, but the problem with such a view is first, that it is not explicitly given from the text. It is a deduction rather than an idea explicitly given. If, as we read in 2 Timothy 3:16, that all scripture is given by God, we should readily discount the second. We then have the dilemma of these two passages completely agreeing with one another and that we have an equation. God and Christ are used interchangeably so as one is not distinguished from the other.
Doubt verses Denial
The RC has called the triune (Trinitarian) view mysterious. That is, there is an embrace of things not entirely explained which carries the idea that we believe first and if possible, answer what questions we may without going beyond the written scriptures such as the third option above does, with deductive reasoning. We do use deductive reasoning to fill in gaps in missing information, but when it comes to scripture, we admit our lack and loosely (tentatively) hold to a working theory/possibility. A mystery allows for doubt. That is, if a thing is not explained, we may wonder whether we are apprehending or able to apprehend information we are given. In our comparison we see God and Christ used interchangeably as creator. There is nothing from the text that would allow us to deny that God and Christ are equated in scripture. If the scripture does not support denial, denial is purposefully against the written word. If the author of Colossians had wanted to make a stark distinction to how the world was created, he didn’t do so. We cannot assume he neglected this. If he intended that we should see distinction, the text does not give any inclination. Knowing full the Genesis account, this one is written blurring the lines between Genesis 1 and Colossians 1:16. Not novel to the Colossians author, the Apostle John states in similar fashion:
John 1:3 All things came into being through Him, and without Him not a thing came into being that has come into being.
God with us
Isa 7:14 So, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign. Behold, the virgin will conceive and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel.
Mat 1:22 Now all this happened so that might be fulfilled that which was spoken of the LORD by the prophet, saying,
Mat 1:23 "Behold, the virgin shall conceive in her womb, and will bear a son. And they will call His name Emmanuel," which means, God with us.
If Christ was not God, this prophecy was never fulfilled. Some reinterpret this scripture to mean, “God is for us” eradicating the wording and meaning of this promise.
There you go again, you believe a cultist first. Great first impressions, pps. You aren't starting off on a good foot. They were banned for breaking forum rules. Talk to a mod if you want the real skinny on these matters. Unitarians have a way of seeing truth 'their own way' on everything different from the rest of us, so of course, scripture and everything someone else might say (makes me think they didn't do well in English either). Proof? When/if you become a member, TOL airs infractions publically. It is easily varifiable.That makes no sense. If an OP debates with others he prohibits from debate, he forfeits the conditions in his thread. I'm accustomed to double standards, though.
I've seen your song and dance and am not impressed.
You 'look' like one of the other Arian/unitarian cultists on this board, even if you aren't one.
Your 'friends' seem to be gathering 'round you.
Paul, if I read scripture correctly would have you being more careful of your allegiances.
Your toting the unitarian-goad places you in particularly bad company.
I've been ignoring the lot of them lately.
They are not a particularly 'happy' group (same reason they stopped existing the first century, it was not because of persecution).
They all are sectarian fighters, disrupters, and inept, on this board.
One 'seem's to know Greek but I doubt it yet because he doesn't seem to understand English very well but it might not be his first language or something.
At any rate, that one is a unitarian so my hopes of intelligence are held out yet. He ran away rather quickly.
'If' you can read it.
Most are blow-hards on here and I despise them the lie. Lying is lying.
Assuming you understand creeds better than others.
I'm not particularly impressed.
If you are just splitting 'triune' hairs okay,
but dont' drag cults into your song and dance else you become one.
All these others are arian (or unitarian).
No, it is not. John 1:1 is clearer than clear and you'd have to be (and are) academically inept,
to miss it in any language, including Greek. Language has a structure in all languages. Breaking that structure on purpose is nothing less than lying or at least very much mistaken.
There is no possible way to read John 1:1 any but one way. :nono:
Because you say so? :nono: I don't need a Pope, thank you very much.Trinity doctrine of any variant is not the threshold standard for salvation.
Uh, this is a triune board. I'm not on their board causing disruption and have no particular desire to do so. A good many websites ban Arians and unitarians fairly quickly. Don't confuse 'not doing so' with approval nor a lack of disruption.From the tone of the posts, I'd say it's the inverse.
No, your tolerance for them is much greater than mine. Kudos but, yes, irrelevant.Irrelevant. I'm not one.
Arguing 'about' what we all believe isn't anywhere near the same as denial. There is a very good PDF, I believe given by AMR, attached here. Might be a great place to start.You evidently aren't aware of the near-exponential quantity of Trinity sects; or the many variants of the Trinity doctrine. Otherwise, you'd realize this finger points back at yourself and many others.
Not really. It was an opportunity to voice your own Greek prowess. It doesn't matter but I'm always wondering about those who taut the ability.Ummm... irrelevant again.
Yes, I do, but only when the stupid crowd tries to get up and teach. It isn't a general truth so don't try to make it one.You esteem yourself quite highly, and others quite lowly.
No, I won't.Give me a shot. I'm not Dyohypostatic, but I'm a Trinitarian by most definitions. I'm not Unitarian, Sabellian, Arian, or Binitarian. I qualify to post in this thread. You might find yourself outmatched in scholarship.
Pot, Kettle. I asked in a few other posts what your intentions are. If you are general pain in the posterior, you need not continue here. I don't like contentious for the sole purpose. If you have a genuine love for Christ and His Body and have something relevant to say, I'd love to hear it. Fair enough?So far, this is just ranting. Anything of doctrinal or theological substance beyond ad hominem rhetoric for others?
Um, not too bright, at least today.
That was the point: learn to read or at least take time to do so? I don't like them. I find them 'not my kind of people.'
You fell right into their goading.
You can throw your hat where you like, but if in that crowd, we won't get along.
I don't have time for purposeful obtusion and self-deception, frankly.
I don't want to hate or despise, or abhor - that was the message/point.
Oh, and it's 'spite' not 'despite.' One means 'beside the point,' the other falls to 'a desire to annoy' which is recipricol. My ignore button helps me stay away from that. I don't really have malice, it is just something to add to the list. Hate? Ecclesiastes 3:8, but I 'try' not to. Dislike is certainly there. You might want to add "spite" and "despite" to your word-a-day calendar?
Despite is applicable, just as I said. You might want to add "reciprocal" to you word-a-day calendar.
You are ignorant.
The triune doctrine was a protection against heresy, not really a fleshed out doctrine in and of itself.
Oh really, now. I've read every Ante-Nicene writing extant. That was one ignorant statement.
its design is not to give you another topic to fight about but one in which to insist against.
Chase that tail.
If you understand this, I believe you are abusing it here. I don't have a lot of patience if you insist on continuing to do so simply to be novel or different.
I understand every last cobweb of Trinity doctrine, both from a theological and historical perspective (along with its many variants and perversions, and nearly a hundred other proposed formulations). Your thread is obtuse and condescending. That's why I responded.
In other words, it is simply a stance to oust cult teaching.
Ummm... nope. It was clearly and concisely formulated, regardless what you think or how you change it to suit yourself and your conceptual ideology.
That's why the RC has always held it as position of 'mystery.'
Are you RCC? I doubt it. Maybe you should hold to all their other doctrines, too.
Cults use 'mystery' in a derogatory redress, but it is the same word Paul uses in describing God.
Yeah. The mystery has been revealed (by His Spirit). Christ in you, the hope of glory. The mystery of the doctrine of man is another story.
So, now you are going to try and tell me what the creeds say? Go for it but I'm pretty sure there is nothing new under this particular sun.
Why don't you check out the Cappadocian Fathers' contribution to the formulation that was finalized at Constantinople in 381AD?
What does scripture say? "
What it doesn't say is "three hypostases ("persons"/subsistences/substances) in one ousia ("being"/substance/essence). That's Trinity doctrine.
...was with God and was God..."
There are 2 to begin with without eisegesis of any sort whatsover.
The inept and scripture rewriters miss it all the time, however, It is so very clear.
There are over 100 threads (or were) from arians and unitarians. Their rancor and disruption is well-known on TOL.
One reason I disdain them, is what they do and attempt to do, in goading the Body.
I really don't like or have time for, trouble-makers who simply want to be trouble-makers, in the Body of Christ.
Show yourself to be in support of the Body of Christ and we'll get along fine.
If God has called you to correct our direction and you have genuine concern, we'll be fast friends.
There is no time for the other, so I ask cultists (and I guess just disruptors) not to post here.
There are plenty of 'disrupting threads' on TOL without this one needing to be another.
If you go through it, you'll see it has been disrupted far too often with mundane anti-propoganda already posted elsewhere.
Arguing 'about' what we all believe isn't anywhere near the same as denial. There is a very good PDF, I believe given by AMR, attached here. Might be a great place to start.
I just realized this was 2 years old but that Isaiah prophecy was definitely helpful. Thanks![]()
Patently false. I can scan my grades for Greek classes fairly quickly, among other adept ways of proving the point.I can read it fine.
This is actually the behavior I've seen you demonstrate.
No, in point of fact, it is not irrelevant. "You keep using that word, I dono-think-it means what you think it means."But that's irrelevant to doctrine itself.
Again, read AMR's PDf attached to this thread. It is there to the right a little bit when you see this thread listed under the 'forum' tab as well as linked by me. On top of that, John 1:1 was already posted so I see this as ingenuine. You might have to do a bit of leg work yourself, however, because I can't read minds after this point.I'm waiting for your exegesis of scripture that verifies O/orthodox Trinity doctrine of three hypostases/one ousia for God.![]()
Greek, some Hebrew, a bit of German.Likely. I understand them fine in Greek, Latin, and English.![]()
Before you ever got here. The 'impressed' was seeing others attempting to do similar 'hair-splitting.' I don't mind a good orthodoxy discussion but I'm not ready to oust uneducated triune believers with wrong views. I don't fall into any of the categorical heresies listed by the given link though I have slipped on the tight-rope walk from time to time, in attempted explanation or illustrations that just don't work. We need to avoid the heresies, not really worry (imo) about falling as we try and describe our uncomparable God. They are failed attempts but I am shouting 'encouragement' from the side-lines, not "boo hiss."You're interested enough to post and perpetuate a thread.![]()
God is Spirit so I'm not too hung up on splitting hairs over 'substance.' Our language is inadequate to task. As long as one is trying to avoid the blatant heresies, I'm not too hung up on immature or wrong answers.I'm not splitting triune hairs. God isn't multiple hypostases, and you can't exegete it from the text. It's eisegetic inference, mostly from easily refutable pronoun usage and presumption from ideology and indoctrination.
It is ignorant. The triune view is not eisegetic. How do you explain yourself being some form of triune if it is eisegetic? I find the idea exegetical and defensible without apology or restraint.I haven't dragged anyone into anything. All I did (as a Monohypostatic Trinitarian) was answer your insistence that "an ignorant said the Trinity was eisegetic". It is. If you'd like to exegete multiple hypostases from the inspired text, have at it. I'll wait.![]()
No, your ignorance is showing. How can something be both unless it conveys such triune information and notions? Answer? It can't. Why don't you know this? It isn't hidden discussion? Read a bit of this thread.I'm not sure how you could possibly know this one way or the other. It's part of your tyrade, I suppose.
Ah, your motto says that. It doesn't mean anything. Saying "just because a large group says it is true, doesn't make it so" isn't saying anything. Everyone knows this. However, the majority, statistically, is nearly always right (food for thought).Then stop doing it. John 1:1 makes no reference to an alleged Trinity; though John 1:1 is quite clear that the Logos was and is God. One has to know the meaning of Logos, though. It doesn't automatically mean an additional hypostasis of three that are manufactured by eisegetic inference to fit a pre-supposed concept as doctrine of men.
Eh, splitting hairs as far as I'm concerned. We are dealing with 3 things that makes it hard for God to communicate to man who and what He is:For ideologized Dyohypostatic Trinitarians, maybe not. But there aren't three hypostases in John 1:1 or anywhere else in the entire inspired text as canonized scripture.
John 1:1 gives us the Logos as being with God and being God (Divine).
F/S/HS are all distinct, eternal, uncreated, concurrent and con-substantial Deity by ontological subsistence and substance; but God is NOT three hypostases in one ousia as a Trinity. God is not three "persons" by any definition in any language.
Because you say so? :nono: I don't need a Pope, thank you very much.
Uh, this is a triune board. I'm not on their board causing disruption and have no particular desire to do so.
A good many websites ban Arians and unitarians fairly quickly.
Don't confuse 'not doing so' with approval nor a lack of disruption.
No, your tolerance for them is much greater than mine. Kudos but, yes, irrelevant.
Arguing 'about' what we all believe isn't anywhere near the same as denial.
There is a very good PDF, I believe given by AMR, attached here. Might be a great place to start.
Not really. It was an opportunity to voice your own Greek prowess. It doesn't matter but I'm always wondering about those who taut the ability.
Yes, I do, but only when the stupid crowd tries to get up and teach. It isn't a general truth so don't try to make it one.
No, I won't.
1. Not what this thread is about
2. I've already rejected your 'superior' song and dance.
You aren't the cat's meow. I don't really care if I am one back for you.
Pot, Kettle.
I asked in a few other posts what your intentions are.
If you are general pain in the posterior, you need not continue here.
I don't like contentious for the sole purpose.
If you have a genuine love for Christ and His Body and have something relevant to say, I'd love to hear it. Fair enough?
Think "scapel" not "stiletto?"Your edification knows no bounds, eh? Don't cut yourself with that tongue, now.![]()
A spade is a spade. Bedside manner is important but not as important as what necessarily has to be done. To me, Bed-side-manner isn't necessarily 'love.' God uses both, especially where stubborn blockheaded cults are concerned.Irrelevant. You're commanded to love them. Why don't you?
You can stand for your perceived truth without demeaning others personally. Nowhere does scripture speak of us "liking" others.
▲Then you goaded them ▲ See 'em? Pick your poison.Nobody goaded me. Thanks for your concern, though.![]()
1. hair-splitting to me, so farI don't throw my hat anywhere except twith the ruth of the Word by the Spirit; and that isn't Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine. I'm not concerned about us "getting along" by somehow appeasing your false doctrine.
Was that a stilletto or a scalpel? Just asking.On the contrary, that's actually all you have time for and believe.
We'll pick this one up from the last post I made to you. :up:I affirm that. I'm not a Unitarian (or an Arian or a Sabellian or a Binitarian or an Adoptionist or an Ebionitist, etc.). Now what?
I've read a good many of them. So and what?Oh really, now. I've read every Ante-Nicene writing extant. That was one ignorant statement.
Oh. I see you tried to answer "so" and "what" but its no more profound or clear than when I just asked it. "I" must be the uneducated one with such profound explanation. :think: Forgive me if I 'think' at the moment it is "you" failing to communicate? (thanks if you'll give this one to me or "oh well" if not) - second attempt:Chase that tail.
LOL, you are better than I am and I've really studied this stuff.I understand every last cobweb of Trinity doctrine, both from a theological and historical perspective (along with its many variants and perversions, and nearly a hundred other proposed formulations).
Awe! That's cute how you used my same words like that. You are original, intelligent, and inspired! You know, for a guy that seems to wonder why I don't just 'love' unitarians, you don't seem to model anything different nor provide anything of substance to back up your own supposed prowess. Did you know that? I just thought I'd point that out. It's just an observation so take it as a freebie, but honestly, if you are going to be just like me, then I'm going to have to like you. Are you smarter than I first gave you credit for? I can learn to like you.Your thread is obtuse and condescending. That's why I responded.
No, half my family is.Are you RCC? I doubt it.
I don't have nearly the problem you probably do.Maybe you should hold to all their other doctrines, too.
Why don't you check out the Cappadocian Fathers' contribution to the formulation that was finalized at Constantinople in 381AD?
Sound familiar? ▼▼▼In order to understand and appreciate correctly the contribution of the Cappadocians to the doctrine of the Trinity we must first set the historical context. What were the Cappadocians reacting against? Why did they take the view they took, and how did they try to respond to the challenges of their contemporaries? After trying to give an answer to these questions we may consider the lasting significance of these Fathers' theology for other times.
- source
Back to better formatting (and thank you if you can do it again in the future).The triune doctrine was a protection against heresy, not really a fleshed out doctrine in and of itself. its design is not to give you another topic to fight about but one in which to insist against...
In other words, it is simply a stance to oust cult teaching. That's why the RC has always held it as position of 'mystery.' Cults use 'mystery' in a derogatory redress, but it is the same word Paul uses in describing God.
No. I 'think' I know where you are going with this.Wow. I guess that's supposed to be astute in some way. The Logos was with and was God. The Son is ontologically Divine. That doesn't presupposed the "how" of a Dyohypostatic Trinity because of that simple "what".
His blessings, but you are starting to mellow me out from the verbal fight I was expectingI haven't missed it. I affirm it.
:think: Maybe I don't get emotionally caught up in past debates like I shouldAs is the rancor and disruption of Dyohypostatic Trinitarians for two millennia in every venue imaginable.
Yes, but they have to turn to Him first, or were you talking about me? If that be the case, I think you mixed up. If you are passionate about truth within the body, I'm exponentially so about those who would ignore the whole of the Body and cause these rifts and fights. You'll see, over time, they have no problem correcting and fighting among themselves either. This thread is 'supposed to be' a reprieve from that. Look the thread over and look again to your statement just above. We all get along really well in this thread among us. I don't think your above observation holds true. I'm just not seeing it, at least this century (the time "I'm" living in).Sounds like a heart issue. There's repentance for that.![]()
You say dumb things, at times. I am not on an arian/unitarian board nor am I going to them to cause trouble.Then desist and stop the double standard.
Yeah, I am. Who? A member of the Body with all the rights and priveledges thereof. Learn your own place in the Body. What you just said was also dumb.I support the Body of Christ. I'm not concerned with whether you choose to get along with me. You're not the litmus test for fellowship or truth. Why do presume you are?
Your problem. Eye, log, splinter.Will we? Are you correctable? I don't sense so in the least.
You are strange. This is a triune board. They are coming here, I'm not going there. I even asked them to 'refrain' from disrupting here. This isn't 'supposed' to be a contentious thread. I 'did' post a concern about a post of yours because the doctrinal point was important. It wasn't to drag you over here but to help them in discussing the topic with you and unit-arians over in that thread. This is more of a 'companion' or reference thread to triune posters.But you yourself are the source of venom and vitriol. That's inconsistent, to be kind.
You are ignorant. Read it again. My contention was against the 'eisegetic' comment and why that was wrong. It had nothing to do with your specific doctrinal position. My contention is over eisegesis vs exegesis.I dropped by to read your thread. I noticed your reference to someone (me) insisting the Dyohypostatic Trinity was eisegetic, calling me an ignorant.
Again, you are going to have to do some leg work. You specifically were talking about, and perhaps I missed the point, the triune doctrine not being exegetical. My only contention was that it was. Why was this the contention? Because arians jumped all over it and read it the same way. Therefore, a reference thread necessarily needs to address that concern with information regarding it. I've no problem discussing the details here. That's what it is here for.That's why I responded to get an exegesis from you, since you declare it's not eisegetic. Simplez. Provide the exegesis for God as three hypostases in one ousia. That's very straight-forward and not obtuse in the least.![]()
Sorry, no. "Ignorant" is not an ad hominem. "Missing the mark" is assesement, not attacking the messenger. "Sorry. You lose. Good day, sir." - Willy WonkaAnd likely rightly so. I see more ad hominem from you than from them. By far.
My only intent is to illuminate that the Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine is eisegetic, and that most professing Trinitarians are actually functional Triadists rather than taking the Classical O/orthodox Trinity position. It's a conceptualization of English presumption based on dilution of indoctrination without anything more than assent to Creeds and outlines or statements.
The idea certainly, is there. The gospel of John carries the equities very well, but I'm not really shook up with you not liking 'subtance' or 'essence' persay. Hopefully you are adressing this from the other post already, but how much deeper does your disagreement go than definition here?I'd just like someone to exegete three hypostases in one ousia from scripture or admit DyoHypo Trinity is eisegetic with candor and honesty. It's not hard.![]()