ECT Our triune God


TOL Subscriber
So God speaks without thinking?

Nous and noumenon are not ONLY thinking.

I've always kinda figgered God can actually create without speech.

Luke 12:25 KJV

25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

26 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought for the rest?

Now THIS is more synonymous with a Cosmic Mind concept. God didn't think anything into existence. He spoke (and breathed life).

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33:6


TOL Subscriber
I'm not sure this is completely accurate unless yer not including Paul in history.

Paul never articulated it in scripture because He didn't have to, and there wasn't 2000 years of splintered silliness to debunk; so it's accurate.

Acts 17:28 KJV

28 For in him we live , and move , and have our being ; as certain also of your own poets have said , For we are also his offspring.

If God merely pervades creation,

I've never said God merely pervades creation.

how is it we move and live in him?

By faith-intitated hypostatic translation into Christ.

The only thing we know for sure about the Holy Spirit is, Jesus said he is a separate entity who will declare what he hears.

Nowhere is the Holy Spirit referred to as an "entity", and an entity is a being.

John 16:13 KJV

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come , he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear , that shall he speak : and he will shew you things to come .

Of course. The Holy (hagios - set apart) Spirit is God's uncreated noumenality set apart into noumenal creation from His phenomenality as Spirit.

Same hypostasis. Same ousia. Distinct phenomenality. You've not understood what I've thought you understood.

So far you have failed to prove there is any such thing as multi- phenomenal truth.

You don't know what it is to recognize it. That's okay. You're in a nearly unaminous majority still scrambling around in 2D mode.

Before ever the earth was there have been two.

Two "what"? You presume uni-phenomenal multiple hypostases, just like mainstream Trinitarians.

Proverbs 8:22 KJV

22 The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.

23 I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.

24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth ; when there were no fountains abounding with water.

25 Before the mountains were settled , before the hills was I brought forth :

26 While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world.

27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set a compass upon the face of the depth:

28 When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:

29 When he gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment: when he appointed the foundations of the earth:

30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;

31 Rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights were with the sons of men.

John 5:17 KJV

17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto , and I work .

And... ? No multiple pre-creational hypostases there.

You could not ask me that question honestly.

Sure I could.

It is I who pointed out yer explanations so far have not allowed for it.

No. Like Arsenios, you don't understand. I thought you did.

Do not think yer subtilty went unnoticed by me or any other reader.


There was no such thing from me. :)


TOL Subscriber
How could anyone do so?

It's simple. Recognize what time IS and subtract any form of it from God and His attributes.

Man has no time for the timeless...


And no communication with the incommunicable...

So you deny the eternity, infinity, imutability, immateriality, aseity, etc. of God? Wow.

Exhaustive attention would, from the human perspective, be attention to non-existence,

No, it would be apophaticism.

since existence is only found in time together with communicability...


False. God exists. HE SAID SO. And how would you know otherwise from your declared perspective? You can't, yet you say what you say.

Again... You deny God's incommunicable attributes. You might as well just say we cannot know God, and deny the Son who revealed Him.


Well-known member
The question is whether the Lord Jesus had only one nature originally and then later He acquired another one.

If that happened then it is obvious that the Lord Jesus underwent a change.

Or are you willing to argue that He did not change even though He went from having only one nature to having two?

That is the question!

He ADOPTED our fallen human nature...

In order to RAISE it to its intended Glory...

His Person became the Hypostasis for His Human Nature...

It was the Human Nature that in Him changed...

HE remained the same... As a Person...

God BECAME man for our sakes...

God BECAME His creation in His human nature...

His Divine Nature did not change...

His human nature transformed mankind...

Directly to your question, His timeless Divine Nature did not change...

HE suffered change in His Person [Hypostasis] FOR us...

But He did NOT suffer change in His Divine Nature, which does not suffer... But His human nature sure did...

So big red letters across the living room wall:

M - U - S - T - E - R - I - O - N

A mystery revealed by God is not necessarily a mystery rendered accountable to fallen human thought processes...

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
God BECAME man for our sakes...

For some reason you cannot see how unreasonable your ideas are.

According to you at one point the Lord Jesus only had one nature. Then He took on another nature and therefore had two natures but He experienced no change.

It's hard for me to believe that grown men can actually believe such a thing. You prove that Sir Robert Anderson was right when he said the following:

"In no other sphere save that of religion do men of intelligence and culture willingly subject their minds to delusions. The historic Church once tried to compel belief that this planet was the fixed centre of the solar system; but who believes it now? Men cannot be made to believe that water runs uphill, or that five and five make anything but ten. In no other sphere can they be induced to stultify reason and common sense. But in religion there seems to be no limit to their credulity" (Anderson, The Bible or the Church? [London: Pickering & Inglis, Second Edition], 61).​


Literal lunatic
Paul never articulated it in scripture because He didn't have to, and there wasn't 2000 years of splintered silliness to debunk; so it's accurate.

Damn skippy.

I've never said God merely pervades creation.


By faith-intitated hypostatic translation into Christ.


Paul was talkin' to superstitious idol worshipers, not translated believers in Christ.


18 Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said , What will * this babbler say * ? other some, He seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods: because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.

19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying , May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest , is?

20 For thou bringest certain strange things to our ears: we would know therefore what these things mean * * .

21 (For all the Athenians and strangers which were there spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell , or to hear some new thing.)

22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said , Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

23 For as I passed by , and beheld your devotions *, I found an altar with this * inscription , TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship , him declare I unto you.

24 God that made the world and all things therein *, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed , and the bounds of their habitation;

27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him , though he be not far from every one of us:

28 For in him we live , and move , and have our being ; as certain also of your own poets have said , For we are also his offspring.

29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

Nowhere is the Holy Spirit referred to as an "entity", and an entity is a being.

No such thing as a being.

Go back and refresh yerself with some schoolhouse rock friend.

Of course. The Holy (hagios - set apart) Spirit is God's uncreated noumenality set apart into noumenal creation from His phenomenality as Spirit.

Proof please.

Same hypostasis. Same ousia. Distinct phenomenality. You've not understood what I've thought you understood.

Hypostatic, after creation is as far as I can go with yuh.

You don't know what it is to recognize it. That's okay. You're in a nearly unaminous majority still scrambling around in 2D mode.

How yuh figger?

Two "what"? You presume uni-phenomenal multiple hypostases, just like mainstream Trinitarians.

Two Elohim.

I dont believe in the trinity, remember? :duh:
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Literal lunatic
Nous and noumenon are not ONLY thinking.

Now THIS is more synonymous with a Cosmic Mind concept. God didn't think anything into existence. He spoke (and breathed life).

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33:6

Leave out the cosmic:)

Jesus, he's my friend.

oh yeah


Well-known member
For some reason you cannot see how unreasonable your ideas are.

The Faith of Christ is not philosophy.

According to you at one point the Lord Jesus only had one nature.

Yes, His Divine Nature, the Essence [Face] of which no man could look upon and live, as He told Moses. This Divine Nature is unknowable to man except by revelation of God, and then only insofar as it is revealed, and not by Essence. Man can only know [in the Biblical sense of know, meaning intimate union with] what God GIVES him to know. This is why Salvation is by Grace, which is only the Gift of God, and cannot be attained by ANY human endeavor. God MUST give Himself in union with man in order that the man be saved. And He CAN give it to any man. And He does give it to those who love Him, which means who keep His commandments. This is called the EKONOMIA of God, wherein His COVENANT is kept.

And BY this Divine Nature, He CREATED all creation, and then created MAN.

Then He took on another nature...

Yes - He ENTERED INTO His Own human creation and became ONE with it in Himself as a Person HAVING that human nature. You see, it is at this point that man can KNOW Good and evil without harm, without being touched by the evil. This point is that of KNOWING God... It is how demons are exorcised... It entails constant prayer and fasting ...

So Henry Ford created the Model T, and the first driver crashed and was killed. So he then got one for himself and drove it the way he had engineered it to be driven, discipling 12 more drivers in all its powers... He became one with that car... Christ became FULLY human...

Now if you can elevate your grasp from mechanical to biological, and from biological to human, and from human to Divine, you will make some progress in understanding what you do not yet know by intimate union. And you will stop insisting that the operations of God are subject to your fallen human logical reasoning...

and therefore had two natures but He experienced no change.

Do you somehow think that God does not experience and know more than all of us together each and every human life?? He CONDESCENDED to suffer in the flesh FOR us... So in terms of His EXPERIENCE, you may say that He experienced being human AS a human who was still fully God. He experienced humanity as a man having a human nature, while at the same time holding YOUR sub-atomic particles together. As God, He has experienced ALL human suffering without suffering. As man He did it WITH suffering...

But HE remained the SAME, because whether in fallen flesh, or in resurrected and glorified flesh, or in His Divine Nature, the PERSON, Who is in all three of these, is the SAME Person unchanged... That is why He could say that the world had nothing IN Him, because the world did not CHANGE Him, but HE changed the WORLD...

It's hard for me to believe...

I know...

Don't give up...



New member
So you are sticking to your story. According to you at one point He only had one nature. Then later He acquired another nature, now having two natures. And despite that, according to you, He experienced no change.

According to your ideas He remained exactly the same even though He no longer had just one nature but now had two.

According to you the Lord Jesus with one nature is exactly the same Lord Jesus as the one with two natures.

Jerry... there is no need to repeat yourself and the same concept over and over just to fill your posts with content. So let me affirm that, yes, anyway you care to order the prepositions, the Word did not change when assuming human nature!

And it is not simply "according to me" but according to Scripture and the orthodox church who scrutinized the Scripture and successfully defended an equal level of scrutiny by others in a respective collective of more lifetimes than either you or I will have.

I just cannot believe that a smart guy like you can actually believe something so illogical.

It is not illogical and I have shown why. It is, further, the same reason why you feel you don't have a change with the incarnation.

Compound in a similar sense as this:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen.2:24).​

Excellent! Wonderful. And that is exactly what I say!

This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.​

This compound does not change the nature of Christ, it creates a church which exists only and solely because of Him. Just like the flesh of the Word does.

No, humans living on the earth have both an inner man and an outer one. And the Lord was made just like them in that sense. Besides, how could He die physically on the Cross unless He had a physical body?

The "inner man," the essence of any man, remained.

You are reifying a metaphor. The fundamental components of a human being are as Paul teaches when he says "completely":

Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.​

"Inner man" would refer to human spirit or spirit and soul. The Word did not have a spirit and soul before the Incarnation as the Word created--and is the very cause and reason for the being of--these things.

One does not kick "man" upstairs to the uncreated realm to avoid what one thinks is change when the Word became flesh. Human nature/inner man/outer man/human spirit, soul, body (flesh and blood) is created. That would be putting created man's image before the uncreated.

Whether "inner man" or "outer man" it still refers to a being that is human. In essence you are saying that the Logos had an "inner being that is human" before the Incarnation.

(Which, from a rather Platonic perspective, is the case but I don't think that's what you are describing).

I charged that Christology with nothing. I merely pointed out to you that the Apostles had died hundreds of years after their theory was formulated so it had nothing to do with the Apostolic church.

You are saying it's illogical and it just isn't. Just as the immutable God created and sustains creation, the immutable Word created and sustains flesh, and the immutable Christ created and sustains the Church--the difference in union being only a matter of degree.


New member
One analogy I like is Henry Ford and his Model T...

The incarnation is akin to Henry's son BECOMING a Model T Ford car while STILL remaining a person...

Except infinitely MORE SO...

Now are you teasing me because I spoke of Trinitarian models? Because this "model" is a bad one--like a Ford. :D

The term MYSTERION* just keeps looking better and better...


* -
For those of you in Rio Linda, mysterion means Mystery in the English Language...
The Latins use the term Sacrament - "Holy Mind"...
The Greek Mysterion transliterates "silent standing"...
It is the witness of the Ancient Christian Faith...
Against all tortures, tribulations, and persecutions...

And it is coming to America!

Hesychasm, but don't SAY it out loud... :)


"Rio Linda":

A term (usually preceeded by "for those of you in. . .") used by the nationally known radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh to poke fun at people who are not too bright. Based on an actual community in west Sacramento California whose residents Rush has jokingly characterized as being backwards, out of touch, or just mentally slow.



New member
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


That was kinda...




I gotta somehow figure out how to Hush my Muskies




Well, I don't think that is a pic of Jerry. Unless he is very, very, very old and/or Darwin reincarnate. But as you subsequently see, he did get out his ruler! :D

You realize your probably going to have to wait for the second coming, right?

I think I just have to wait for the State Department's long list of travel warnings to get a lot less... longer... and even then, unfortunately, I don't think I have my family's interest or support. Unless I chop off a few of those destinations like Egypt and Israel.

It profits nothing to change the subject in any discussion. I am not looking down on you with a disapproving demeanor at all.

Instead, I am amazed that a smart guy like you continues to insist that at one point the Lord Jesus only had one nature and then when He acquired another nature later He remained the same and did not change.

According to your view the Lord Jesus with one nature is the same exact Jesus Christ with two natures.

Yes, yes, yes, yes...

I have heard some strange things on this forum and that has to be the strangest of them all.

I do not think in your 11,000 some posts you have never come across an orthodox Christian in a discussion of the nature of Christ!

If so, that is a sad state of affairs indeed...


Well-known member
Well, I don't think that is a pic of Jerry.

Actually, it was a self-portrait...

Unless he is very, very, very old

Demonstrably true...

and/or Darwin reincarnate.

Miss... Orthodox etiology is God...

But as you subsequently see, he did get out his ruler! :D

Jer' is a serious guy - He probably does not see himself as heavy handed...

I think I just have to wait for the State Department's long list of travel warnings to get a lot less... longer... and even then, unfortunately, I don't think I have my family's interest or support. Unless I chop off a few of those destinations like Egypt and Israel.

Israel is safe, and Egypt is needed for the 3 hour trip to St. Katherine's monastery where they still water the burning bush... [It is huge, and invasive, and cuttings can grow...]

And there are other monasteries where old men abide in deep prayer... Further up the Nile to the south... More dangerous places these... Rural Islam can get ugly...



TOL Subscriber
Okay, got it and can agree with it.


How could it if it doesn't have any objective existence?

Right. But don't then forget the accompanying innate eternal phenomenality underlying that eternal noumenality.

Got it and can agree with it but before I could say wholly agree, I'd have to see the argument for phainomai as synonymous with eimi and ginomai.

It was verbatim lexicography from Zodhiates. I was quoting, not making an argument.

Not sure what this means. Do you mean generally speaking people presuppose phenomenon has a substance but it may not have one? If so, what would be an example? Or is that what the following is?

It doesn't have to BE a distinct hypostasis, but presupposes a hypostasis as its underlying reality of existence.

This demonstrates the eternal noumenon as the express image OF God's hypostasis needn't also BE a distinct hypostasis; the uncreated noumenality being distinguished from the uncreated phenomenality.

"Dokeo, to think, has in contrast the subjective estimate which may be formed of a thing, not the objective showing and seeming which it may actually possess. One may dokei (think) something which may not have an objective reality. However, something that shines, phainei, must exist objectively."

Yes, this (when understood properly) is the example.

Since God's Logos eternally appears and seems to Himself in Self-Consciousness as the Son, the eternal existence of the Son is the eternal Logos.

Got it and can agree with the distinction between phaino and hypostasis as well as the definition of hypostasis (disagree, of course that there is one hypostasis but understand what you're saying).

That's because you're processing and applying it all uni-phenomenally. It's the equivalent of 2D to 3D by contrast.

There's a vertical multi-phenomenality rather than a horizontal uni-phenomenality. The noumenal Logos needn't be a distinct hypostasis when proceeding forth from uncreated phenomenon into created phenomenon while instantiating the latter into existence.

Got it and can agree. I'd modify the thought that the son is only (and exclusively) an image but is His own hypostasis as the context here is speaking of God as Father rather than God as God.

And this is the reflection of multi-hypostaticism erroneously supplanting multi-phenomenality.

How did ANY of the alleged multiple hypostases inhabit created phenomena (heaven AND the cosmos) that didn't exist until they were uttered forth and breathed life. How would uncreated phenomena get into and occupy created phenomena that was merely noumenon until it was instantiated into existence?

"Mystery" won't suffice when it affects extensively formulated Theology Proper. God had to someone occupy and inhabit His creation, which was phenomenally distinct from Himself as uncreated phenomenon.

In other words, the express image of the Father's hypostasis (which isn't seen) is the hypostasis of the Son, which is.

And "where" did this second hypostasis proceed forth "from" and "to" relative to the alleged opera ad intra explanation? God created all "where", and isn't "where". He transcends heaven and the cosmos, both created. Was there a void inside the Father, into which two distinct individuated hypostases eternally proceeded? Ex-/ek- is not en- or eis-. Exerchomai/ekporeuomai aren't internally procession, and there was nothing external to God until He created and filled it.

Jesus is "the spitting image" of the Father (as a hypostasis since the Father is a hypostasis) we might say similar to the creaturely father/son relationship.

No. The Son is God's singular hypostasis processed from uncreated phenomenon into created phenomena when/as it's created.

Again, this is where multi-hypostaticism has erroneously supplanted multi-phenomenality.

Can you contrast phenomenon and prosopon as you are using them?

Yes. The Father is the singular hypostasis with a prosopon. This is transcendent to creation as uncreated phenomenon. God's Logos, like Himself as Spirit, is innately and eternally uncreated phenomenon and noumenon. The Son is the noumenal Logos proceeded forth into created phenomenon. The express image OF God's hypostasis is that singular hypostasis distinct within created phenomenon (which was instantiated into phenomenality from noumenality; NOT another hypostasis.

The processed Logos as the Son has a prosopon in the created heaven, just as the Father has a transcendent prosopon, in-shining into creation as the unapproachable light in which He dwells. Same hypostasis; disinct phenomena.

Why can't we just use prosopon and why the need to bring in "phenomenon"?

Because that doesn't address multi-phenomenality.

Do you see a distinction being made in Scripture?

Directly in scripture, I can see how any of the historical formulaics were delineated. Prosopon isn't addressed much, nor is phaino.

We know there is one prosopon of God that can't be seen (at least this side of heaven) so this is consistent with your explanation of phaino above "This suggests that something may shine without anybody necessarily seeing it".


I'd say intellect.

Nous is preeminently an intuitive faculty, and there would be the intuiting OF "whatever". Intellect is a secondary functionality of the nous.

Can we just say aseity?

Aseity is a vague term. Vaguery is the problem overall. I delineate Aseity into Perseconsciosity, Persephainoity, and Persesatisity. (Self-Consciousness, Self-Existence, Self-Sufficiency.)

I'd say He's conscious of more than that about Himself--especially since the Son expresses the Father--but I think I get your point.

I don't know about this. In verses where both rhema and logos are used in close proximity, the distinction being made seems to be the opposite--logos is the content or concept, rhema is the utterance.

Rhema bookends Logos. Rhema > Logos > Rhema. Only the latter is considered and addressed. It 's not a dichotomy. Rhema is the subject matter, content, and substance as the thing (thought and) spoken about; and is also the word/s (signified and sign).

Logos is the thought and expression of the subject matter (Rhema) into words (Rhema). That is objective for God, because it's His hypostasis. For man, it can be subjective or objective, the latter being our agreement with God in thought, word, and deed.

The difference will have a significant bearing on your theory for, as many Trinitarians maintain, God's Logos is a hypostasis as the concept of the Father's thought of Himself within His intellect (and so within the divine substance)...

You are the only one I've ever encountered whom has ever known and said this. Kudos.

But no, it actually supports my formulaic. "Your" Trinity couldn't and didn't create and occupy heaven. It's all uni-phenomenal to represent a multi-phenomenal God.

...and the difference may be here: "God and His inherent Logos" whereas Trinitarians would say "God and His immanent Logos".

They actually say no such thing. But I'm glad you did; and I agree I should examine these comparative terms more scrutinously.

Immanent. Though I'd maybe prefer innate or intrinsic. I'll check to see. And no Trinitarian I've known would ever say the Son was God's immanent Logos.

As adjectives the difference between immanent and inherent is that immanent is naturally part of something; existing throughout and within something; inherent; integral; intrinsic; indwelling while inherent is naturally as part or consequence of something.

And how is this immanent Logos the Son? Who spoke to create? How did God create and occupy heaven?

Here it seems we have a time when the Son was not and, thus, God was not Father. This is why I argued mutability before.

No to both. There is no time for the timeless God.

What is the essential difference between this and various forms of modalism?

They're all uni-phenomenal, which is why you presume the similarity. You think in uni-phenomenal parameters. Sheet of paper versus cube.

I'm familiar with them all so don't need a rundown but they all share the distinctive of non-hypostatic distinctions in God. Thus it would suffer from the same issues--when we get to the Incarnation, it seems we have a phenomenon becoming Incarnate who then must receive subsistence from His humanity. Which does a number on Chalcedon, assuming one holds to it.

Not at all. But Chalcedon is uni-phenomenal, too.

Not sure what you mean here. Procession is understood within the being of God prior to creation.

Yes, which is a nice handy way to disannul the ex-/ek- prefix as external instead of internal as posited. Ekporeuomai is not internal, nor is exerchomai.

Creation isn't even relevant (in this regard, but it does provide the solid foundation for and in the economy), nor does it need to be.

Only when you begin the formulaic post-creation and then say it isn't relevant because it was left out.

Well maybe because there is :p. So why not just go for it?

Nope. No uni-phenomenal Gorilla-glued conjoined triplets for me. I gotta go with the multi-phenomenal truth that has been omitted for nearly two millennia; and its replacement has fostered every manner of splintered division and dilution, including rampant Tritheism conceptualization.

Thanks for the exchange--enjoying it. :)

My humble return of those sentiments. :)
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jerry... there is no need to repeat yourself and the same concept over and over just to fill your posts with content. So let me affirm that, yes, anyway you care to order the prepositions, the Word did not change when assuming human nature!

So according to you the Lord Jesus remained exactly the same when He went from having one nature to two! You still cannot see that is illogical.

And it is not simply "according to me" but according to Scripture and the orthodox church who scrutinized the Scripture and successfully defended an equal level of scrutiny by others in a respective collective of more lifetimes than either you or I will have.

Go ahead and put your faith in the orthodox church (Rome?) and I will reason out of the Scriptures. According to the Scriptures the Lord Jesus changes not so common sense dicates that if He originally had only one nature and then later acquired another one then He changed. But you say that He remained exactly the same.

Next, let us look at these verses which prove that the Lord Jesus existed as "Man" before being born of Mary:

"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" (Jn.3:13).​

Here there can be no doubt that when the Lord Jesus came down from earth it was as Son of Man. And the following words of the Lord make it plain that He was in heaven as Son of Man before He came down to earth:

"What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?" (Jn.6:62).​

According to you when the Jews heard the term "Son of Man" they thought it was referring to Him being God. That makes no sense at all, especially when it is understood how the Jews used the term "son of..."

For example, let us look at Paul's words here:

"You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord?" (Acts 13:10).​

When describing Elyman as "the son of the devil" the Jews would understand his words as describing the man's character and nature. And the same meaning is used when the Lord Jesus called a Pharisee "son of hell."

So when the Jews heard the Lord Jesus speak of Himself as "son of man" they would understand Him as saying that He was Man.

And when the Jews heard Him describe Himself as being "Son of God" and that God was His Father they understood Him as claiming to be God:

"Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God" (Jn.5:18).​

So you are really confused when you say that when the Jews heard the Lord Jesus speak of Himself as Son of Man He was claiming to be God.

And that is the only way that you have attempted to address the words which demonstrate that the Lord Jesus was in heaven as MAN before He came to earth.

Again, as the following verse show, the Lord Jesus was Man before He was born of Mary:

"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" (Jn.3:13).​

"What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?" (Jn.6:62).​

I do not think in your 11,000 some posts you have never come across an orthodox Christian in a discussion of the nature of Christ!

If so, that is a sad state of affairs indeed...

I have not seen how any of those in the so-called orthodox church answer my points about what is said at John 3:13 and John 6:62. Perhaps you will be kind enough to quote these wise men about this subject, especially what they say about these two verses.



Well-known member
I think I just have to wait for the State Department's long list of travel warnings to get a lot less... longer... and even then, unfortunately, I don't think I have my family's interest or support. Unless I chop off a few of those destinations like Egypt and Israel.

... or you could wait for an invitation from the future landlord but I hear that's going to be a pretty exclusive list.


TOL Subscriber
Jerry... there is no need to repeat yourself and the same concept over and over just to fill your posts with content. So let me affirm that, yes, anyway you care to order the prepositions, the Word did not change when assuming human nature!

This whole disparity is because nobody understands multi-phenomenality.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
This whole disparity is because nobody understands multi-phenomenality.


Are you also one who says that the Lord Jesus went from one nature to two natures without experiencing a change?

Do you believe that the Lord Jesus with one nature is the same exact Jesus with two natures?
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