He emptied himself of the glory he had with the Father in the beginning.
You are in error here, LA
The text does not say that.
He emptied himself of the glory he had with the Father in the beginning.
You are in error here, LA
Have you ever entertained the idea that Jesus could have changed the meaning of scripture to satisfy his own will?
A son devoted to His father could never do that especially if having the vision of His Father and the joy of it all set before Him as Jesus experienced.
He could have asked the Father for them legions of Angels and taken the kingdom.
That would have been against the rules of engagement. All the heaven;ly host were watching Him very closely that He defeat Satan on his own turf much as Satan defeated Adam on his. both . . . . without the manifest presence of Father.
The Father would have complied even against his own will.
He would have has no choice and lose the battle in doing so. If you think about it, Jesus had His opportunity to do just that at His Transfiguration on the Mt. We might discuss how He could have an still be Lord.
The one thing Jesus could not ask, was for the Father to change his will by taking the cup from him.
The cup was the will of God that secured redemption, a whole new way of living that was completely dependent upon the Love of Jesus, the man. [Scarcely a righteous man would what ... give his life?]
It was either follow all the way through or do his own thing.
And in the process all humanity would have been destroyed. Satan would have neutralized God.
Either way he would have had the Father's blessing.
Not hardly either way. Acquiessence would be more like it.
He chose the Father's will, which as you know is best for everybody.
Yes. Who could have saved mankind had Jesus failed. . . . . Who could have saved him had He lost the vision and succumbed to the pressures. There was no other human as Himself nor could there be another to perform what only He could have performed. It was a one shot at it deal and thank God, He won.
This is truly what makes him worthy of our praise, is it not?![]()
Amen!! Amen! There is much conjectured speak concerning His victory or His failure and many things that were a stake.
No free will, everything is pre-destined
No body has free will, even Jesus' choice was still dictated by the limits God set.
As far as we are concerned everything is pre destined, if Jesus had made a different choice scripture would have been understood differently.
Nobody would have written the lamb slain from the foundation of the world afterwards of Jesus sweating blood instead of shedding blood.
No free will, everything is pre-destined
The text does not say that.
No body has free will, even Jesus' choice was still dictated by the limits God set.
As far as we are concerned everything is pre destined, if Jesus had made a different choice scripture would have been understood differently.
Nobody would have written the lamb slain from the foundation of the world afterwards of Jesus sweating blood instead of shedding blood.
Except maybe Zeke, Freelight and Caino.
What I'm saying is that you don't know what would have happened if Jesus had shed his blood by merely sweating it and not gone to the cross.
You do a lot of presuming.
"If I remember." Thanks for the correction."Jesus Only" __ "Apostolic Pentecostalism". That ain't me and Lon knows it.
It is Truth [Jesus] warped into a cultlike persuasion. Learn it but, stay away from it.
I have free will, I don't know what yours is
Show me where I have? I used the the word "conjectured" you conveniently choose to ignore/overlook.
No more of this with you. My bad for allowing to you to waste my time.
You, like virtually everyone else, do not understand Epistemology. The will is the "strectching forth in tension" (intention) of the mind toward the object as subject.
The will is always the application of the mind, whether sub-cognitive (unaware) or cognitive (aware).
A renewed mind means the will being subject to God and His righteousness, meaning we are bond-servants.
An unrenewed mind means the will is enslaved to sin (the noun) as the condition within the nature (physis) of the being (ousia) and within the members of the body (soma).
Everyone has a will, and it functions within certain parameters. Nobody's will is "free", for man's will is merely boulema and cannot inherently accomplish all that it might take counsel to do.
The will is only as "free" as the mind that applies it via intention. And neither the mind nor the will can accomplish God's righteousness, whether inwardly in character or outwardly in conduct.
Nowhere in scripture is "free" will spoken of. It's a construct of varying influences throughout the last two millennia and before.
Your will can only be as free as the quality of renewal in the spirit of your mind.
Okay, sorry.
I agree with most of what you said.
The part I'm having trouble with is you saying Jesus did it without the manifested presence of God.
What do you mean by that?
I didn't say that. Stop twisting what others say or do you feel you need to do so to gain advantage?
Ask them. You do.
Your "opinion" screams it.
And you? What about you? What makes you think you are more correct when the Greek doesn't even get alomg its self?
Of course you do. You wrote what you wrote. You contradicted yourself. Words do indeed mean something. Do re-read of your own.
Yes, He is.
NO! You inverted my statement! And Upper and lower case defines Who I am speaking of, i.e., Jesus Christ Who said that He [Holy Spirit] would. Need scripture for that?
Why did you? You wrote that He was not the only [T]eacher of truth as a come back for my saying that He was the ONLy teacher of [T]ruth.
And you are guilty as charged.
I am not interested in all that ..! Stick to this discussion.
I am a full gospel Pentecostal who does not agree with alot of what is going on the church. Better we let God do the judging. He doesn't need our help since He has been using much witnessed to reveal Himself to those He foreknows will be true to Him. And what is discussed should be between those who God has given discernment and not to those who condemn without knowledge, the Greek lexicons notwithstanding. I am well aware of what Jesus spoke of in Mat 24 to make it my way of life. Do you think I need to understand Greek for that to be made effective in my life?
If you'll go back and read both our posts carefully, you'll see that you mis-spoke and were the source of the confusion.
You say "the Holy Spirit is ONLY THE Teacher of truth", rather than "the Holy Spirit is THE ONLY Teacher of truth".
Check it out.![]()
John 17:5 KJV
5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was .
I don't need to refresh your memory... You just need to read your post.... You wrote it... I just responded! :think:
So now we've wandered of into the free will v. predestination debate ... again.
As there are multiple verses to support both positions could the problem here be man's inability to intellectually embrace a reality that includes both notions?