ECT Our triune God

God's Truth

New member
You do not understand salvation.

You seem to conveniently forget what you have said.


Nonsense. You have told me that I am not saved and I had not ever said that to you. However, you have so judged yourself as not being saved because I have been saved by Jesus Christ himself. Be more careful how you judge. The only thing I can say to you now is repent.


Well-known member
You somehow think Christ Himself taught His Disciples a Trinity doctrine that was formulated over a long period of time through generations of Patristics far removed from the era of Christ.

Most doctrinal formulaics are brought forth to counter heresy, and not to "proclaim the Truth"... The fact of their truth is EMBEDDED in the PRAXIS of the Faith...

It is you who promote a Christ Failed Doctrine. Christ never taught the Trinity. It had to be assembled through quite a convoluted process.

The Christian praxis is suffering in Love... Within the Body of Christ... After being foreknown and called by God... And then Baptized into Christ... The Trinitarian understanding is embedded in this Love... It is not logically sorted out and arrayed in $25 words so as to have no contradictions, even if nobody knows the words... It is a Mystery entered, and not a Puzzle solved according to fallen human rationality...

God, His Word, and His Wisdom and three aspects/forms/modes far preceeded Tertullian's Latin innovation of persona/e.

English uses Person... Greek uses Hypostasis... IF you understand Hypostasis to have the same referent as Person, which being hypostatic is inherently graspable to ANY 9 year old, there is no problem... I have never read Tertullian...

You should attempt to at least understand what I'm saying, and you SHOULD be thankful someone has spent nearly two decades standing against incompleteness, and reconciling the few errors of Orthodoxy to establish the true transcendent eternal God and His creation of sempiternity rather than combining those and never recognizing the truth that God is Uni-Hypostatic and Multi-Phenomenal rather than Multi-Hypostatic and Uni-Phenomenal.

I thank God for you, and utterly appreciate your efforts... And give the old man some time, for I still try to grasp your thrust here, and think I am getting closer... I am translating technical words into those of a 9 year old, you see...

The concept you do not yet have is inter-hypostatic spiritual inter-penetration... It is the basis of our Marriage with the Lamb in one another and in Christ... It is the basis of union in multiplicity... And on the left-hand path, it is the basis for witch-craft when demonically directed... It proceeds from but does not explain the interpenetration of the three Hypostases that God IS...

The Mystery is ENTERED,my Brother... It is not logically formatted... There is no Salvation in ratiocination of doctrines... There never has been... Kant and Schopenhauer and Hegel and all the rest of the systematizers to the contrary notwithstanding... Germans! German Rationalism is a plague I say!

DEATH to the world!

WITHIN yourself...

Now THERE's a thought!



Well-known member
Don't you want God's Truth over some denomination's truth?

Every time...

Would you give up all the pomp for God's Truth?

Every glitter of it...

All that stuff is but, at its best, a reflection of God's Truth...

God's Truth is the Person of Jesus Christ...

This is how He showed us to worship Him...

We love Him and His House of worship...

Christ drove the money changers from it...

It is an unworldly enterprise in the world...

"Thou hast prepared a table before me...
In the presence of them that afflict me..."

A place of refuge in the world...
A place of refuge from the world...

A place where God matters...
A place where the world fades...

We build such places...


God's Truth

New member
Every time...

Every glitter of it...

All that stuff is but, at its best, a reflection of God's Truth...

God's Truth is the Person of Jesus Christ...

This is how He showed us to worship Him...

We love Him and His House of worship...

Christ drove the money changers from it...

It is an unworldly enterprise in the world...

"Thou hast prepared a table before me...
In the presence of them that afflict me..."

A place of refuge in the world...
A place of refuge from the world...

A place where God matters...
A place where the world fades...

We build such places...


You have for yourself a denomination that is apostate from Christ.

You call your brothers in Christ 'father'.

You make Mary co Mediator.

You bow to and pray to relics.

There are many other things that your denomination does that it should not do.

God's Truth

New member
Most doctrinal formulaics are brought forth to counter heresy, and not to "proclaim the Truth"... The fact of their truth is EMBEDDED in the PRAXIS of the Faith...

The Christian praxis is suffering in Love... Within the Body of Christ... After being foreknown and called by God... And then Baptized into Christ... The Trinitarian understanding is embedded in this Love... It is not logically sorted out and arrayed in $25 words so as to have no contradictions, even if nobody knows the words... It is a Mystery entered, and not a Puzzle solved according to fallen human rationality...

English uses Person... Greek uses Hypostasis... IF you understand Hypostasis to have the same referent as Person, which being hypostatic is inherently graspable to ANY 9 year old, there is no problem... I have never read Tertullian...

I thank God for you, and utterly appreciate your efforts... And give the old man some time, for I still try to grasp your thrust here, and think I am getting closer... I am translating technical words into those of a 9 year old, you see...

The concept you do not yet have is inter-hypostatic spiritual inter-penetration... It is the basis of our Marriage with the Lamb in one another and in Christ... It is the basis of union in multiplicity... And on the left-hand path, it is the basis for witch-craft when demonically directed... It proceeds from but does not explain the interpenetration of the three Hypostases that God IS...

The Mystery is ENTERED,my Brother... It is not logically formatted... There is no Salvation in ratiocination of doctrines... There never has been... Kant and Schopenhauer and Hegel and all the rest of the systematizers to the contrary notwithstanding... Germans! German Rationalism is a plague I say!

DEATH to the world!

WITHIN yourself...

Now THERE's a thought!


I had an English teacher once tell the class that if the words they use are not understood by those to whom you are speaking, then you have failed.

PneumaPsucheSoma is showing off and God's Truth is hidden from such.

Luke 10:21 At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.


Well-known member
You have for yourself a denomination that is apostate from Christ.

You call your brothers in Christ 'father'.

You make Mary co Mediator.

You bow to and pray to relics.

There are many other things that your denomination does that it should not do.

We suffer in Joy...

How about you?


God's Truth

New member
You have for yourself a denomination that is apostate from Christ.

You call your brothers in Christ 'father'.

You make Mary co Mediator.

You bow to and pray to relics.

There are many other things that your denomination does that it should not do.

These things might seem little and insignificant, but it matters. It is the difference between life and death.

Jesus is the Truth.

Jesus says that tradition keeps man from God’s truth: Matthew 15:6-9 Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’”

Mark 7:8-9, 13 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” And he said to them: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! 13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”


Literal lunatic
Jesus never had any glory and power before He was born.

Jesus rose to Glory and Power.

Jesus laid down His right to reign in the flesh, after He had laid down all that was in man before Him.

Who do you think is speaking here?

John 17:5 KJV

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was .


The events of Jesus life are all shown in the OT and Jesus did not even hear Gods voice until about 6 years or so old, perhaps longer.

Jesus is the word made flesh and if you can not find Him in the word then it is not true.


Better take yer own advice here.

Learn how to find him in the word.


So should we all thank God for sending you and PPS this day to corerct what Christ Himself FAILED to teach His Own Disciples, and which they were UNABLE even with His Presence among them to retain and disciple in their wake? For 2000 years... Until YOU and PPS???


Christ did not fail...
Thou ******* lying SOB. There is an emeriging debate over what the Messiah Jesus taught his disciples, and it is related to the greek. Why would there even be an inferior trinity god?

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Well-known member
Thou ******* lying SOB.


BY the Resurrection of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ...

Sorry you had your little spit-up there...

Nasty little thaangs, yes?

Did you git any of it on you?

Blotters sometimes help...

Can I help you clean it up?

I mean, Why EEE Uck!



Well-known member
These things might seem little and insignificant, but it matters. It is the difference between life and death.

IF they are discipled as the Latin Church discipled them, they are indeed as you say, a death sentence... And this because they CAN be understood as a system of magic, where powers reside in objects, and attendance at services "counts" toward one's Salvation, and on and on...

Properly understood, they are but reverence for God in the Church...

Jesus is the Truth.

Indeed so...

Jesus says that tradition keeps man from God’s truth: Matthew 15:6-9 Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: “‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’”

Isaiah prophesied about the Jews who would crucify Christ... And Christ gave them the same criticism... And it helped them NOT...

But the Body of Christ Who is Her Head is not human tradition, even though human traditions can be found in Her... Christ discipled His disciples to disciple all the Nations, teaching them to meticulously obey ALL that Christ had COMMANDED them to be DOING, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit... So THESE, you see, are NOT human traditions, but HOLY TRADITION, and you will find them consistently observed in all the Apostolic Churches, although less so now in the Latin Church from which you emerged...

But there IS a WAR against the Body of Christ, the Church... And most folks who claim Christianity are doing their best to hold fast the traditions handed down to them, by word or by epistle, as the Apostle writes... And the illegitimate spawn of the Apostate Latin Church are awash in a lot of conflicting IDEAS...

Mark 7:8-9, 13 You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men.” And he said to them: “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! 13 Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

He was not speaking of His Apostles, but of the Jews who would kill Him... Paul later said SOME would rise up against the Ekklesia from within Her and would not spare the faithful... He NEVER said She would be overcome by them... The Gates of Hell shall never overcome Her... She is the Bride of Christ... He died for Her...



Well-known member
Lazy afternoon said:
Jesus never had any glory and power before He was born.

Who do you think is speaking here?

John 17:5 KJV

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was .

:up: :up: :up:

Unless, of course, LA is arguing that Christ was born before the world was...

Which of course He was...

But even so...


A. :)


Well-known member
Your "friendship" was pretty shallow.

You haven't and didn't. :(
Only if it was one-sided. Is it? It is as deep as you go with me, right?

I apologize I missed your apology. I didn't see that (still don't, post #?). I saw "go ahead and report."

As far as the other comments/corrections: Either you didn't hear me, either, or you chose to ridicule what is necessarily true. If you want to ask why it MUST be necessarily true, we might be able to talk about that one day.

As far as Nang (you brought up her comment several times), you were correct she was seeing something other than correction. At times, she understands disagreement as inappropriate, which is sad, because she corrects me and others often enough. Correction is nothing of the sort, and can be done in a kind-hearted fashion. Perhaps softening words are needed on my part, but I wasn't being mean. I was simply calling out what I saw as incorrect and in the former, inappropriate. I wonder if she exacerbated what might have been a minor exchange. For whatever part is my fault, I apologize and will endeavor to do better, because I do appreciate being your friend AND your erudite contributions to this and other threads. -Lon with my apologies.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Thou ******* lying SOB. There is an emeriging debate over what the Messiah Jesus taught his disciples, and it is related to the greek. Why would there even be an inferior trinity god?

Really? Is that necessary? Implied profanity.

Lazy afternoon

Nonsense. You have told me that I am not saved and I had not ever said that to you. However, you have so judged yourself as not being saved because I have been saved by Jesus Christ himself. Be more careful how you judge. The only thing I can say to you now is repent.

You can not remember what I have said in context, nor can you remember what you have said.

Use the quote button.


Lazy afternoon

Who do you think is speaking here?

John 17:5 KJV

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was .

Better take yer own advice here.

Learn how to find him in the word.

Jesus was not glorified with the Father before He was born.

The bible account is of how God raised up Jesus and Glorified Him.

as was promised before the foundation of the world

as He was slain before the foundation of the world.



Well-known member
Jesus was not glorified with the Father before He was born.

The bible account is of how God raised up Jesus and Glorified Him.

as was promised before the foundation of the world

as He was slain before the foundation of the world.


This isn't what this thread is about. ▲See▲ why you are on ignore? :rolleyes:
This thread is specifically for triune believers. No other need or should post here.
there are TONS of other threads already set aside for this.

Not your thread. This is a trolling comment, please use your own thread for this. It is against TOL rules to side-track a thread and/or troll-disrupt it.

If you must, go to one of over 100 threads started by arians/Unitarians on the topic (linked for your convenience - Proverbs 19:13).

Quit spamming my thread. This isn't a debate thread. You have nearly 100 threads debating the triune view. You don't need to usurp this one with longwinded drivel and this thread is not made for that. It is a reference thread for those who actually believe what their bibles say. If you want to be contentious, go find one of these. Thanks.

You guys have like 100 of them now, most of them you guys started. This one was supposed to be a shelter from that storm.

Please follow the links and spam those threads, not this one. Thank you.