Arsenios said:
The Hypostasis is the Who of the Ousia.
Then if not the Hypostasis, would you please LOCATE the WHO of God...
The hypostasis "has" the ousia as the wealth of be-ing.
So does a WHO have the wealth?
And is the WHO the Hypostasis?
Another individuated hypostasis as an exact impress would also "have" its own ousia.
How about a discernable hypostasis? You "individuated" is heading into straw-man-dom...
Cannot more than one WHO own the same unlimited (Divine) wealth? Three partners in human terms can own one company, for instance... This is not that unthinkable as you are portraying it...
Your "Nope"s are not helpful...
There you go again with that horizontality of uni-phenomenality, and a God who can't even enter His own creation to dwell.
You keep asserting this without showing it...
This is the exact jacked-up hyper-inferential silliness that has plagued the faith for 1.7 millennia.
I know, and you are the only one in two thousand years to finally figure it out, but all that does is feed your vainglory, and does not help me even a little...
Hooray! No "Nope"!
It establishes nothing but speculative and coercive conjecture by deduction and presupposition. And it leaves no apologetic whatsoever for the Holy Spirit as an individuated hypostasis.
Exactly so, because we were not discussing the Holy Spirit...
The uncreated phenomenon...
Do you pray to the
"Dear Sir..."???
impressed the uncreated noumenon
So the UP impressed the UN?
Such that the UP is comprised of Self-P and Self-N, and the Self-P can make an impression on the Self N in such a way so as to:
to re-present God's singular hypostasis in created phenomenon.
So it is this impressing of the hypostasis of the father upon the Son that makes the Hypostasis of the Father ACCESSIBLE to creation? And that without this,l creation cannot be accessed by the Father?
Have I got this right???
You think the impress IS the wax.
The impressor impresses the impressed...
Thereby the impressor conveys the impression to the impressed by impressing itself upon the impressed...
So I am not sure how you think I understand this a-wrong...
With respect to the Son, the Father is the impressor, the Son the impressed (wax)...
With respect to man, the Son is the impressor, and man is the wax...
You agree??
You won't hear that charakter is the engraving, not the engravED object OF engraving. It stood for the tool, not the object being carved, stamped or engraved. And it meant the impression itself.
It is both, according to Thayer:
1 the instrument used for engraving or carving
2 the mark stamped upon that instrument or wrought out on it
A a mark or figure burned in (Lev. 13:28) or stamped on, an impression
B the exact expression (the image) of any person or thing, marked likeness, precise reproduction in every respect, i.e facsimile
It feels like you are ranting a little here...
The impression with its particular features was considered as the exact RE-PRESENTATION of the object whose image it bore. And autos with the articular means same; not different objectively. It's the same objective reality.
Perhaps a branding iron would be a good visual - Red hot, it places the same mark on all the cows... Won't wash off... But the Iron and the Brand are both included in the meaning of the word:
And from charakter is charax, to engrave or impress a mark; a strong stake of wood used in ancient fortifications. Again, not the markED, but the mark. Ultimately, it was the stake driven into the dust of the ground of creation. The Word become flesh.
This is your THRUSTED Logos?
The Son as the charakter is the impression, not that which is being impressed. Not the wax, but the impression IN the wax. Not the markED, but the mark.
Example... The charakter would be the inscription on a piece of jewelry, NOT the necklace or ring itself.