OT Law Or New Testament Law-Not Both


“Here are they that keep the commandments of Yah and the faith OF Yahushua”

What does that faith look like Squeaky? Our fellow Brother says we are brothers because we OBEY...oh and HIM HIS WAY the Way found in the HIS NEW COVENANT HE SEALED AT HIS DEATH

And certainly NOT your way of your “do what thou whilst cuz you are convinced” master...

Does our fellow Brother’s faith include Sabbath keeping as according to His custom or not...because yours does NOT and you teach others to NOT copy Him...or even Paul who said he did and kept Sabbath too...

First European convert was a woman baptized on a Sabbath...James and Peter expected as much as both knew the Holy Spirit was given to gentiles who obeyed (NO DISTINCTION) and that they would keep crowding the synagogues to hear Moses preached and read in every city EVERY SABBATH...imagine that...reading OT in the NT age...LOL

I said
Nothing like what you say as a woman.


New member
I said
Nothing like what you say as a woman.

Did you read how much of the OT was brought into the NT...

Even the four requirements to the gentiles crowding into the synagogues to hear Moses read every Sabbath in every city as James expected would continue as winters did too...LOL

Well those four things were also first in the OT...and brought over by James and the approving Holy Spirit...

I can see why you are obsessed with whether or not I am a woman having destroyed your idea about nothing OT in the NT...

I could be a Holy Spirit filled donkey...with little tiny hooves to fit my keyboard...

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.


Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

I said

[Rom 13:10
[10] Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love [is] the fulfillment of the law.


New member
I said

[Rom 13:10
[10] Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love [is] the fulfillment of the law.

INDEED that is so true...

So which law is fulfilled...pagan law? Because pagans arent supposed to harm their neighbors too...or is it Muslim law? Cuz well muslims believe no harm to fellow believers too...does our love look like Muslim love?
Or Buddha...are we trying to please him? I mean Buddhists are loving too and very charitable...

Let’s pretend you arent a layabout LAYodicean and actually work days of the week...maybe even an employer with employees working for you...so would you work them 7 days a week? Or would you allow them a day off? How about saturday would you give them Saturday off? And Sundays the whole day so they can do power hour worship then run home to eat their Sunday Ham and watch the Telly their football games and such...

Oh yeah and if you invited your loved ones over would you offer them Swine to eat? You know does THAT fulfill the Law? Maybe you thought killing the Swine correctly and draining it of blood and NOT offering it to an idol would make the Swine CLEAN to eat for you and your friends you love...

I mean you do observe the 4 things from the OT that believing goyim were to do to hear Moses preached and read every Sabbath as James concluded they would...RIGHT?

Or what does your love look like? Does it look like the love He loved you with?...”as I have loved you”...


INDEED that is so true...

So which law is fulfilled...pagan law? Because pagans arent supposed to harm their neighbors too...or is it Muslim law? Cuz well muslims believe no harm to fellow believers too...does our love look like Muslim love?
Or Buddha...are we trying to please him? I mean Buddhists are loving too and very charitable...

Let’s pretend you arent a layabout LAYodicean and actually work days of the week...maybe even an employer with employees working for you...so would you work them 7 days a week? Or would you allow them a day off? How about saturday would you give them Saturday off? And Sundays the whole day so they can do power hour worship then run home to eat their Sunday Ham and watch the Telly their football games and such...

Oh yeah and if you invited your loved ones over would you offer them Swine to eat? You know does THAT fulfill the Law? Maybe you thought killing the Swine correctly and draining it of blood and NOT offering it to an idol would make the Swine CLEAN to eat for you and your friends you love...

I mean you do observe the 4 things from the OT that believing goyim were to do to hear Moses preached and read every Sabbath as James concluded they would...RIGHT?

Or what does your love look like? Does it look like the love He loved you with?...”as I have loved you”...

I said
lolol Blah blah blah.


You speaking tongues now too? That’s contagious I heard...

I said
lolol I am not allowed to help a deceiver. And you are a deceiver.

[Mat 7:6
[6] "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.


New member
I said
lolol I am not allowed to help a deceiver. And you are a deceiver.

[Mat 7:6
[6] "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

Being out dueled in sword fight is not the same as being trampled by swine...when your head clears of its milkshake sugar rush you might understand that...


New member
I said
lololol That is plain dumb.

Yeah...not my best...I was tired though...and not just of you yours...

But lets look at Matt 7:6 as it says don’t give what is holy to dogs...

Reminds me of what Peter brought into the New Testament Prov 26:11 “as a dog returns to his vomit so a fool returns to his folly”...

so vomit is NOT a food given to a dog but something that came out of the dog itself...like you your “rest every day, worship any day” theory despite the Sabbath day the only day made holy...you return to your vomit after being given the holy commandment...just like Peter said you would in his 2nd letter 2nd chapter verse 22.

Peter speaks of escaping the corruption of the world and then being entangled by it again and now worse off than before...Peter actually says it would have been better for you Squeaky NOT to have known the way of righteousness then to have known it and then turn your back on the SACRED COMMANDMENT that was given to you...but you return to your own vomit...

So before you knew Yahushua you did certain things that you dont do know knowing Him yes? I mean maybe you stole but now you dont...or did you turn back to stealing...maybe you murdered people but now hopefully in Christ and jail you dont anymore right? Or did you turn back to murdering...

Did you covet and give yourself to Him then go back to coveting?

How about adultery...were you an adulterous man but then came to know Him...but did you return to your former ways?

How about Sabbath...were you keeping the Sabbath and then came to know Him and then start your everyday any day rest day? Or go back to keeping Sabbaths...LOL now THAT sounds plain dumb too...

Of course you didn’t keep the seventh day Holy and then meet Him...

You don’t even do it AFTER meeting Him and promising to follow HIM loving HIM... but you heard about the Sabbath and then went back to your Saturday football and BBQ or whatever else you do on your weekends...

See? so you gave yourself to Him...heard about the holy commandment and went back to your own vomit...

Now THAT is plain dumb...

Holy Spirit is given to those who obey...to those with NO DISTINCTION between them...no distinction believing jews and believing goyim...but both now citizens of Israel...given that which is Holy..a seventh day of rest blessed sanctified and made Holy...

Don’t return to your own vomit Squeaky now that you have learned the way of righteousness...

Don’t turn your back on the Holy Commandment...

Or maybe you should NOT be given what is holy...

You old salty dog you...


Yeah...not my best...I was tired though...and not just of you yours...

But lets look at Matt 7:6 as it says don’t give what is holy to dogs...

Reminds me of what Peter brought into the New Testament Prov 26:11 “as a dog returns to his vomit so a fool returns to his folly”...

so vomit is NOT a food given to a dog but something that came out of the dog itself...like you your “rest every day, worship any day” theory despite the Sabbath day the only day made holy...you return to your vomit after being given the holy commandment...just like Peter said you would in his 2nd letter 2nd chapter verse 22.

Peter speaks of escaping the corruption of the world and then being entangled by it again and now worse off than before...Peter actually says it would have been better for you Squeaky NOT to have known the way of righteousness then to have known it and then turn your back on the SACRED COMMANDMENT that was given to you...but you return to your own vomit...

So before you knew Yahushua you did certain things that you dont do know knowing Him yes? I mean maybe you stole but now you dont...or did you turn back to stealing...maybe you murdered people but now hopefully in Christ and jail you dont anymore right? Or did you turn back to murdering...

Did you covet and give yourself to Him then go back to coveting?

How about adultery...were you an adulterous man but then came to know Him...but did you return to your former ways?

How about Sabbath...were you keeping the Sabbath and then came to know Him and then start your everyday any day rest day? Or go back to keeping Sabbaths...LOL now THAT sounds plain dumb too...

Of course you didn’t keep the seventh day Holy and then meet Him...

You don’t even do it AFTER meeting Him and promising to follow HIM loving HIM... but you heard about the Sabbath and then went back to your Saturday football and BBQ or whatever else you do on your weekends...

See? so you gave yourself to Him...heard about the holy commandment and went back to your own vomit...

Now THAT is plain dumb...

Holy Spirit is given to those who obey...to those with NO DISTINCTION between them...no distinction believing jews and believing goyim...but both now citizens of Israel...given that which is Holy..a seventh day of rest blessed sanctified and made Holy...

Don’t return to your own vomit Squeaky now that you have learned the way of righteousness...

Don’t turn your back on the Holy Commandment...

Or maybe you should NOT be given what is holy...

You old salty dog you...

I said
lolol You have returned.