ECT Our triune God


Well-known member

we are made in Their Image

I stand corrected ... like PPS, I tend to play to the audience from time to time ... lexically speaking. Elohim is normally a plural term and was so translated in this instance and for some reason that gives no small number of people doctrinal gas. Why do you suppose that is?
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Well-known member
Why would flesh and blood mean corruption? Do you think that our flesh and blood bodies are corrupted?

Indeed so, because we are born into Adam's death...

And Christians are reborn into Christ's Life, by being baptized into His Death on the Cross, and taking up our own cross and following Him...

Was not the Lord Jesus made just like us? (Heb.2:17).

Indeed so...

Was His flesh and blood corrupted while He walked the earth before His death and resurrection?

No - It was already subject to death. It did not BECOME subject to death, as you question asks...

If your answer is "yes" then please give me your Scriptural support for such an idea.

That He was subject to bodily death at birth is established by the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt in order to escape Herod's slaughter of all the little children. eg To save His life from Herod...

After His Resurrection, such a flight would no longer have been necessary...

And the simple fact is that there is and was no death in Him, because it is sin that brings death, and He did not sin, yet for all of us, because of death, we all have sinned...

Whereas His flesh was subject to corruption, He did NOTHING to corrupt it in His WALK upon this earth...

Unlike us...

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New member
Of course not.

Then for the same reason, Jesus did not change. Creation has its existence through God and Jesus' humanity has its existence through God the Word.

In eternity the Lord Jesus was both God and Man and He was a part of a "compound unity" and that unity made up the Godhead. It has always been that way so He never "united" with a different nature.

"Compound" as in two separate elements which remain separate or "compound" as in mixture?

If mixture, that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

There was an incarnation event but a flesh and blood body is not essential to being human.

What was the purpose, then, of that Incarnational event? According to this, Jesus could have just arrived on the scene in His prior "state".

And what, exactly, was done with Jesus' prior "man"/human nature when He became incarnate?

Further, why wouldn't your version of the incarnation result in a change which you charge orthodox/Chalcedonian Christology with?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Then for the same reason, Jesus did not change.

So you are sticking to your story. According to you at one point He only had one nature. Then later He acquired another nature, now having two natures. And despite that, according to you, He experienced no change.

According to your ideas He remained exactly the same even though He no longer had just one nature but now had two.

According to you the Lord Jesus with one nature is exactly the same Lord Jesus as the one with two natures.

I just cannot believe that a smart guy like you can actually believe something so illogical.

Creation has its existence through God and Jesus' humanity has its existence through God the Word.

Again, in order to make that assertion you must throw your reason to the wind and trick your mid into believe that the Lord Jesus did not change when He went from having only one nature unto having two natures.

"Compound" as in two separate elements which remain separate or "compound" as in mixture?

Compound in a similar sense as this:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen.2:24).​

What was the purpose, then, of that Incarnational event? According to this, Jesus could have just arrived on the scene in His prior "state".

No, humans living on the earth have both an inner man and an outer one. And the Lord was made just like them in that sense. Besides, how could He die physically on the Cross unless He had a physical body?

And what, exactly, was done with Jesus' prior "man"/human nature when He became incarnate?

The "inner man," the essence of any man, remained.

Further, why wouldn't your version of the incarnation result in a change which you charge orthodox/Chalcedonian Christology with?

I charged that Christology with nothing. I merely pointed out to you that the Apostles had died hundreds of years after their theory was formulated so it had nothing to do with the Apostolic church.


New member
THAT Joy is a Radiance of Love that is without mirth, but is filled with compassion for those not in its possession... Seeking their elevation... Laughter is good medicine only insofar as it creates a break in the dark clouds of our darkened nous that Light might enter...

Yes, but...and God has a sense of humor!

I've literally laughed out loud reading Scripture.

Anyway, an interesting study:

I think he meant more that THIS Orthodox should have his mouth taped shut and be stuck in a dark hole - A who could possibly disagree with THAT??

There is a lot more benefit available - I read of a very famous RC Historian who wrote Church History all his life, and when he went in for his annual medical exam, he found he had cancer that would most likely end his life at some fairly foreseeable point... And he immediately went to the Orthodox Church and was baptized into Orthodoxy, explaining that for living, the RCC is hands down a better place to be an historian, but when it came to dying, there is no substitute for the Orthodox Faith...

The process of dying or dying itself?

I must admit I did find it interesting in one of your posts where you mentioned something to the effect that once one is christened Orthodox, one is welcomed in all Christian traditions but the reverse is not the case. (Which, I suppose, is one of my problems with it (but I understand why the Orthodox think it's the case--I just think it's too rigid a deliniation).

It actually is simply the Essence vs Energies that proceed from that Essence issue. The Essence of God is absolutely unknowable to man, but God is known in His Uncreated Divine Energies/Operations, and there He is known only by Revelation FROM Him...

Refresh my memory--how do these energies/operations differ from the presence of the Word or the Spirit?

Barlaam was insisting that we can know God's Essence...
RCC theologians to this day think so...
It is simply not true...
Nor, regarding the Nature of God, can we go beyond what is revealed by God...

I don't think all RCC theologians think so--for example, Aquinas (though I suppose I can see how some would charge him with that). Instead, he thinks that by knowing what God is not ("by way of remotion"), we can make some positive statements:

"Now, in considering the divine substance, we should especially make use of the method of remotion. For, by its immensity, the divine substance surpasses every form that our intellect reaches. Thus, we are unable to apprehend it by knowing what it is. Yet we are able to have some knowledge of it by knowing what it is not."​

Well, it is simple enough, IF I have it aright... And I hope my little explanation was helpful...

But you are the first person I have run into online who has actually READ St. Gregory Palamas... At least I assume you did... Your framing of the issue of essence vs ATTRIBUTES
Well look at that! I guess that's where I reveal the attribute of Latin spawn-hood and all... :D

would seem to indicate secondary sources. Do you HAVE his "Homilies"?? Because IF you do, I have an assignment for you that will transform your prayer life...

I'm sure I read parts of both--and probably found the secondary sources more helpful in framing it in terms more familiar to me. BUT I am ready--and would love--to accept your assignment!

The "genetic" unifier of parentage is patently apparent in the Protestant 'worship' service, for it is homiletically centered on the Sermon from a Lecturn at the head of the Classroom, the Church meeting hall... They were birthed straight out of the Latin Scholia which the Latins had created to establish their rules for administration by Ecclesiastical Law the Church of Christ Whose Head on earth they saw as Peter, the Chief Apostle... So the Latins as Scholastic, and the Protestants attacked them using the Bible as their Scholastic weapon to bring them down after they would not reform.

Does not an Orthodox service have a sermon/homily?

And didn't Romanides (who I wish was not so sneering...) think the genetic unifier was the use of Scripture as revelation rather than from revelation?

And even to this day, right here on this forum, right now, and Jerry Shugart is a prime example, every Protestant Christian is proclaiming their PROOF FROM SCRIPTURE that they are right and all the others are wrong... Which makes Satan's pickings pretty easy through the vanity of intellect, though some do manage to stay clear...

I think we can all agree that to some degree that what is in Scripture is the norming norm? That it conditions us in helping to know what is of God and what is not?

By the way, Jerry's view is somewhat similar to Karl Barth's, though he probably doesn't know it. Since he hasn't (yet...) departed from homoousios, in my view, there isn't a wrong/right but another way of looking at it or another layer. That said, I get the sense that he thinks differently and there IS a "right" and a "wrong" and Chalcedon Christology is the latter.

Well, the Oriental Orthodox Split from the EOC over the homo-ousios formulaic, and remain intact to this day... The Latins split from the EOC over the issue of Papal headship of the Body of Christ on earth, and remained fairly intact, though after a thousand years there have been some major consequences... But when the Protestants split from the Latins, the split immediately split again and again and again...

I look at it as God's doing--similar to splitting Israel into the Northern and Southern kingdoms in 1 Kings 12:

24 ‘Thus says the Lord, You shall not go up or fight against your relatives the people of Israel. Every man return to his home, for this thing is from me.’”​

and I think we can glean some understanding of why He did it if we look at the conditions that resulted in Israel's split.

It went viral, where today, it is every man, woman and sinner for hisself, not only having a lot of denominations [estimates vary], but worse than that, each person is their own doctrinal theologian self-taught...

This I mourn along with many Christians.

And now, in these post-modern days, most who have met God and regard themselves as believers, do not attend any particular church, and say their relationship with God is personal, and not a matter for much discussion... I don't blame them... I personally knew God for 14 years before Him telling me that He is the Christian God - Which instantly scandalized me, I should add...

Same here. :)

So it is the "going viral" of the Reformational Split with the Latins that is historically unprecedented... In the new Protestant neo-Scholasticism, every opinion is subject only to its own lights, and many of those lights are dim and some are turning dark...

I don't think it was historically unprecedented if we look back to OT Israel where God was constantly shaking things up. "Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter"--and boy oh boy did God strike many church "shepherds"!

Look in the upper right hand of the page where it says
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There should be two more lines under that greeting...

The first should read:

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The second should read

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Click this last and you should access my PM to you...

I will send another "TEST" message.


Got it as you know and thanks!


New member
The Biblical term is Nous, and its Orthodox formulaic is "The Eye of the Heart" which directs the intelligence [intellect] and in fallen man is divided in its focus being concentrated on worldly things with an occasional well gnawed bone tossed to the floor for God in prayers asking for worldly things...

A central feature of the discipleship of the Church is the "gathering of the nous" from its far-flung scatteredness into a single concentrated focus on God at the expense of all things worldly... The result will then be found where we can follow Christ when He said: "The prince of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me..."

The Saints are those who are wholly concentrated on God in varying degrees and Gifts...

Intellect is the processor of data received from the senses, normally percepts, and as such, is only suitable for learning how to deal with the world... We do not use our intellect to KNOW God... THAT knowing, which IS eternal Life, is only attained in a heart purified from the passions of this world in self-denial...

I think by "know" you are using it in the sense of experiencing. This I could agree with but the intellect is there conditioning what is and is not of God.

In Orthodox anthropology, what is the heart/the function of the heart?

That door cannot be opened even a crack, except by condescension to our falleness of understanding, because once opened, the floodgates of understanding God by reference to human intellect/mind, which is ALL that we CAN know, is opened wide, and is obviously false...

Okay, I understand your "except by condescension"--this is a concept in both RCC and Reformed theology ("analogy" and "accommodation" respectively) but I would say if it's good enough for God, it's good enough for us! At least as a point of departure.
The West tends to psychologize God...

eg "The Holy Spirit is the QUALITY of LOVE between the Father and His BeLOVED Son..." etc etc...

Yes, because God is presented to us as a thinking and willing and loving thing--activities in the domain of a (disembodied) "psyche".

The East only speaks of Him apophatically, and by revelation...

No models at all? "The Trinity is like..."

Someone should tell you that you should NOT laugh at my jokes, OK?*

Then STOP being funny!

Why? Are you Orthodox?

Ever been to Cappadocia?

Ever seen pictures?

It is pretty abandoned these days...

Because it's the least we can say about the Trinity without saying nothing at all. And no, no, yes--amazing! Hopefully can do it when I do the Greece/Turkey/Istanbul/Black Sea/Jerusalem/Egypt circuit some day (when things calm down over there).

You have a marvelously synthesizing mind... I tend to balk at the tmi's in that "high context" approach... If it isn't gleaned and cleaned, I start gleaning and cleaning...

LOL, I don't mind doing the gleaning and cleaning--until it hurts too much.

The prosopon of God in Moses has been interpreted by the Apostolic Church to mean the ESSENCE of God, and the "Backward Parts" as His Energies which proceed from that Essence in the (initial and ongoing) Creation of creation...

I think PPS already pointed this out--this is a conflation of prosopon and hypostasis/ousia which sort of defeats the purpose of making distinctions in the first place.

We do NOT understand it as a literal FACE of a PERSON, but only descriptively so, in that 'face to face' means, in human terms, a DIRECT encounter...

Very much agree.

We know the Son has an INCARNATIONAL Prosopon/Face... But the Holy Spirit? THAT one doesn't track all that easily... Because He is everywhere present and fills all things... where have you seen the "Face of the Holy Spirit" ever mentioned in Scripture?

A couple of places--here's one:

29 And I will not hide my face anymore from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, declares the Lord God.” (Eze 39)​

The Orthodox reject this methodology regarding knowledge of God, because it is the IF - THEN Scholastic method... We only receive God's revelation about Himself FROM Himself, and the term prosopon as it was applied by Moses is not meant to convey 'Face', but 'Essence'...

I mean, He can most assuredly APPEAR to fallen man as a long bearded old white guy, or a short bearded middle aged brown guy, or even speak through a donkey, but these are things He can DO, and are not Who or What He IS...

See above on the face as essence. The Church Fathers are rolling over in their graves that all their hard work was for naught! ;)

For now - Thank-you...

Where were you trained?

Do you know AMR?


*Because of my irremediable incouragability, I say!

And now you know the answers to all of this via your PM! :)


New member
...I mean, one cannot infer from God's commandment that we ask, that GOD NEEDS us to ask, in order that He can give...

God cursed Adam to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow...
WE therefore need to earn our bread...
For the curse of God is the blessing of fallen man...




New member
Yes, we are made in the image of the Man Jesus Christ.

And that is supported by what is said here:

"And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever" (Gen.3:22).​

Robert Jamieson writes:

"And God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us--not spoken in irony as is generally supposed, but in deep compassion. The words should be rendered, "Behold, what has become [by sin] of the man who was as one of us"! Formed, at first, in our image to know good and evil--how sad his condition now" (Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Commentary).​

We are created in the image of only One of the Trinity, and that One is the Man Jesus Christ.

So does God laugh, Jerry?

(Just trying to get you to loosen up you ol' stiff looking down at me with that disapproving demeanor ready with the ruler in the corner of your posts... ;) )


TOL Subscriber
I'll take your word on that. Hope you're not going to use TOL's reactions as evidence at that trial though. ;)

I'm not concerned about any TOL Inquisition proceedings. :)

The Bible describes Jesus as the only begotten (born of a woman?)

Includes, but is not restricted to, that.

Son of God (Elohim?)


who was the beginning of God's creation and subordinate to Him.

Creation is a "lower" phenomenality an uncreated Self-Existence. It's not an ontological or constitutional subordination, but a co-inhereing of the uncreated with/within a secondary phenomenality of existence that is created. The subordination is from mutli-phenomenality, not inequality. Think functional delegation rather than subordination.

I'm not sure I understand how God can be subordinate to Himself much less cause Himself to be born.

He didn't. It's not "Him", it's His Logos. The Father is not the Son.

The verses that so many love to hang their doctrinal hat on (the beginning of the gospel of John) speaks of a beginning.

Yes, and the grammar indicates a better translation would be something like "Before there was any beginning...".

What beginning do you suppose was being referred to there?

The beginning of the created heaven/s and the cosmos, into which uncreated Logos proceeded forth as the uncreated Son, begotten of the Father from uncreated timelessness into all created time.


Well-known member
Then for the same reason, Jesus did not change. Creation has its existence through God and Jesus' humanity has its existence through God the Word.

"Compound" as in two separate elements which remain separate or "compound" as in mixture?

If mixture, that's a whole 'nother can of worms.

What was the purpose, then, of that Incarnational event? According to this, Jesus could have just arrived on the scene in His prior "state".

And what, exactly, was done with Jesus' prior "man"/human nature when He became incarnate?

Further, why wouldn't your version of the incarnation result in a change which you charge orthodox/Chalcedonian Christology with?

One analogy I like is Henry Ford and his Model T...

The incarnation is akin to Henry's son BECOMING a Model T Ford car while STILL remaining a person...

Except infinitely MORE SO...

The term MYSTERION* just keeps looking better and better...


* -
For those of you in Rio Linda, mysterion means Mystery in the English Language...
The Latins use the term Sacrament - "Holy Mind"...
The Greek Mysterion transliterates "silent standing"...
It is the witness of the Ancient Christian Faith...
Against all tortures, tribulations, and persecutions...

And it is coming to America!

Hesychasm, but don't SAY it out loud... :)



Well-known member
So does God laugh, Jerry?

(Just trying to get you to loosen up
you ol' stiff
looking down at me with that disapproving demeanor
ready with the ruler in the corner of your posts...
;) )

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


That was kinda...




I gotta somehow figure out how to Hush my Muskies





Well-known member
Because it's the least we can say about the Trinity without saying nothing at all. And no, no, yes--amazing! Hopefully can do it when I do the Greece/Turkey/Istanbul/Black Sea/Jerusalem/Egypt circuit some day (when things calm down over there).

You realize your probably going to have to wait for the second coming, right?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
So does God laugh, Jerry?

(Just trying to get you to loosen up you ol' stiff looking down at me with that disapproving demeanor ready with the ruler in the corner of your posts... )

It profits nothing to change the subject in any discussion. I am not looking down on you with a disapproving demeanor at all.

Instead, I am amazed that a smart guy like you continues to insist that at one point the Lord Jesus only had one nature and then when He acquired another nature later He remained the same and did not change.

According to your view the Lord Jesus with one nature is the same exact Jesus Christ with two natures.

I have heard some strange things on this forum and that has to be the strangest of them all.


Well-known member
I'm not concerned about any TOL Inquisition proceedings. :)

Well, you simply haven't had the full TOL experience until you've been on the bottom of an Enyartian dogpile.

Includes, but is not restricted to, that.


And so we circle back to the language barrier again. The Greek only gets you half way home. If you ever hope to truly understand God and His Word you are eventually going to have to come to terms with the term few seem to want to come to terms with ... Elohim. There is no Greek or English equivalent.

Creation is a "lower" phenomenality an uncreated Self-Existence. It's not an ontological or constitutional subordination, but a co-inhereing of the uncreated with/within a secondary phenomenality of existence that is created. The subordination is from mutli-phenomenality, not inequality. Think functional delegation rather than subordination.

Paul, John, Isaiah and Jesus Himself refer to Jesus as created and I am not greatly inclined to argue with them. Jesus continually subordinates Himself to God and I am not greatly inclined to argue with Him on this point either.

He didn't. It's not "Him", it's His Logos. The Father is not the Son.

I concur.

Yes, and the grammar indicates a better translation would be something like "Before there was any beginning...".

I'll buy that.

The beginning of the created heaven/s and the cosmos, into which uncreated Logos proceeded forth as the uncreated Son, begotten of the Father from uncreated timelessness into all created time.

Some substantiating scripture would be nice.


Well-known member
It profits nothing to change the subject in any discussion. I am not looking down on you with a disapproving demeanor at all.

Instead, I am amazed that a smart guy like you continues to insist that at one point the Lord Jesus only had one nature and then when He acquired another nature later He remained the same and did not change.

Have you considered the character: Mr. Magoo?

I LOVE Mr. Magoo!

According to your view the Lord Jesus with one nature is the same exact Jesus Christ with two natures.

He even had a human mind and a human soul, this God-man we know as Christ,
and it was one Person who POSSESSED both natures...
Unconfused and unmixed those two natures...
Both under the aegis of the one Person...

And it was for this reason:

Christ was re-creating a new creation by taking on the old creation,
fallen Adamic man, within Himself,
and living as man while remaining unchanged as God,
and in this He reformed human nature in His Own Body...

Had He become human as God,
He would NOT have given to us what we need,
because we are NOT God...
So He did it as Man,
by condescension,
by the Divine self-denial we know by the term kenosis,
where He did not walk as if He were God
Who KNEW Who He IS...
but as man upon earth...

The Person...
The Hypostasis...
Whom the Logos IS...
did this...

For us...

As is His Virgin Birth...
As is His Faith given to us...
As is His Body and Blood of the New Covenant...

More real than this passing scene before us...

I have heard some strange things on this forum and that has to be the strangest of them all.

Stay tuned, Jer'...

We are just warming up!



Well-known member
I think by "know" you are using it in the sense of experiencing. This I could agree with but the intellect is there conditioning what is and is not of God.

The intellect is the guard dog, not the discerner...

To KNOW God IS Life Eternal...

It means oneness in, and union with, God...

In Orthodox anthropology, what is the heart/the function of the heart?

It is the core of the person, beneath his ousia, and the nous is its eye, discerning identities... But in fallen man, the nous is scattered into the head, and it is the descent of the nous into the heart that is the object of discipleship... And this is done by God, in a purified heart, made pure by obedience within the discipleship of the Body of our Lord.

Okay, I understand your "except by condescension"--this is a concept in both RCC and Reformed theology ("analogy" and "accommodation" respectively) but I would say if it's good enough for God, it's good enough for us! At least as a point of departure.

Then let us depart in Peace...

Yes, because God is presented to us as a thinking and willing and loving thing--activities in the domain of a (disembodied) "psyche".

He is all these and the Creator of them, but DIS-embodied? Wopuld you settle for NON-embodied, except in the Incarnation?

No models at all? "The Trinity is like..."

Only by what is revealed, and these not for establishing a (philosophical) basis for further development and elucidation, but as a praxeological basis for union...

Then STOP being funny!

Easier commanded than obeyed...

Because it's the least we can say about the Trinity without saying nothing at all.

We can say what has been revealed BY God, but not so in order to establish some metaphysical principles of fallen human understanding...

And no, no, yes--amazing! Hopefully can do it when I do the Greece/Turkey/Istanbul/Black Sea/Jerusalem/Egypt circuit some day (when things calm down over there).

sigh... metoo... someday...

I think PPS already pointed this out--this is a conflation of prosopon and hypostasis/ousia which sort of defeats the purpose of making distinctions in the first place.

Seeing prosopon as Essence with Moses meet with God?

A couple of places--here's one:

29 And I will not hide my face anymore from them, when I pour out my Spirit upon the house of Israel, declares the Lord God.” (Eze 39)​

That would seem to mean that BY MEANS OF the pouring out of the Holy Spirit upon the House of Israel, the Lord God [the pre-Incarnate Christ] will be REVEALING His Face... eg It doesn't seem to mean the Holy Spirit or the Father has a face we can know...

See above on the face as essence. The Church Fathers are rolling over in their graves that all their hard work was for naught! ;)

It is Essence referring to God qua God on the Mount with Moses... That is from the Fathers...

We do seem to have some terminology issues...

ousia, prosopon, physis, hypostasis, for instance...

Wealth, Face, Nature, Person...

What Greek word are we going to translate by the English term ESSENCE ??

Aristotle defined, nay termed essence as "to ti estan einai".

Literally: "The what it was being to be..."

The terms are often used variously according to which Greek is using them and when...

Even with the same guy in the same paper...

So Schnartz can be elusive to know here...


Who doesn't know Schnartz...

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
He even had a human mind and a human soul, this God-man we know as Christ,
and it was one Person who POSSESSED both natures...
Unconfused and unmixed those two natures...
Both under the aegis of the one Person...

The question is whether the Lord Jesus had only one nature originally and then later He acquired another one.

If that happened then it is obvious that the Lord Jesus underwent a change.

Or are you willing to argue that He did not change even though He went from having only one nature to having two?

That is the question!


TOL Subscriber
Kinda but actually......

I was attempting to say what I've gleaned from pps' explanations so far.

So far I see no explanation for God to have had time to have had any noumenal thoughts.

If time were required for thought (and noumenality is not merely thought, but an intuitive contemplation, apprehension, and comprehension, etc.), there would be no timeless God and no creation.

I've thought all along that you might understand some of what I've said for months. Apparently, that's not so.