I want to thank those who have supported this thread and not hijacked it.
Thank you
SovereigntyisGod - great verses
Thank you
Nihlo - esoteric, but supportive
Thank you
SonOfJack - great use of scriptures
Thank you
SaultoPaul - scripture were great
Thank you
Tico - for thread support
Thank you
Buzzword - for asking the right questions
Thank you
Colossians - for researching help here in your post
Thank you
-FoC- Who carried the thread early on
Thank you
godrulz - for emphasizing ettiquete and our triune God and defending in thread from first to last
Thank you
Totton Linnet - for hanging in there for the long haul
Thank you
Nang - for reminding us of the OP
Thank you
AMR - for timely links and weighing in with your considerable earned knowledge
Thank you
Nick M - for agreeing with all of us that John 1 puts this debate to rest
Thank you
John W - He virtually carried the thread for about 30 pages!
Thank you
Nicholsmom - for continued encouragement
Thank you
Ryan Collins - for asking good questions
Thank you
Rocketman - for asking good questions and support
Thank you
fzappa13 - for not molesting the thread as many others did and for
supporting it in your own way
Thank you
Zippy - for chiming in so clearly
Thank you
Rainee - for cheering and supporting
Thank you
Student_ad_X -
for suscribing and his continued support
Thank you
Geralduk - for summarizing this thread
Thank you
ttruscott - for an apt illustration
Thank you
Bright Raven - for jumping in with both feet
Thank you
Apple7 - for not only jumping in, but championing our triune God all over this forum and has stuck with this thread for 30 pages
Thanks JonahofAkron - for your sense of humor
OneGodInChrist - though not triune, supported this thread against arian mistakes
Thank you
Redeemed-777 - for weighing in
Thank you
Wile E. Coyote - for jumping in soundly with both feet
To all others who have supported this thread and I have missed, thank you.