ECT Our triune God


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Hi Lon,

Are you still with us? I am sorry to see what has happened to your thread and your noble efforts to discuss the Trinity apart from arguments.

In the spirit of your OP, I will share my favorite Scriptures that reveal, without a doubt, the Holy Trinity of God.

Jesus Christ was raised from death to life by the Father:

“Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead.” Galatians 1:1

“Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4

Jesus Christ was raised from death to life by the power of the Holy Spirit:

“But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Romans 8:11

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, raised Himself from death to life:

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, 'Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?' But He spake of the temple of His body. When therefore He was risen from the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.” John 2:19-22

Thus, Holy Scripture teaches that all three Persons of the Triune God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, at the same time attributing this resurrection power to the One True GOD:

Acts 2:24, 32; 3:15, 26; 4:10; 10:40; 13:23, 30, 33, 37; Romans 10:9; I Corinthians 6:14; Colossians 2:12; I Peter 1:21.

Nice post.


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Matthew 28 KJV
(19) Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name [singular] of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


Well-known member
Bright Raven gave this verse

Bright Raven gave this verse

John 14:23

King James Version (KJV)

23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.


Well-known member
some of you, i think and hope, are seeking TRUTH. in YHWH. in YESHUA.

so, for you...... look up the word "HOLY" all through scripture.

every occurrence of the word "HOLY" .... every one.

you might want to be sitting down, btw. it is a jaw-dropping-to-the-floor shock
to find out what you are about to find out in the next few hours or months. (it may take that long, yes).....

truthfully, it might not be totally necessary - that's YHWH'S CHOICE......

so , ask HIM FIRST, then proceed as HE says, do whatever HE says.
For such a big assignment, the 'title' isn't meaningful enough for one to buy the book and begin reading the undertaking imo. I have done this before but I'm as triune as I've ever been. What was your point?


Well-known member
((hint: "learn to read" <grin> ))

if you just find out the definition of holy, it will help a lot.

Er, I thought I just said I'd read verses on holiness before? I did it through a book called "The Pursuit of Holiness" -Jerry Bridges
"Set apart - above - without blemish"


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Triune Fellowship observation from GodRulz

Triune Fellowship observation from GodRulz

We can fellowship with the Holy Spirit as evidenced from other verses about the indwelling Spirit. The Father and Son also fellowship with the Spirit.
2 Cor. 13:14 Triadic, including FELLOWSHIP with the Holy Spirit (God/person)! (see other versions like ESV, etc. that use word 'fellowship').


Well-known member
Just read an ignorant saying the triune view is eisegetic. As a reminder, the triune position is the only non-eisegetic theology! It is the only position that insists that we adhere to all revelation regardless of what that means.

Every other position destroys one divine inspiration or another in an act of heresy.

*As a reminder, cultists should answer in other threads. This is not a 'debate' thread for them to participate in.


Well-known member
Just read an ignorant saying the triune view is eisegetic. As a reminder, the triune position is the only non-eisegetic theology! It is the only position that insists that we adhere to all revelation regardless of what that means.

Every other position destroys one divine inspiration or another in an act of heresy.

*As a reminder, cultists should answer in other threads. This is not a 'debate' thread for them to participate in.

Oh sure Lon, make wrong comments about non-trin theology and then forbid non-trins from responding. And you probably wonder why I have dubbed you Drive-By Theologian. :chuckle: :plain:


Well-known member
Oh sure Lon, make wrong comments about non-trin theology and then forbid non-trins from responding. And you probably wonder why I have dubbed you Drive-By Theologian. :chuckle: :plain:
You have your own thread. I've had you uni's on iggy so this is my way of staying out of another contentious fight. Because that's all your kind like to do, I move away from your threads more lately and largely ignore you all. I already think the lot of you brain-dead-stupid-is-as-stupid-does. Contentious adds to in the mix. Let that be enough without making me think worse of you lot. Hate, despise, and abhor are much harsher and I'm trying to stay away from such. I don't know how we are to love heretics other than telling them the truth for the umpteenth time, so I post here.


TOL Subscriber
The Trinity is inherently an 'illogical' doctrine, and therein lies its force: no-one in their right natural mind would have thought it up, so given that it takes no glory away from the cross, it is of necessity, true.

For any doctrine which can be shown to take no glory from Calvary, is necessarily true, and this by virtue of the fact that there is only one way to glorify God, and that is by the one and only Truth who is necessarily God Himself.

Historically, there has been much manipulation and positioning of words by various denominations and creeds, in order to get the definition of the Trinity right - to get it to 'sit well' in the conscience and the understanding.

Such lexical attempts have in the main played with the terms "being", "person", "essence", and "personality". This has largely been unfruitful.

Rather, given the 'illogicality' of it, the doctrine is naturally best defined when expressed in terms which are maximally contradictory and therefore maximally removed from man's dirty little 'rational' mind.

The Trinity is therefore best defined as follows:

1. God is one person only, with no severalness about Him whatsoever. Not merely one in cause, but one indivisible single spirit. He is no less an individual and singular person than any human being. There is absolutely no division in Him whatsoever.

2. God is not one person at all, but comprises 3 completely separate individuals (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) each of whom are completely God on their own. They are as separate and distinct as any human being is from another, with no overlap whatsoever.

3. Both (1) and (2) are completely true, at exactly the same time, with neither (1) nor (2) having any more weight or legitimacy than the other.

The doctrine of the Triniity.

This isn't Trinity doctrine.


TOL Subscriber
Just read an ignorant saying the triune view is eisegetic. As a reminder, the triune position is the only non-eisegetic theology! It is the only position that insists that we adhere to all revelation regardless of what that means.

Every other position destroys one divine inspiration or another in an act of heresy.

*As a reminder, cultists should answer in other threads. This is not a 'debate' thread for them to participate in.

How 'bout you exegete three hypostases in one ousia from the text instead of imposing inane censorship to hide behind your eisegetic Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine?

O/orthodox Nicene Creedal Trinity doctrine is three hypostases ("persons") in one ousia ("being"). Go ahead. Exegete with no eisegesis of superimposing multiple hypostases into/upon the text. Get to it.


TOL Subscriber
You have your own thread. I've had you uni's on iggy so this is my way of staying out of another contentious fight. Because that's all your kind like to do, I move away from your threads more lately and largely ignore you all. I already think the lot of you brain-dead-stupid-is-as-stupid-does. Contentious adds to in the mix. Let that be enough without making me think worse of you lot. Hate, despise, and abhor are much harsher and I'm trying to stay away from such. I don't know how we are to love heretics other than telling them the truth for the umpteenth time, so I post here.

Yeah, you're not contentious at all. No hate, despite, or abhorance from you.



Well-known member
You have your own thread. I've had you uni's on iggy so this is my way of staying out of another contentious fight. Because that's all your kind like to do, I move away from your threads more lately and largely ignore you all. I already think the lot of you brain-dead-stupid-is-as-stupid-does. Contentious adds to in the mix. Let that be enough without making me think worse of you lot. Hate, despise, and abhor are much harsher and I'm trying to stay away from such. I don't know how we are to love heretics other than telling them the truth for the umpteenth time, so I post here.

You post your, um, exegesis(?) to correct "heretics" in a thread you forbid them to respond to. Who do you think is going to stick around for that?


Well-known member
How 'bout you exegete three hypostases in one ousia from the text instead of imposing inane censorship to hide behind your eisegetic Dyohypostatic Trinity doctrine?

O/orthodox Nicene Creedal Trinity doctrine is three hypostases ("persons") in one ousia ("being"). Go ahead. Exegete with no eisegesis of superimposing multiple hypostases into/upon the text. Get to it.

Why I think you have thrown down the gauntlet. Let's see if Lon can do it. We'll just sit back and watch. Go Lon, the floor is yours. Don't be afraid.