ECT Our triune God


Well-known member
You are misunderstanding.
God IS Spirit.
Holy (hagios) is "set apart".

This is the second or third time I have seen you offer this "set apart" business, and whereas it is indeed true enough, you Wascally Wabbit, you have BROKEN your own methodology in this truly Patristic definition, because you have abandoned your Zodhiatesiatical* root-derivative methodology of definition and gone Patristic on me...

So let's see some consistency here, and see how it is that you come up with "set apart" from the roots of the Greek [and Arabic, for that matter] word hagios [haj]...



Really fast- three times!


TOL Subscriber
This is the second or third time I have seen you offer this "set apart" business, and whereas it is indeed true enough, you Wascally Wabbit, you have BROKEN your own methodology in this truly Patristic definition, because you have abandoned your Zodhiatesiatical* root-derivative methodology of definition and gone Patristic on me...

So let's see some consistency here, and see how it is that you come up with "set apart" from the roots of the Greek [and Arabic, for that matter] word hagios [haj]...



Really fast- three times!

Ummm... Here is verbatim lexicography from Zodhiates.

Hagios; holy, set apart, sanctified, consecrated. It has a common root, hag-, with hagnos; chaste, pure. Its fundamental ideas are separation, consecration, devotion to God, and sharing in God's purity and abstaining from earth's defilement.

Contrast to hieros, hagios has moral significance while hieros has only ritual significance.

God set apart His uncreated noumenon as Spirit (into creation, which He spoke and breathed into created phenomenal existence from it having been merely noumenon in His eternal mind) from His uncreated phenomenon as Spirit, as the means by which we are made/kept pure in sanctification and consecration.

That Holy Spirit is the perichoretic for the eternal Logos as the eternally begotten Son in the created heaven (and to have been Incarnate in the created cosmos); and the Holy Spirit is also the perichoretic for all who are hypostatically translated into Christ by the hypostasis of their faith which came from hearing the Rhema as the resulting flow of God's pre-creational hypostasis, by which they are born from above.

The Son would have been Incarnate regardless of onsetting Edenic spiritual death/sin/physical death. The last Adam quickening spirit would have come even if the first man Adam living soul had not fallen.

The omni-versity of contingent potentialities for creation is within God's eternal immutable mind, not string theory within creation for multi-verse theory and alleged quantum disciplines of physics and mechanics, etc.

There is one creation scroll, and it is according to God's Logos. I've been translated into that Logos to commune with Him from time into timelessness "before" creation.... because there is no "before" for God... even "after" He created... because there is no time-based "after" for the timeless God.
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Well-known member
And His eternal immutable counsel was to create.

His immutable nous (mind) and thelema (will) are "faculties" of His immutable physis (nature) of His immutable ousia (essence/being); all underlied by His hypostasis (substance) and outwardly presented by His transcendent prosopon. The latter as the "face" that no man can look upon and live; and the in-shining of His apparent transcendence into immanence as the unapproachable light in which He dwells.

This is one of the things that the Holy Fathers warn against...


IF you abstract from your definitive/descriptive of God everything that is divine, you have a rather banal image of fallen man...

And the Fathers warn us not to create God in man's image...

Where both God and man each have a mind and a will which are faculties of the nature of their being [or essence - You still have not defined ousia, despite my most fervent entreaties on behalf of definitionalism]... And the nature of both their faculty possessing beings has both internal and external awareness and manifestation, which we may call phenomenae...

All building one's understanding of God on the human model...

Not even on the divine hyper-steroids you propose will you succeed in this venture of ascribing God's nature...

But only by revelation to all...

Or to Moses...

Or to David...

But not to Harry and Maude, OK?

Get it?

Got it?




TOL Subscriber
This is one of the things that the Holy Fathers warn against...

They should have warned themselves and each other of their own omissions rather than focusing on others' similar exclusions in Ecumenical Councils.


IF you abstract from your definitive/descriptive of God everything that is divine, you have a rather banal image of fallen man...

We are not inherently divine, nor can we become divine. Divinization is partaking of God's divine nature, not having our own intrinsic divine nature. We are not "divinity and dust", though Theanthropos was and is in whatever glorified everlasting manner.

And the Fathers warn us not to create God in man's image...

Then they shouldn't have done so and then multiplied by three. I don't. I refuse to even acquiesce to the created term "person", so I'm last on the list for anthropomorphizing God.

He is "other" and "beyond", though He is "personAL" in every sense we could imagine or comprehend. He is empassioned and many other incommunicable and communicable things that we can understand in varying degrees according to revelation by certain means.

The plurality is multi-phenomenal and vertical, not multi-hypostatic and horizontal. God is not three Gorilla-glued conjoined triplets as one being. The one true God is the Father; and He is eternal Self-Noumenal and Self-Phenomenal Spirit with Logos.

Whether you ever realize it or not, mine is by far the simplest hermeneutic and apologetic, making it the superior formulaic beyond just the fact that it reconciles all Theology Proper errors (including the subtle omissions of the Patristics, whom I uphold and admire for their foundational, but ultimately incomplete, work as a labor of love, inspiration, and majority of truth).

Where both God and man each have a mind and a will which are faculties of the nature of their being [or essence - You still have not defined ousia, despite my most fervent entreaties on behalf of definitionalism]...

Both. The wealth (essence) inheres the sub-standing to that which it underlies as existence (being).No false dichotomies.

And the nature of both their faculty possessing beings has both internal and external awareness and manifestation, which we may call phenomenae...

Yes, and God is Self-Noumenon and Self-Phenomenon. (Opera ad intra would be the Self-Consciousness, if there is any employment of such a term). The interperpetuity of Self-Consciousness and Self-Existence being immutable, eternal, infinite, immaterial, and all else of His innate incommunicable attributes.

He is I. He is Am. He is I Am. (And those are apophatic statements in Orthodox fashion.)

All building one's understanding of God on the human model...

No. All building one's understanding of God on theosis, noesis, and constant revelation by the Spirit through lexicography of inspired scripture.

The Orthodox Trinity is merely a triplicate projection of humanity, proven most sadly by making God's Spirit into a distinct hypostasis from Himself as the Father who is the one true God.

Not even on the divine hyper-steroids you propose will you succeed in this venture of ascribing God's nature...

All other theologians have beat me to it; ascribing God's nature in every way imaginable. Including the Orthodox. This is empty criticism.

But only by revelation to all...

God has not revealed Himself as multi-hypostatic and uni-phenomenal. Man subtly flipped that script long ago through intellect over intuition. Gnosis over oida. And it puffed up to what it is now, running around insisting everyone else is puffed up.

Or to Moses...

Or to David...

Pre-Incarnation. No prosopon of Christ. No hypostatic translation for man into Christ. They received not the promise.

But not to Harry and Maude, OK?

I'm not Harry or Maude, or my own earthly given name in this corrupt society and beast system. I have a new name... in a white stone (of acquittal).

Get it?

Got it?



Yes, it's good that I get it and have got it. Faith... by which I have access into the grace in which I stand.

Foreknown. Predestinated. NOW.

Translated. Partaking. NOW.

...and ever more.

Because.................... JESUS. The eternally begotten of the Father. Ho Huios. There is no other. But I'm adopted.


Literal lunatic
Setting aside for the moment the matter of God's eventual mailing address (a discussion I'm having on another thread at this juncture as fate would have it), You seem to suggest that what contemporary Christianity might refer to as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are different aspects of the same uncreated being as opposed to the notion they are three separate entities one or two of which may or may not have been a part of God's creation. I think this whole argument misses a more important point but it points to it. Given that Angels by birthright, and men by adoption, have been offered membership in the family called “Elohim” to what extent do we/they share the singular hypostasis you describe?

Fair question.

However one that cannot be answered without dropping the trinity doctrine.

Adoption dudn't cut the mustard.


Literal lunatic
I'm not Harry or Maude, or my own earthly given name in this corrupt society and beast system. I have a new name... in a white stone (of acquittal).

Aquittal has nothing to do with the new name.

We receive the hidden manna and the new name after the Son delivers up the kingdom to His Father.

It is given to those who overcome.

Revelation 2:17 KJV

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written , which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly ; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known .

1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV

24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

We overcome because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

1 John 4:4 KJV

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.


TOL Subscriber
Aquittal has nothing to do with the new name.

The white stone is typological for acquittal. It's a historical metaphor. Believe it or don't.

We await the final manifestation of our new onoma.

We receive the hidden manna and the new name after the Son delivers up the kingdom to His Father.

It is given to those who overcome.

Revelation 2:17 KJV

17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written , which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.

1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly ; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known .

1 Corinthians 15:24 KJV

24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

We overcome because greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.

1 John 4:4 KJV

4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.



New member
I'm not challenging your assent or embrace and partial understanding of God's immutability; only the depth, breadth, and height of such.

Challenge it then! With demonstration rather than assertion. My point in inquiring was in part to understand if God's Logos and Pneuma would be unprocessed in the absence of creation (which you have subsequently affirmed) which I take to infer mutability. Something in God was not "realized" until creation and so went from potentiality to actuality.

God (AS Spirit) and His Word (Logos). The Father is the one true God, as is His Logos.

And His eternal immutable counsel was to create.

So God *had* no Spirit--simply was spirit--until creation, correct?

Right. His immutable nous (mind) and thelema (will) are "faculties" of His immutable physis (nature) of His immutable ousia (essence/being); all underlied by His hypostasis (substance) and outwardly presented by His transcendent prosopon. The latter as the "face" that no man can look upon and live; and the in-shining of His apparent transcendence into immanence as the unapproachable light in which He dwells.
That's more than I was looking to confirm or that I'd say but I agree it is God's nature to create or generate.

God alone is uncreated phenomenon (including His Logos and His inherent eternality as Self-Phenomenal and Self-Noumenal Spirit).

All else is created phenomena, carried forth and upheld by the Rhema of His dunamis.

...Because God's inherent uncreated Self-Noumenon and Self-Phenomenon as His eternal immutable Self-Conscious Self-Existence is the only uncreated phenomenon, and is innately ontologically incompatible with created non-divine phenomena. His Logos proceeded forth to "format" His uncreated phenomenality for condescended compatibility with created phenomenality, while He immutably also remains transcendent to immanent creation.

The Holy Spirit is the perichoretic for the inherently and eternally phenomenological and noumenological Logos, proceeded forth as the eternally begotten Son; and is also the perichoretic for us to be hypostatically united with Christ by faith.

The Son is the eternal uncreated Logos rising forth from uncreated phenomenon into created phenomena, when/as God instantiates invisible and visible creation into existence. Same hypostasis, different phenomena. Creation is noumenological potentiality that is given phenomenal actuality when uttered and breathed forth.

God, as Self-Noumenal and Self-Phenomenal Spirit, set apart the noumenon of Himself as Spirit into creation from His phenomenal uncreated Spirit; pierced and divided asunder (merismos is NOT separation, but is partitioning and distribution [from uncreated phenomenon into created phenomenon]) by His Logos.

The question was "How does created eternity lead to the conclusion there is multi-phenomenality rather than multi-hypostaticism?" and perhaps could have been phrased better: How does created eternity preclude multi-hypostaticism?

A second question from your explanation above: Was the Logos hypostatized at creation and, if not, what is the foundation of Christ's subsistence in the Incarnation?


New member
You are misunderstanding. God IS Spirit. Holy (hagios) is "set apart". God set apart the Self-Noumenon from His Self-Phenomenon as Spirit from Himself into creation. His inherent uncreated phenomenon isn't ontologically compatible with the properties and constraints of created phenomenon, so He externalized His Spirit in such a manner to be perichoretically joined with His Son as the processed Logos; and also as the perichoretic for those regenerated into His image by being hypostatically translated into Christ by faith for redemption, sanctification, and salvation.

I, for one, could use a disambiguation for noumenon, phenomenon, Self-noumenon, and Self-phenomenon. Is that somewhere in this thread that you could point me to?


New member
PPS, have you read Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ? I ask because you are one of few I have seen to use the terms miahypostatic (or monohypostatic) and dyohypostatic which--as far as I know--are Lienhard distinctives. I've read his Contra Marcellum: Marcellus of Ancyra and Fourth-Century Theology.

How does this snippet (from a separate paper but it's from the book) work for you?

Marcellus of Ancyra held a distinctive form of the miahypostatic theology, and several points distinguish his thought from the general outline just sketched. He propounded a radical monotheism. God is one ousia, one hypostasis, and one prosôpon. Ousia and hypostasis mean "being" or "existent." Prosôpon means "source of action," and especially of rational discourse. The term that Marcellus preferred for God was the third, prosôpon. God had to be one prosôpon, because Marcellus could not conceive of two "I"s in the Godhead; hypostasis means the reality behind the prosôpon.

The Word, as God's dynamis or power, is eternal; when God speaks, then His Word became an active power. The only title that is proper to the Preincarnate is "Word"; all other titles are titles of the incarnate Christ. The Word "goes forth" from the Father;​

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Was the Logos hypostatized at creation and, if not, what is the foundation of Christ's subsistence in the Incarnation?

What most people fail to realize is the fact that the Lord Jesus existed as "man" before He was born of Marÿ. Most people just assume that flesh and blood is essential to being a human.

The Lord said:

"What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?" (Jn.6:62).​

He ascended into heaven and therefore He was there as "Man" before that. That same idea is stated again by Him:

"And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven" (Jn.3:13).

Here the Lord Jesus explicitly used the terms "man" and "Son of man" to inform us that it was as Man that He came down from heaven. Therefore, He id not begin to be a man at the birth of Mary but instead He has always been Man and God:

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" (Heb.13:8).​

With that verse in view it is impossible to entertain the thought that at one point He was not Man but later He became Man.


TOL Subscriber
Challenge it then! With demonstration rather than assertion.

I have. You just don't recognize it, presuming automatically that "Logos" is merely titular for an individuated hypostasis of three; and not knowing the distinction between phenomenon and noumenon and the uncreated versus created of each. It's never been historically broached, which is the omission that left us with endless variants of Theology Proper.

God's eternal Logos is His literal Logos; and like Him as Spirit, is both uncreated eternal phenomenon and noumenon.

And let me say that in no way am I being adversarial or condescending. My style is often misinterpreted as such. I'm actually very touched by your obvious maturity and humility in conversation.

My point in inquiring was in part to understand if God's Logos and Pneuma would be unprocessed in the absence of creation (which you have subsequently affirmed) which I take to infer mutability.

And mistakenly so in that inference. The Logos is both eternally noumenal and phenomenal. The procession is merely ecomony by the energies of essence as action. Noumenologically, the Logos is eternally the Son.

What I'm depicting, and isn't recognized, is the precise "how" for the Son's eternal begottenness. And the same is true for the eternal (NON-Filioque) procession of the Spirit.

Something in God

The Logos isn't something "in" God. It's His Logos.

was not "realized" until creation and so went from potentiality to actuality.

No. The Logos is not noumenon alone (like creation), but is uncreated phenomenon inseparable in any manner from God's Self-Conscious Self-Existence. The Logos is eternal actuality. Potentiality is pre-utterance creation as noumenon only.

So God *had* no Spirit--simply was spirit--until creation, correct?

No. God IS Spirit, means God HAS a Spirit, if it's even possible to express the distinction. God's Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the setting apart of the uncreated eternal noumenon of Himself as Spirit from the uncreated eternal phenomenon of Himself as Spirit; and this was done by His Logos piercing and dividing asunder (merismos - which is NOT separartion, but partitioning for distribution) His Spirit out from Himself (His "Soul") as Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is not QUANTITATIVELY individuated multi-hypostatically but is QUALITATIVELY individuated multi-phenomenally.

That's more than I was looking to confirm or that I'd say but I agree it is God's nature to create or generate.

The depth, breadth, and height is important, but yes it's very simply His nature to generate, spirate, and create. Otherwise, He is not immutable.

The question was "How does created eternity lead to the conclusion there is multi-phenomenality rather than multi-hypostaticism?" and perhaps could have been phrased better: How does created eternity preclude multi-hypostaticism?

This truth comes from understanding uncreated and created phenomenon; and from the appropriate understanding of the applied definitions of Rhema and Logos.

There is no means of a multi-hypostatic God inhabiting created heaven. This takes copious expression online, when it can be illustrated fairly expediently on a white board in relatively short order.

In question form, it answers "How did an uncreated God create heaven and then occupy it?" "How does the uncreated get IN creation?"

It turns into a teaching series, and is difficult to present in this venue. Most learners are greatly assisted by visual illustration.

A second question from your explanation above: Was the Logos hypostatized at creation and, if not, what is the foundation of Christ's subsistence in the Incarnation?

If you mean "Was Christ hypostasized in flesh at creation?", no. The foundation of the Son, whether post-procession/pre-Incarnation or post-Incarnation, is the singular hypostasis that is the processed uncreated Logos as the uncreated Son in created phenomenon.

Eternally, the noumenal Logos is the Son. This is the eternal begottenness of the Son instead of just declaring it so and then declaring mystery.

Again, this is an extended teaching with illustrations and live interaction that is not translated well into words alone without volumes of expression subject to extreme caricature.

It is, after all, the revealed mystery of God's innate eternal uncreated constitution, coupled with the minutiae of ontological Christology and Pneumatology, along with Cosmogony. Not easily distilled to forum-friendly posting constraints.
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TOL Subscriber
I, for one, could use a disambiguation for noumenon, phenomenon, Self-noumenon, and Self-phenomenon. Is that somewhere in this thread that you could point me to?

I'll find it and link it; or I'll respond again live with content if necessary.

This is the necessary core discussion for understanding.
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TOL Subscriber
PPS, have you read Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ?

No. Glad you know to ask, though. Refreshing. :)

I ask because you are one of few I have seen to use the terms miahypostatic (or monohypostatic) and dyohypostatic which--as far as I know--are Lienhard distinctives. I've read his Contra Marcellum: Marcellus of Ancyra and Fourth-Century Theology.

My brief toying with prefixes was original, looking for the most accurate representation possible. After contrasting Mia- and Dyo- for a time, I moved to contrasting Mono- and Multi-; ultimately settling on contrasting Uni- to Multi-.

I am a Uni-Hypostatic Multi-Phenomenal Trinitarian, contrasted with the fallacious O/orthodox proliferation of differing forms of Multi-Hypostatic Uni-Phenomenal Trintiarianism.

The plurality of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is that they're phenomenally distinct, not hypostatically distinct. That points to the need to examine phenomenality, which virtually no one has historically considered or undertaken. Hence all the confusion and compensation, and declared "mystery" when musterion is mystery revealed, not concealed (to those of faith with spiritual eyes).

How does this snippet (from a separate paper but it's from the book) work for you?

Marcellus of Ancyra held a distinctive form of the miahypostatic theology, and several points distinguish his thought from the general outline just sketched. He propounded a radical monotheism. God is one ousia, one hypostasis, and one prosôpon. Ousia and hypostasis mean "being" or "existent." Prosôpon means "source of action," and especially of rational discourse. The term that Marcellus preferred for God was the third, prosôpon. God had to be one prosôpon, because Marcellus could not conceive of two "I"s in the Godhead; hypostasis means the reality behind the prosôpon.

The Word, as God's dynamis or power, is eternal; when God speaks, then His Word became an active power. The only title that is proper to the Preincarnate is "Word"; all other titles are titles of the incarnate Christ. The Word "goes forth" from the Father;​

Appalling. Utterly and completely appalling. I'm familiar with Marcellus' view. It's all still uni-phenomenal.

But he was attempting to find and represent multi-phenomenality in some manner. Everyone was... and is... and hasn't... and can't. :)
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TOL Subscriber
The Son has always existed and the idea that He was somehow begotten makes no sense.

Nobody has said the Son has not always existed, even though "always" is a time term and the eternal Son is timeless.

As a reminder... You are one of a handful of narcissistic bloviational rank heretics on TOL that I don't interact with. Just so you know, when I don't discuss content with you; even when you quote me to initiate conversation.

But have a great week. Others may want to interact with your vociferous and egregious misconceptualizations instead of exegetical and lexical truth.
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Nobody has said the Son has not always existed, even though "always" is a time term and the eternal Son is timeless.

What meaning to you put on the words "eternal begottenness" as you use them here:

What I'm depicting, and isn't recognized, is the precise "how" for the Son's eternal begottenness.

You also said:

As a reminder... You are one of a handful of narcissistic bloviational rank heretics on TOL that I don't interact with. Just so you know, when I don't discuss content with you; even when you quote me to initiate conversation.

So far you have never proved that anything that I have ever said is heretical. When you were unable to answer what I said about the Lord Jesus being a " Man" before He came to earth you began to attempt to assassinate my character.

But have a great week. Others may want to interact with your vociferous and egregious misconceptualizations instead of exegetical and lexical truth.

Of course you do not want to try to prove that I am wrong because you have already found out that you are unable to do that.


Well-known member
Fair question.

However one that cannot be answered without dropping the trinity doctrine.

Adoption dudn't cut the mustard.

Unless you expanded your definition of what it means to be "Elohim" to include ... well ... all those included by God's Word. So, I guess the question is, just exactly who is adopting us and what are be being adopted into?